In this case report a four-year-old girl with ulnar dimelia is described. She had six digits without mirror symmetry in her right hand. The first pre-axial digit was excised and true pollicisation performed for the second pre-axial digit. The arterial anatomy was abnormal but there was not symmetrical development of the arterial tree.
We report the survival, radiological and functional outcomes of a single surgeon series of his first 144 consecutive Birmingham hip resurfacing procedures (130 patients) at a minimum of ten years. There were ten revisions during this time. Although no patients were lost to follow-up some did not complete the scoring assessment or undergo radiological assessment at ten years. The ten-year survival for male patients was 98.0% (95% confidence interval 95.2 to 100). The ten-year survival for the total cohort with aseptic revision as the endpoint was 95.5% (95% confidence interval 91.8 to 99.0) and including revisions for sepsis was 93.5% (95% confidence interval 89.2 to 97.6). The median modified Oxford hip score at ten years was 4.2% (interquartile range 0 to 19) and the median University of California, Los Angeles score was 7.0 (interquartile range 5.0 to 8.0). This study confirms the midterm reports that metal-on-metal hip resurfacing using the Birmingham Hip provides a durable alternative to total hip replacement, particularly in younger male patients wishing to maintain a high level of function, with low risk of revision for at least ten years.
We describe a retrospective review of 38 cases of reconstruction following resection of the metaphysiodiaphysis of the lower limb for malignant bone tumours using free vascularised fibular grafts. The mean follow-up was for 7.6 years (0.4 to 18.4). The mean Musculoskeletal Tumor Society score was 27.2 (20 to 30). The score was significantly higher when the graft was carried out in a one-stage procedure after resection of the tumour rather than in two stages. Bony union was achieved in 89% of the cases. The overall mean time to union was 1.7 years (0.2 to 10.3). Free vascularised fibular transfer is a major operation with frequent, but preventable, complications which allows salvage of the limb with satisfactory functional results.
A pronation deformity of the forearm following an obstetric brachial plexus injury causes functional and cosmetic disability. We evaluated the results of pronator teres transfer to correct their deformity in 14 children treated over a period of four years. The mean age at surgery was 7.6 years (5 to 15). The indication for surgery in each case was impairment of active supination in a forearm that could be passively supinated provided that there was no medial contracture of the shoulder and normal function of the hand. The median follow-up was 20.4 months (8 to 42). No patient was lost to follow-up. Qualitative results were also assessed. The median active supination improved from 5° (0° to 10°) to 75° (70° to 80°) with no loss of pronation. A passively correctible pronation contracture can be corrected safely and effectively by the transfer of pronator teres.
We prospectively studied 26 consecutive patients with clinically documented sensory or motor deficiency of a peripheral nerve due to trauma or entrapment using ultrasound, and in 19 cases surgical exploration of the nerves was undertaken. The ultrasonographic diagnoses were correlated with neurological examination and the surgical findings. Reliable visualisation of injured nerves on ultrasonography was achieved in all patients. Axonal swelling and hypoechogenity of the nerve was diagnosed in 15 cases, loss of continuity of a nerve bundle in 17, the formation of a neuroma of a stump in six, and partial laceration of a nerve with loss of the normal fascicular pattern in five. The ultrasonographic findings were confirmed at operation in those who had surgery. Ultrasound may be used for the evaluation of peripheral nerve injuries in the upper limb. High-resolution ultrasound can show the exact location, extent and type of lesion, yielding important information that might not be obtainable by other diagnostic aids.
Restoration of hand function is rarely achieved after a complete closed traction lesion of the supraclavicular brachial plexus. We describe the injury, treatment, rehabilitation and long-term results of two patients who regained good function of the upper limb and useful function in the hand after such an injury. Successful repairs were performed within six days of injury. Tinel’s sign proved accurate in predicting the ruptures and the distribution of pain was accurate in predicting avulsion. The severe pain that began on the day of injury resolved with the onset of muscle function. Recovery of muscle function preceded recovery of sensation. Recovery of the function of C and Aδ fibres was the slowest of all.
The management of osteoarthritis of the knee associated with patellar instability secondary to external tibial torsion >
45° is challenging. Patellofemoral biomechanics in these patients cannot be achieved by intra-articular correction using standard techniques of total knee replacement. We reviewed seven patients (eight knees) with recurrent patellar dislocation and one with bilateral irreducible lateral dislocation who had undergone simultaneous total knee replacement and internal tibial derotational osteotomy. All had osteoarthritis and severe external tibial torsion. The mean follow-up was for 47.2 months (24 to 120). The mean objective and functional Knee Society scores improved significantly (p = 0.0001) from 29.7 and 41.5 pre-operatively to 71.4 and 73.5 post-operatively, respectively. In all patients the osteotomies healed and patellar stability was restored. Excessive external tibial torsion should be identified and corrected in patients with osteoarthritis and patellar instability. Simultaneous internal rotation osteotomy of the tibia and total knee replacement is a technically demanding but effective treatment for such patients.
The Morquio syndrome is a rare disorder which presents with a number of musculoskeletal problems. The literature describing total knee replacement in these patients is sparse. We describe the management of a patient with bilateral instability and pain in the knees using bilateral constrained knee replacements, and followed up for five years with pre- and postoperative knee scores. We highlight the difficulties encountered and discuss the end results.
We have tested the reliability of a recently reported classification system of hip morphology in adolescents with cerebral palsy in whom the triradiate cartilage was closed. The classification is a six-grade ordinal scale, based on the measurement of the migration percentage and an assessment of Shenton’s arch, deformity of the femoral head, acetabular deformity and pelvic obliquity. Four paediatric orthopaedic surgeons and four physiotherapists received training in the use of the classification which they applied to the assessment of 42 hip radiographs, read on two separate occasions. The inter- and intra-observer reliability was assessed using the intraclass correlation coefficient and found to be excellent, with it ranging from 0.88 to 0.94. The classification in our study was shown to be valid (based on migration percentage), and reliable. As a result we believe that it can now be used in studies describing the natural history of hip displacement in cerebral palsy, in outcome studies and in communication between clinicians.
A review of the current literature shows that there is a lack of consensus regarding the treatment of spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis in children and adolescents. Most of the views and recommendations provided in various reports are weakly supported by evidence. There is a limited amount of information about the natural history of the condition, making it difficult to compare the effectiveness of various conservative and operative treatments. This systematic review summarises the current knowledge on spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis and attempts to present a rational approach to the evaluation and management of this condition in children and adolescents.
In patients with severe quadriplegic cerebral palsy and painful hip dislocation proximal femoral resection arthroplasty can reduce pain, but the risk of heterotopic ossification is significant. We present a surgical technique of autologous capping of the femoral stump in order to reduce this risk, using the resected femoral head as the graft. A retrospective study of 31 patients (43 hips) who had undergone proximal femoral resection arthroplasty with (29 hips) and without autologous capping (14 hips) was undertaken. Heterotopic ossification was less frequent in patients with autologous capping, and a more predictable pattern of bony overgrowth was found. For a selected group of non-ambulatory patients with long-standing painful dislocation of the hip, we recommend femoral resection arthroplasty over more complicated reconstructive operations. The risk of heterotopic ossification, which is a major disadvantage of this operation, is reduced by autologous capping.
Whereas a general trend in the management of obstetric brachial plexus injuries has been nerve reconstruction in patients without spontaneous recovery of biceps function by three to six months of age, many recent studies suggest this may be unnecessary. In this study, the severity of glenohumeral dysplasia and shoulder function and strength in two groups of matched patients with a C5-6 lesion at a mean age of seven years (2.7 to 13.3) were investigated. One group (23 patients) underwent nerve reconstruction and secondary operations, and the other (52 patients) underwent only secondary operations for similar initial clinical presentations. In the patients with nerve reconstruction shoulder function did not improve and they developed more severe shoulder deformities (posterior subluxation, glenoid version and scapular elevation) and required a mean of 2.4 times as many operations as patients without nerve reconstruction. This study suggests that less invasive management, addressing the muscle and bone complications, is a more effective approach. Nerve reconstruction should be reserved for those less common cases where the C5 and C6 nerve roots will not recover.
We describe our early operative experience with a new pelvic reduction frame and the standard of reduction of fractures of the pelvic ring which we achieved in the first 35 consecutive patients, with 34 acute fractures and one nonunion. The pre-operative and immediate post-operative radiographs were measured, using two methods, to find the maximum radiological displacement of the fracture and the quality of the reduction according to the criteria of Tornetta and Matta. There were 19 vertical shear fractures and 16 compression injuries. The mean age of the patients was 33.5 years (10 to 59) and mean delay to surgery was 4.6 days (0 to 16) in the 34 acute injuries. The mean operative time in isolated procedures was 103.4 minutes ( The frame was shown to be effective, allowing the surgeon to obtain a satisfactory reduction and fixation of acute displaced disruptions of the pelvic ring.
An internal rotation contracture is a common complication of obstetric brachial plexus palsy. We describe the operative treatment of seven children with a recurrent internal rotation contracture of the shoulder following earlier corrective surgery which included subscapularis slide and latissimus dorsi transfer. We performed z-lengthening of the tendon of the subscapularis muscle and transferred the lower trapezius muscle to the infraspinatus tendon. Two years postoperatively the mean gain in active external rotation was 47.1°, which increased to 54.3° at four years. Lengthening of the tendon of subcapularis and lower trapezius transfer to infraspinatus improved the range of active external rotation in patients who had previously had surgery for an internal rotation contracture.
Dysplasia epiphysealis hemimelica of the left proximal femur was diagnosed in an eight-month-old girl. At the age of 18 months, radiographs of the hip and MRI showed overgrowth and loss of containment of the femoral head. She underwent resection of the superior portion of the head and neck of the femur at the age of 2.5 years. Six months later further radiographs and an MR scan show that the mass has increased in size and that hip containment has been lost. Further plain radiographs have shown that the left knee, ankle and spine were involved. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first report of dysplasia epiphysealis hemimelica involving both the lower limb and the spine. A review of the literature is presented.