The aim of this study was to quantify the stability
of fracture-implant complex in fractures after fixation. A total
of 15 patients with an undisplaced fracture of the femoral neck,
treated with either a dynamic hip screw or three cannulated hip
screws, and 16 patients with an AO31-A2 trochanteric fracture treated
with a dynamic hip screw or a Gamma Nail, were included. Radiostereometric
analysis was used at six weeks, four months and 12 months post-operatively
to evaluate shortening and rotation. Migration could be assessed in ten patients with a fracture of
the femoral neck and seven with a trochanteric fracture. By four
months post-operatively, a mean shortening of 5.4 mm (-0.04 to 16.1)
had occurred in the fracture of the femoral neck group and 5.0 mm
(-0.13 to 12.9) in the trochanteric fracture group. A wide range
of rotation occurred in both types of fracture. Right-sided trochanteric
fractures seem more rotationally stable than left-sided fractures. This prospective study shows that migration at the fracture site
occurs continuously during the first four post-operative months,
after which stabilisation occurs. This information may allow the
early recognition of patients at risk of failure of fixation. Cite this article:
We investigated the characteristics of patients
who achieved Japanese-style deep flexion (seiza-sitting) after total knee
replacement (TKR) and measured three-dimensional positioning and
the contact positions of the femoral and tibial components. Seiza-sitting
was achieved after surgery by 23 patients (29 knees) of a series
of 463 TKRs in 341 patients. Pre-operatively most of these patients
were capable of seiza-sitting, had a lower body mass index and a favourable
attitude towards the Japanese lifestyle (27 of 29 knees). According
to two-/three-dimensional image registration analysis in the seiza-sitting
position, flexion, varus and internal rotation angles of the tibial
component relative to the femoral component had means of 148° ( Cite this article:
Pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) is a
rare proliferative process of the synovium which most commonly affects
the knee and occurs in either a localised (LPVNS) or a diffuse form
(DPVNS). The effect of different methods of surgical synovectomy
and adjuvant radiotherapy on the rate of recurrence is unclear.
We conducted a systematic review and identified 35 observational
studies in English which reported the use of surgical synovectomy
to treat PVNS of the knee. A meta-analysis included 630 patients, 137 (21.8%) of whom had
a recurrence after synovectomy. For patients with DPVNS, low-quality
evidence found that the rate of recurrence was reduced by both open
synovectomy (odds ration (OR) = 0.47; 95% CI 0.25 to 0.90; p = 0.024)
and combined open and arthroscopic synovectomy (OR = 0.19, 95% CI
= 0.06 to 0.58; p = 0.003) compared with arthroscopic surgery. Very
low-quality evidence found that the rate of recurrence of DPVNS
was reduced by peri-operative radiotherapy (OR = 0.31, 95% CI 0.14
to 0.70; p = 0.01). Very low-quality evidence suggested that the
rate of recurrence of LPVNS was not related to the surgical approach. This meta-analysis suggests that open synovectomy or synovectomy
combined with peri-operative radiotherapy for DPVNS is associated
with a reduced rate of recurrence. Large long-term prospective multicentre
observational studies, with a focus on both rate of recurrence and
function, are required to confirm these findings. Cite this article:
Little information is available about several
important aspects of the treatment of melioidosis osteomyelitis
and septic arthritis. We undertook a retrospective review of 50 patients with these
conditions in an attempt to determine the effect of location of
the disease, type of surgical intervention and duration of antibiotic
treatment on outcome, particularly complications and relapse. We found that there was a 27.5% risk of osteomyelitis of the
adjacent bone in patients with septic arthritis in the lower limb.
Patients with septic arthritis and osteomyelitis of an adjacent
bone were in hospital significantly longer (p = 0.001), needed more
operations (p = 0.031) and had a significantly higher rate of complications
and re-presentation (p = 0.048). More than half the patients (61%), most particularly those with
multifocal bone and joint involvement, and those with septic arthritis
and osteomyelitis of an adjacent bone who were treated operatively,
needed more visits to theatre. Cite this article:
The use of robots in orthopaedic surgery is an
emerging field that is gaining momentum. It has the potential for significant
improvements in surgical planning, accuracy of component implantation
and patient safety. Advocates of robot-assisted systems describe
better patient outcomes through improved pre-operative planning
and enhanced execution of surgery. However, costs, limited availability,
a lack of evidence regarding the efficiency and safety of such systems
and an absence of long-term high-impact studies have restricted
the widespread implementation of these systems. We have reviewed
the literature on the efficacy, safety and current understanding of
the use of robotics in orthopaedics. Cite this article:
The December 2014 Research Roundup360 looks at: demineralised bone matrix not as good as we thought?; trunk control following ACL reconstruction; subclinical thyroid dysfunction: not quite subclinical?; establishing musculoskeletal function in mucopolysaccharidosis; starting out: a first year in consultant practice under the spotlight; stroke and elective surgery; sepsis and clots; hip geometry and arthritis incidence; and theatre discipline and infection.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility
of using the intact S1 nerve root as a donor nerve to repair an avulsion
of the contralateral lumbosacral plexus. Two cohorts of patients
were recruited. In cohort 1, the L4–S4 nerve roots of 15 patients
with a unilateral fracture of the sacrum and sacral nerve injury
were stimulated during surgery to establish the precise functional
distribution of the S1 nerve root and its proportional contribution
to individual muscles. In cohort 2, the contralateral uninjured
S1 nerve root of six patients with a unilateral lumbosacral plexus
avulsion was transected extradurally and used with a 25 cm segment
of the common peroneal nerve from the injured leg to reconstruct
the avulsed plexus. The results from cohort 1 showed that the innervation of S1 in
each muscle can be compensated for by L4, L5, S2 and S3. Numbness
in the toes and a reduction in strength were found after surgery
in cohort 2, but these symptoms gradually disappeared and strength
recovered. The results of electrophysiological studies of the donor
limb were generally normal. Severing the S1 nerve root does not appear to damage the healthy
limb as far as clinical assessment and electrophysiological testing
can determine. Consequently, the S1 nerve can be considered to be
a suitable donor nerve for reconstruction of an avulsed contralateral
lumbosacral plexus. Cite this article:
The October 2014 Spine Roundup360 looks at: microdiscectomy is not exactly a hands-down winner; lumbar spinal stenosis unpicked; Wallis implant helpful in lumbosacral decompression; multidisciplinary rehabilitation is good for back pain; and understanding the sciatic stretch test.
Assessment of skeletal age is important in children’s
orthopaedics. We compared two simplified methods used in the assessment
of skeletal age. Both methods have been described previously with
one based on the appearance of the epiphysis at the olecranon and
the other on the digital epiphyses. We also investigated the influence
of assessor experience on applying these two methods. Our investigation was based on the anteroposterior left hand
and lateral elbow radiographs of 44 boys (mean: 14.4; 12.4 to 16.1
) and 78 girls (mean: 13.0; 11.1 to14.9) obtained during the pubertal
growth spurt. A total of nine observers examined the radiographs
with the observers assigned to three groups based on their experience (experienced,
intermediate and novice). These raters were required to determined
skeletal ages twice at six-week intervals. The correlation between
the two methods was determined per assessment and per observer groups. Interclass
correlation coefficients (ICC) evaluated the reproducibility of
the two methods. The overall correlation between the two methods was r = 0.83
for boys and r = 0.84 for girls. The correlation was equal between
first and second assessment, and between the observer groups (r ≥ 0.82).
There was an equally strong ICC for the assessment effect (ICC ≤ 0.4%)
and observer effect (ICC ≤ 3%) for each method. There was no significant
(p <
0.05) difference between the levels of experience. The two methods are equally reliable in assessing skeletal maturity.
The olecranon method offers detailed information during the pubertal
growth spurt, while the digital method is as accurate but less detailed,
making it more useful after the pubertal growth spurt once the olecranon
has ossified. Cite this article:
The routine use of patient reported outcome measures
(PROMs) in evaluating the outcome after arthroplasty by healthcare
organisations reflects a growing recognition of the importance of
patients’ perspectives in improving treatment. Although widely embraced
in the NHS, there are concerns that PROMs are being used beyond
their means due to a poor understanding of their limitations. This paper reviews some of the current challenges in using PROMs
to evaluate total knee arthroplasty. It highlights alternative methods
that have been used to improve the assessment of outcome. Cite this article:
There are significant differences in the methods and styles of orthopaedic surgical training between continents, all with the aim to produce competent consultant surgeons, but the differences in training content and pathway are vast. We review and contrast the key differences between three continents.
Femoroacetabular Junction Impingement (FAI) describes abnormalities
in the shape of the femoral head–neck junction, or abnormalities
in the orientation of the acetabulum. In the short term, FAI can
give rise to pain and disability, and in the long-term it significantly increases
the risk of developing osteoarthritis. The Femoroacetabular Impingement
Trial (FAIT) aims to determine whether operative or non-operative
intervention is more effective at improving symptoms and preventing
the development and progression of osteoarthritis. FAIT is a multicentre superiority parallel two-arm randomised
controlled trial comparing physiotherapy and activity modification
with arthroscopic surgery for the treatment of symptomatic FAI.
Patients aged 18 to 60 with clinical and radiological evidence of
FAI are eligible. Principal exclusion criteria include previous
surgery to the index hip, established osteoarthritis (Kellgren–Lawrence
≥ 2), hip dysplasia (centre-edge angle <
20°), and completion
of a physiotherapy programme targeting FAI within the previous 12
months. Recruitment will take place over 24 months and 120 patients
will be randomised in a 1:1 ratio and followed up for three years.
The two primary outcome measures are change in hip outcome score
eight months post-randomisation (approximately six-months post-intervention
initiation) and change in radiographic minimum joint space width
38 months post-randomisation. NCT01893034. Cite this article: Aims
The aim of this study was to define return to
theatre (RTT) rates for elective hip and knee replacement (HR and
KR), to describe the predictors and to show the variations in risk-adjusted
rates by surgical team and hospital using national English hospital
administrative data. We examined information on 260 206 HRs and 315 249 KRs undertaken
between April 2007 and March 2012. The 90-day RTT rates were 2.1%
for HR and 1.8% for KR. Male gender, obesity, diabetes and several
other comorbidities were associated with higher odds for both index
procedures. For HR, hip resurfacing had half the odds of cement fixation
(OR = 0.58, 95% confidence intervals (CI) 0.47 to 0.71). For KR,
unicondylar KR had half the odds of total replacement (OR = 0.49,
95% CI 0.42 to 0.56), and younger ages had higher odds (OR = 2.23,
95% CI 1.65 to 3.01) for ages <
40 years compared with ages 60
to 69 years). There were more funnel plot outliers at three standard deviations
than would be expected if variation occurred on a random basis. Hierarchical modelling showed that three-quarters of the variation
between surgeons for HR and over half the variation between surgeons
for KR are not explained by the hospital they operated at or by
available patient factors. We conclude that 90-day RTT rate may
be a useful quality indicator for orthopaedics. Cite this article:
Periprosthetic fractures are an increasingly
common complication following joint replacement. The principles
which underpin their evaluation and treatment are common across
the musculoskeletal system. The Unified Classification System proposes
a rational approach to treatment, regardless of the bone that is
broken or the joint involved. Cite this article:
The aim of this study was to determine whether
an osteoplasty of the femoral neck performed at the same time as an
intertrochanteric Imhäuser osteotomy led to an improved functional
outcome or increased morbidity. A total of 20 hips in 19 patients
(12 left, 8 right, 13 male, 6 female), who underwent an Imhäuser
intertrochanteric osteotomy following a slipped capital femoral
epiphysis were assessed over an eight-year period. A total of 13
hips in 13 patients had an osteoplasty of the femoral neck at the
same time. The remaining six patients (seven hips) had intertrochanteric
osteotomy alone. The mean age was 15.3 years (13 to 20) with a mean
follow-up of 57.8 months (15 to 117); 19 of the slips were severe
(Southwick grade III) and one was moderate (grade II), with a mean
slip angle of 65.3° (50° to 80°); 17 of the slips were stable and
three unstable at initial presentation. The mean Non-Arthritic Hip Scores
(NAHS) in patients who underwent osteoplasty was 91.7 (76.3 to 100)
and the mean NAHS in patients who did not undergo osteoplasty was
76.6 (41.3 to 100) (p = 0.056). Two patients required a subsequent
arthroplasty and neither of these patients had an osteoplasty. No
hips developed osteonecrosis or chondrolysis, and there was no increase
in complications related to the osteoplasty. We recommend that for
patients with a slipped upper femoral epiphysis undergoing an intertrochanteric
osteotomy, the addition of an osteoplasty of the femoral neck should
be considered. Cite this article:
Trauma and orthopaedics is the largest of the
surgical specialties and yet attracts a disproportionately small
fraction of available national and international funding for health
research. With the burden of musculoskeletal disease increasing,
high-quality research is required to improve the evidence base for
orthopaedic practice. Using the current research landscape in the
United Kingdom as an example, but also addressing the international
perspective, we highlight the issues surrounding poor levels of
research funding in trauma and orthopaedics and indicate avenues
for improving the impact and success of surgical musculoskeletal
research. Cite this article:
The National Institute for Health and Clinical
Excellence (NICE) has thus far relied on historical data and predominantly
industry-sponsored trials to provide evidence for venous thromboembolic
(VTE) prophylaxis in joint replacement patients. We argue that the
NICE guidelines may be reliant on assumptions that are in need of
revision. Following the publication of large scale, independent
observational studies showing little difference between low-molecular-weight
heparins and aspirin, and recent changes to the guidance provided
by other international bodies, should NICE reconsider their recommendations? Cite this article:
The August 2012 Wrist &
Hand Roundup360 looks at: the Herbert ulnar head prosthesis; the five-year outcome for wrist arthroscopic surgery; four-corner arthrodesis with headless screws; balloon kyphoplasty for Kienböck's disease; Mason Type 2 radial head fractures; local infiltration and intravenous regional anaesthesia for endoscopic carpal tunnel release; perilunate injuries; and replanting the amputated fingertip.
The April 2014 Oncology Roundup360 looks at: Eyeball as good as microscope for tumour margins; when is best to stabilise femoral metastases?; fluorine does not cause bone tumours; whether giant cell tumour of the proximal femur ever successfully managed; extraskeletal osteosarcoma; modular lower limb tumour reconstruction; and observational studies the basis for most bone tumour treatment.
This protocol describes a pragmatic multicentre
randomised controlled trial (RCT) to assess the clinical and cost
effectiveness of arthroscopic and open surgery in the management
of rotator cuff tears. This trial began in 2007 and was modified
in 2010, with the removal of a non-operative arm due to high rates
of early crossover to surgery. Cite this article: