1. Because of socio-medical deficiencies, osteitis in some parts of the world still conforms to the classical pattern seen before the introduction of antibiotics. 2. One of many complications is loss of continuity from widespread destruction of tubular bone. 3. Twelve patients with this complication are described. The most satisfactory treatment, when practicable, is the transference of an adjoining normal bone into the remnants of the defective one. 4. Two neonates each with a massive defect of the femur are described. This complication of osteitis at this age has not been reported before. 5. The long-term prognosis of
1. Fifteen patients with spina bifida occulta are described in whom the fifth lumbar spinous process was pressing on the fibrous membrane that closes the spina bifida, or on the bony stumps of the defective lamina. 2. That this is a cause of low back pain, with or without pain referred to the
We studied the effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) on stump healing and postoperative and late phantom pain after major amputations of the
The development of lateral tibial torsion in the paralysed
X-linked hypophosphataemic rickets (XLHR) is a disease of impaired bone mineralization characterized by hypophosphataemia caused by renal phosphate wasting. The main clinical manifestations of the disorder are O-shaped legs, X-shaped legs, delayed growth, and bone pain. XLHR is the most common inheritable form of rickets, with an incidence of 1/20 000 in humans. It accounts for approximately 80% of familial cases of hypophosphataemia and serves as the prototype of defective tubular phosphate (PO43+) transport, due to extra renal defects resulting in unregulated The genome DNA samples of all members in the pedigree were extracted from whole blood. We sequenced all exons of the Objectives
Six normal cadaver
Twenty young men with displaced fractures of one or more long bones in the
Of 290 Ugandan children and adolescents with proven Burkitt's lymphoma 11 had lesions in the long bones or the pelvis. These started in the medulla as small osteolytic foci which coalesced and penetrated the cortex causing subperiosteal new bone formation in layers or spicules, and giving rise to large soft-tissue masses. Common sites were the femoral and tibial diaphyses and the metaphyses around the knee. Five were in the epiphyses. Other sites were the pelvis, humerus and ulna. One patient had a lymphomatous synovial effusion of the knee. In the
In this study of fractures of the shaft of the tibia and femur in children, the growth rate of these long bones after injury was assessed by serial radiographical measurements of bone length, accurate to the nearest millimetre. Within three months of injury the rate of growth was at its maximum and was 38 per cent in excess of normal. The rate then decreased but remained significantly raised for two years and returned to normal in the tibia approximately 40 months after injury and in the femur between 50 and 60 months. The uninjured tibia in the same limb as a fractured femur also underwent an acceleration of growth, but to a lesser degree. An uninjured femur was not so affected by an injured tibia. The growth rate in these limbs was unaffected by the age or sex of the child, or the site or direction of the fracture. These findings may be of clinical use in the timing of corrective treatment where a leg length discrepancy exists as a result of injury to, or malunion of, a long bone in the
1. Forty-eight cases of causalgia are reviewed and the clinical features are briefly described. 2. Multiple nerve injuries are common and the pain is often associated with all the injured nerves. In the upper limb there was always an incomplete lesion of the lower trunk or medial cord of the brachial plexus, or of the median nerve. In the
Previous studies of the Ilizarov procedure have concentrated on musculoskeletal assessments rather than the opinions of patients. In a prospective trial of 25 consecutive patients, we evaluated the effect of Ilizarov reconstruction of post-traumatic deformity on general health status using the SF36 and Nottingham Health Profile (NHP). The patients had very low preoperative scores, which remained low during treatment and correction, but increased postoperatively. The mean overall SF36 score improved from 36 ± 3 to 58 ± 7 (p = 0.031) and the NHP score from 39 ± 11 to 67 ± 10 (p = 0.002). The improvements in scores were not limited to the physical components and were equal or better than the improvements reported for other orthopaedic procedures, including total joint arthroplasty. Ilizarov-type reconstruction of deformity of the
The aim of this study was to report our experience at 3.5 years with outpatient total hip arthroplasty (THA). In this prospective cohort study, we included all patients who were planned to receive primary THA through the anterior approach between 1 April 2014 and 1 October 2017. Patient-related data and surgical information were recorded. Patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) related to the hip and an anchor question were taken preoperatively, at six weeks, three months, and one year after surgery. All complications, readmissions, and reoperations were registered.Aims
This study of patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip aimed to: 1) characterize the contribution of the hip, spinopelvic complex, and lumbar spine when moving from the standing to the sitting position; 2) assess whether abnormal spinopelvic mobility is associated with worse symptoms; and 3) identify whether spinopelvic mobility can be predicted from static anatomical radiological parameters. A total of 122 patients with end-stage OA of the hip awaiting total hip arthroplasty (THA) were prospectively studied. Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs; Oxford Hip Score, Oswestry Disability Index, and Veterans RAND 12-Item Health Survey Score) and clinical data were collected. Sagittal spinopelvic mobility was calculated as the change from the standing to sitting position using the lumbar lordosis angle (LL), sacral slope (SS), pelvic tilt (PT), pelvic-femoral angle (PFA), and acetabular anteinclination (AI) from lateral radiographs. The interaction of the different parameters was assessed. PROMs were compared between patients with normal spinopelvic mobility (10° ≤ ∆PT ≤ 30°) or abnormal spinopelvic mobility (stiff: ∆PT < ± 10°; hypermobile: ∆PT > ± 30°). Multiple regression and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analyses were used to test for possible predictors of spinopelvic mobility.Aims
Patients and Methods
Recent clinical studies have suggested that a neurological lesion may be a cause of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and animal experiments have implicated the posterior column pathway. We have tried to determine if differences in neurological response could be detected and measured clinically, and have compared the threshold of detection of vibratory sensation in 20 girls with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis with that in 20 clinically normal age-matched controls. A highly significant reduction of the threshold of detection of vibration was seen in the scoliotic group compared to the controls (p less than 0.001). Curve magnitude did not correlate with this threshold for either the upper (r = 0.172) or
Stature and its components were examined in 143 girls aged 11 to 15 years with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Correction was made for loss of height due to the lateral spinal curvature, and the findings were compared with those from 202 healthy girls of similar age. Using three components of stature (suprapelvic, pelvic and subischial heights) we were able to show that the relatively greater stature of girls with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis was due to changes in the pelvis and
A subjective, objective and radiographic study of 21 patients with comminuted calcaneal fractures showing severe involvement of the subtalar joint is reported. The average follow-up was 14.6 years (range 8 to 29 years). Only patients with unilateral closed fractures and no associated injuries to either
Commonly performed unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) is not designed for the lateral compartment. Additionally, the anatomical medial and lateral tibial plateaus have asymmetrical geometries, with a slightly dished medial plateau and a convex lateral plateau. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the native knee kinematics with respect to the tibial insert design corresponding to the lateral femoral component. Subject-specific finite element models were developed with tibiofemoral (TF) and patellofemoral joints for one female and four male subjects. Three different TF conformity designs were applied. Flat, convex, and conforming tibial insert designs were applied to the identical femoral component. A deep knee bend was considered as the loading condition, and the kinematic preservation in the native knee was investigated.Aims
The aim of this study was to define objectively gait function in children with treated congenital talipes equinovarus (CTEV) and a good clinical result. The study also attempted an analysis of movement within the foot during gait. We compared 20 children with treated CTEV with 15 control subjects. Clinical assessment demonstrated good results from treatment. Three-dimensional gait analysis provided kinematic and kinetic data describing movement and moments at the joints of the
1. The strength of the pelvic arch depends on the integrity of the anterior interpubic ligament, whose strength has been demonstrated by dissections. Once that ligament is divided the sacro-iliac ligaments offer little resistance to opening out of the pelvis. 2. The structure of the pelvis and hips is compared to an arcade formed by a central and two lateral arches. The weight of the trunk is transmitted to the
1. Excision of a lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion is required in only a small proportion of patients with this lesion. 2. A careful clinical and radiological examination of cases of lumbago and pain in the