We present an illustrative case using a modification of the Gaines procedure for the surgical management of patients with spondyloptosis. It involves excision of the inferior half of the body of L5 anteriorly combined with posterior reduction and fusion.
This review of the literature presents the current understanding of Scheuermann’s kyphosis and investigates the controversies concerning conservative and surgical treatment. There is considerable debate regarding the pathogenesis, natural history and treatment of this condition. A benign prognosis with settling of symptoms and stabilisation of the deformity at skeletal maturity is expected in most patients. Observation and programmes of exercise are appropriate for mild, flexible, non-progressive deformities. Bracing is indicated for a moderate deformity which spans several levels and retains flexibility in motivated patients who have significant remaining spinal growth. The loss of some correction after the completion of bracing with recurrent anterior vertebral wedging has been reported in approximately one-third of patients. Surgical correction with instrumented spinal fusion is indicated for a severe kyphosis which carries a risk of progression beyond the end of growth causing cosmetic deformity, back pain and neurological complications. There is no consensus on the effectiveness of different techniques and types of instrumentation. Techniques include posterior-only and combined anteroposterior spinal fusion with or without posterior osteotomies across the apex of the deformity. Current instrumented techniques include hybrid and all-pedicle screw constructs.
We conducted a retrospective study to investigate the effect of femoral bowing on the placement of components in total knee replacement (TKR), with regard to its effect on reestablishing the correct mechanical axis, as we hypothesised that computer-assisted total knee replacement (CAS-TKR) would produce more accurate alignment than conventional TKR. Between January 2006 and December 2009, 212 patients (306 knees) underwent TKR. The conventional TKR was compared with CAS-TKR for accuracy of placement of the components and post-operative alignment, as determined by five radiological measurements. There were significant differences in the reconstructed mechanical axes between the bowed and the non-bowed group after conventional TKR (176.2° ( For patients with significant femoral bowing, the reconstructed mechanical axes were significantly closer to normal in the CAS group than in the conventional group (179.2° (
We reviewed 75 patients (57 men and 18 women), who had undergone tension-band laminoplasty for cervical spondylotic myelopathy (42 patients) or compression myelopathy due to ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament (33 patients) and had been followed for more than ten years. Clinical and functional results were estimated using the Japanese Orthopaedic Association score. The rate of recovery and the level of postoperative axial neck pain were also recorded. The pre- and post-operative alignment of the cervical spine (Ishihara curve index indicating lordosis of the cervical spine) and the range of movement (ROM) of the cervical spine were also measured. The mean rate of recovery of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association score at final follow-up was 52.1% (
We report the outcome of 161 of 257 surgically fixed acetabular fractures. The operations were undertaken between 1989 and 1998 and the patients were followed for a minimum of ten years. Anthropometric data, fracture pattern, time to surgery, associated injuries, surgical approach, complications and outcome were recorded. Modified Merle D’Aubigné score and Matta radiological scoring systems were used as outcome measures. We observed simple fractures in 108 patients (42%) and associated fractures in 149 (58%). The result was excellent in 75 patients (47%), good in 41 (25%), fair in 12 (7%) and poor in 33 (20%). Poor prognostic factors included increasing age, delay to surgery, quality of reduction and some fracture patterns. Complications were common in the medium- to long-term and functional outcome was variable. The gold-standard treatment for displaced acetabular fractures remains open reduction and internal fixation performed in dedicated units by specialist surgeons as soon as possible.
Total shoulder replacement is a successful procedure for degenerative or some inflammatory diseases of the shoulder. However, fixation of the glenoid seems to be the main weakness with a high rate of loosening. The results using all-polyethylene components have been better than those using metal-backed components. We describe our experience with 35 consecutive total shoulder replacements using a new metal-backed glenoid component with a mean follow-up of 75.4 months (48 to 154). Our implant differs from others because of its mechanism of fixation. It has a convex metal-backed bone interface and the main stabilising factor is a large hollow central peg. The patients were evaulated with standard radiographs and with the Constant Score, the Simple Shoulder Test and a visual analogue scale. All the scores improved and there was no loosening, no polyethylene-glenoid disassembly and no other implant-related complications. We conclude that a metal-backed glenoid component is a good option in total shoulder replacement with no worse results than of those using a cemented all-polyethylene prosthesis.
We identified a series of 128 patients who had unilateral open reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) by a single surgeon between 1993 and 2000. In all, 79 patients were reviewed clinically and radiologically eight to 15 years after surgery. Assessment included measurement of the Lysholm and Tegner scores, the ACL quality-of-life score and the Short Form-12 score, as well as the International Knee Documentation Committee clinical assessment, measurement of laxity by the KT-1000 arthrometer, a single-leg hop test and standardised radiography of both knees using the uninjured knee as a control. Of the injured knees, 46 (57%) had definite radiological evidence of osteoarthritis (Kellgren-Lawrence grade 2 or 3), with a mean difference between the injured and non-injured knees of 1.2 grades. The median ACL quality-of-life score was 80 (interquartile range (IQR) 60 to 90), the Lysholm score 84 (IQR 74 to 95), the Short Form-12 physical component score 54 (IQR 49 to 56) and the mean Hop Index 0.94 (0.52 to 1.52). In total 58 patients were graded as normal, 20 as nearly normal and one as abnormal on the KT-1000 assessment and pivot-shift testing. Taking the worst-case scenario of assuming all non-attenders (n = 48), two septic failures and one identified unstable knee found at review to be failures, the failure rate was 40%. Only two of the patients reviewed stated that they would not have similar surgery again. Open reconstruction of the ACL gives good, durable functional results, but with a high rate of radiologically evident osteoarthritis.
The aim of this study was to obtain detailed long-term data on the cement-bone interface in patients with cemented stems, implanted using the constrained fixation technique. A total of eight stems were removed together with adjacent bone during Our results confirm that a complete cement mantle is not essential for the survival of Müller straight stems into the mid term, and support our hypothesis that no benefit to long-term survival can be expected from modern cementing techniques.
The outcome of displaced hips treated by Somerville and Scott’s method was assessed after more than 25 years. A total of 147 patients (191 displaced hips) was reviewed which represented an overall follow-up of 65.6%. The median age at the index operation was two years. During the first five years, 25 (13%) hips showed signs of avascular change. The late development of valgus angulation of the neck, after ten years, was seen in 69 (36%) hips. Further operations were frequently necessary. Moderate to severe osteoarthritis developed at a young age in 40% of the hips. Total hip replacement or arthrodesis was necessary in 27 (14%) hips at a mean age of 36.5 years. Risk factors identified were high dislocation, open reduction, and age at the original operation. Two groups of patients were compared according to outcome. All the radiographic indices were different between the two groups after ten years, but most were similar before. It takes a generation to establish the prognosis, although some early indicators may help to predict outcome.
We implanted titanium and carbon fibre-reinforced plastic (CFRP) femoral prostheses of the same dimensions into five prosthetic femora. An abductor jig was attached and a 1 kN load applied. This was repeated with five control femora. Digital image correlation was used to give a detailed two-dimensional strain map of the medial cortex of the proximal femur. Both implants caused stress shielding around the calcar. Distally, the titanium implant showed stress shielding, whereas the CFRP prosthesis did not produce a strain pattern which was statistically different from the controls. There was a reduction in strain beyond the tip of both the implants. This investigation indicates that use of the CFRP stem should avoid stress shielding in total hip replacement.
Revision surgery of the hip was performed on 114 hips using an extensively porous-coated femoral component. Of these, 95 hips (94 patients) had a mean follow-up of 10.2 years (5 to 17). No cortical struts were used and the cortical index and the femoral cortical width were measured at different levels. There were two revisions for aseptic loosening. Survivorship at 12 years for all causes of failure was 96.9% (95% confidence interval 93.5 to 100) in the best-case scenario. Fibrous or unstable fixation was associated with major bone defects. The cortical index (p = 0.045) and the lateral cortical thickness (p = 0.008) decreased at the proximal level over time while the medial cortex increased (p = 0.001) at the proximal and distal levels. An increase in the proximal medial cortex was found in patients with an extended transtrochanteric osteotomy (p = 0.026) and in those with components shorter than 25 cm (p = 0.008). The use of the extensively porous-coated femoral component can provide a solution for difficult cases in revision surgery. Radiological bony ingrowth is common. Although without clinical relevance at the end of follow-up, the thickness of the medial femoral cortex often increased while that of the lateral cortex decreased. In cases in which a shorter component was used and in those undertaken using an extended trochanteric osteotomy, there was a greater increase in thickness of the femoral cortex over time.
The deformity index is a new radiological measurement of the degree of deformity of the femoral head in unilateral Perthes’ disease. Its values represent a continuous outcome measure of deformity incorporating changes in femoral epiphyseal height and width compared with the unaffected side. The sphericity of the femoral head in 30 radiographs (ten normal and 20 from patients with Perthes’ disease) were rated blindly as normal, mild, moderate or severe by three observers. Further blinded measurements of the deformity index were made on two further occasions with intervals of one month. There was good agreement between the deformity index score and the subjective grading of deformity. Intra- and interobserver agreement for the deformity index was high. The intraobserver intraclass correlation coefficient for each observer was 0.98, 0.99 and 0.97, respectively, while the interobserver intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.98 for the first and 0.97 for the second set of calculations. We also reviewed retrospectively 96 radiographs of children with Perthes’ disease, who were part of a multicentre trial which followed them to skeletal maturity. We found that the deformity index at two years correlated well with the Stulberg grading at skeletal maturity. A deformity index value above 0.3 was associated with the development of an aspherical femoral head. Using a deformity index value of 0.3 to divide groups for risk gives a sensitivity of 80% and specificity of 81% for predicting a Stulberg grade of III or IV. We conclude that the deformity index at two years is a valid and reliable radiological outcome measure in unilateral Perthes’ disease.
Open reduction and internal fixation of high-energy pilon fractures are often associated with serious complications. Various methods have been used to treat these injuries, with variable results. A total of 17 consecutive patients with pilon fractures of AO/OTA type 43-B3 (n = 1), type C2 (n = 12) and type C3 (n = 4) were treated by indirect reduction by capsuloligamentotaxis and stabilisation using an ankle-spanning Ilizarov fixator. The calcaneal ring was removed at a mean of 3.7 weeks (3 to 6). A total of 16 patients were available for follow-up at a mean of 29 months (23 to 43). The mean time to healing was 15.8 weeks (13 to 23). Nine patients had pin-track infections but none had deep infection or osteomyelitis. Four patients (25%) had malunion. Fair, good or excellent ankle scores were found in 14 patients. External fixation with a ring fixator achieves stable reduction of the fractured fragments without additional trauma to soft tissues. With minimum complications and good healing results, the Ilizarov apparatus is particularly useful for high-energy pilon fractures.
We report the clinical and radiological outcome of total ankle replacement performed in conjunction with hindfoot fusion or in isolation. Between May 2003 and June 2008, 60 ankles were treated with total ankle replacement with either subtalar or triple fusion, and the results were compared with a control group of 288 ankles treated with total ankle replacement alone. After the mean follow-up of 39.5 months (12 to 73), the ankles with hindfoot fusion showed significant improvement in the mean visual analogue score for pain (p <
0.001), the mean American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society score (p <
0.001), and the mean of a modified version of this score (p <
0.001). The mean visual analogue pain score (p = 0.304) and mean modified American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society score (p = 0.119) were not significantly different between the hindfoot fusion and the control groups. However, the hindfoot fusion group had a significantly lower mean range of movement (p = 0.009) and a higher rate of posterior focal osteolysis (p = 0.04). Both groups showed various complications (p = 0.131) and failure occurring at a similar rate (p = 0.685). Subtalar or triple fusion is feasible and has minimal adverse effects on ankles treated with total ankle replacement up to midterm follow-up. The clinical outcome of total ankle replacement when combined with hindfoot fusion is comparable to that of ankle replacement alone. Thus, hindfoot fusion should be performed in conjunction with total ankle replacement when indicated.
We have investigated the mid-term outcome of total shoulder replacement using a keeled cemented glenoid component and a modern cementing technique with regard to the causes of failure and loosening of the components. Between 1997 and 2003 we performed 96 total shoulder replacements on 88 patients, 24 men and 64 women with a mean age of 69.7 years (31 to 82). The minimum follow-up was five years and at the time of review 87 shoulders (77 patients) were examined at a mean follow-up of 89.1 months (60 to 127). Cumulative survival curves were generated with re-operations (accomplished and planned), survivorship of the proshesis, loosening of the glenoid (defined as tilt >
5° or subsidence >
5 mm), the presence of radiolucent lines and a Constant score of <
30 as the endpoints. There were two re-operations not involving revision of the implants and the survival rate of the prosthesis was 100.0% for the follow-up period, with an absolute Constant score of >
30 as the endpoint the survival rate was 98%. Radiological glenoid loosening was 9% after five years, and 33% after nine years. There was an incidence of 8% of radiolucent lines in more than three of six zones in the immediate post-operative period, of 37.0% after the first year which increased to 87.0% after nine years. There was no correlation between the score of Boileau and the total Constant score at the latest follow-up, but there was correlation between glenoid loosening and pain (p = 0.001). We found that total shoulder replacement had an excellent mid-term survivorship and clinical outcome. The surgical and cementing techniques were related to the decrease in radiolucent lines around the glenoid compared with earlier studies. One concern, however, was the fact that radiolucent lines increased over time and there was a rate of glenoid loosening of 9% after five years and 33% after nine years. This suggests that the design of the glenoid component, and the implantation and cementing techniques may need further improvement.
We present the outcomes in 38 consecutive patients who had total ankle replacement using the Ankle Evolution System with a minimum follow-up of four years. Pain and function were assessed using the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) score and regular standardised anteroposterior and lateral weight-bearing radiographs were obtained. Patient satisfaction and complications were recorded and the survival of the implants was demonstrated by the Kaplan-Meier method. The mean follow-up was for 57.8 months (48 to 80). The cumulative survival rate at six years was 94.7% (95% confidence interval 80.3 to 98.7). The mean total AOFAS score was 88.1 (53 to 100). The mean score for pain was 35.8 (20 to 40). Ten patients presented with edge-loading of whom nine had corrective surgery. Two ankles were revised, one to an arthrodesis and the other to replace the tibial component. Nine patients showed radiological evidence of osteolysis. They had minimal non-progressive symptoms and further surgery was not undertaken. Nevertheless, the concerns about osteolysis led to the implant being withdrawn by the manufacturer. The medium-term results of the ankle evolution system ankle replacement are satisfactory with high patient satisfaction, but the rate of osteolysis is of some concern. The long-term benefit of this procedure has yet to be determined.
The outcome at ten years of 100 Freeman hip stems (Finsbury Orthopaedics, Leatherhead, United Kingdom) retaining the neck with a proximal hydroxyapatite coating in a series of 52 men (six bilateral) and 40 women (two bilateral), has been described previously. None required revision for aseptic loosening. We have extended the follow-up to 20 years with a minimum of 17 years. The mean age of the patients at total hip replacement was 58.9 years (19 to 84). Six patients were lost to follow-up, but were included up to their last clinical review. A total of 22 patients (22 hips) had died, all from causes unrelated to their surgery. There have been 43 re-operations for failure of the acetabular component. However, in 38 of these the stem was not revised since it remained stable and there was no associated osteolysis. Two of the revisions were for damage to the trunnion after fracture of a modular ceramic head, and in another two, removal of the femoral component was because of the preference of the surgeon. In all cases the femoral component was well fixed, but could be extracted at the time of acetabular revision. In one case both components were revised for deep infection. There has been one case of aseptic loosening of the stem which occurred at 14 years. This stem had migrated distally by 7.6 mm in ten years and 8.4 mm at the time of revision at which stage it was found to be rotationally loose. With hindsight this component had been undersized at implantation. The survivorship for the stem at 17 years with aseptic loosening as the endpoint was 98.6% (95% confidence interval 95.9 to 100) when 62 hips were at risk. All remaining stems had a satisfactory clinical and radiological outcome. The Freeman proximally hydroxyapatite-coated femoral component is therefore a dependable implant and its continued use can be recommended.
The hip joint is commonly involved in multiple epiphyseal dysplasia and patients may require total hip replacement before the age of 30 years. We retrospectively reviewed nine patients (16 hips) from four families. The diagnosis of multiple epiphyseal dysplasia was based on a family history, genetic counselling, clinical features and radiological findings. The mean age at surgery was 32 years (17 to 63), with a mean follow-up of 15.9 years (5.5 to 24). Of the 16 hips, ten required revision at a mean of 12.5 years (5 to 15) consisting of complete revision of the acetabular component in three hips and isolated exchange of the liner in seven. No femoral component has loosened or required revision during the period of follow-up. With revision for any reason, the 15-year survival was only 11.4% (95% confidence interval 1.4 to 21.4). However, when considering revision of the acetabular shell in isolation the survival at ten years was 93.7% (95% confidence interval 87.7 to 99.7), reducing to 76.7% (95% confidence interval 87.7 to 98.7) at 15 and 20 years, respectively.
Proximal osteotomies for forefoot deformity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis have hitherto not been described. We evaluated combination joint-preserving surgery involving three different proximal osteotomies for such deformities. A total of 30 patients (39 feet) with a mean age of 55.6 years (45 to 67) underwent combined first tarsometatarsal fusion and distal realignment, shortening oblique osteotomies of the bases of the second to fourth metatarsals and a fifth-ray osteotomy. The mean follow-up was 36 months (24 to 68). The mean foot function index scores for pain, disability and activity subscales were 18, 23, and 16 respectively. The mean Japanese Society for Surgery of the Foot score improved significantly from 52.2 (41 to 68) to 89.6 (78 to 97). Post-operatively, 14 patients had forefoot stiffness, but had no disability. Most patients reported highly satisfactory walking ability. Residual deformity and callosities were absent. The mean hallux valgus and intermetatarsal angles decreased from 47.0° (20° to 67°) to 9.0° (2° to 23°) and from 14.1° (9° to 20°) to 4.6° (1° to 10°), respectively. Four patients had further surgery including removal of hardware in three and a fifth-ray osteotomy in one. With good peri-operative medical management of rheumatoid arthritis, surgical repositioning of the metatarsophalangeal joint by metatarsal shortening and consequent relaxing of surrounding soft tissues can be successful. In early to intermediate stages of the disease, it can be performed in preference to joint-sacrificing procedures.
The outcome of a cemented hip arthroplasty is partly dependent on the type of cement which is used. The production of an interface gap between the stem and the cement mantle as a result of shrinkage of the cement, may be a factor involved. Palacos R, Palacos LV (both with gentamicin), CMW 1, CMW 2, CMW Endurance (CMWE) and Simplex were prepared under vacuum and allowed to cure overnight in similar cylinders. The next day this volume was determined by the displacement of water. Shrinkage varied between 3.82% and 7.08% with CMWE having the lowest and Palacos LV the highest. This could be a factor to consider when choosing a cement for a shape-closed stem.