Between 1999 and 2005, 23 failed total ankle replacements were converted to arthrodeses. Three surgical techniques were used: tibiotalar arthrodesis with screw fixation, tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis with screw fixation, and tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis with an intramedullary nail. As experience was gained, the benefits and problems became apparent. Successful bony union was seen in 17 of the 23 ankles. The complication rate was higher in ankles where the loosening had caused extensive destruction of the body of the talus, usually in rheumatoid arthritis. In this situation we recommend tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis with an intramedullary nail. This technique can also be used when there is severe arthritic change in the subtalar joint. Arthrodesis of the tibiotalar joint alone using compression screws was generally possible in osteoarthritis because the destruction of the body of the talus was less extensive. Tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis fusion with compression screws has not been successful in our experience.
Trochlear dysplasia is a developmental condition characterised by an abnormally flat or dome-shaped trochlea and is an important contributory factor to patellofemoral instability and recurrent dislocation. We studied prospectively a series of 54 consecutive patients (59 knees) with patellofemoral instability secondary to trochlear dysplasia, who were treated by a trochleoplasty by a single surgeon between June 2002 and June 2007. Pre- and post-operative scores were assessed by the patients and a satisfaction questionnaire was completed. Of the 54 patients (59 knees) in the series, 39 (44 knees) were female and 15 (15 knees) were male. Their mean age at surgery was 21 years and 6 months (14 years 4 months to 33 years 11 months). In 40 patients (42 knees) the mean follow-up was for 24 months (12 to 58). One patient was unable to attend for follow-up. An analysis of the results of those patients followed up for at least 12 months showed a statistically significant improvement in outcome (p <
0.001 for all scores). Overall, 50 patients (92.6%) were satisfied with the outcome of their procedure. The early results of trochleoplasty are encouraging in this challenging group of patients.
The results of proximal humeral replacement following trauma are substantially worse than for osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. The stable reattachment of the lesser and greater tuberosity fragments to the rotator cuff and the restoration of shoulder biomechanics are difficult. In 1992 we developed a prosthesis designed to improve fixation of the tuberosity fragments in comminuted fractures of the proximal humerus. The implant enables fixation of the fragments to the shaft of the prosthesis and the diaphyseal fragment using screws, washers and a special toothed plate. Between 1992 and 2003 we used this technique in 50 of 76 patients referred to our institution for shoulder reconstruction after trauma. In the remaining 26, reconstruction with a prosthesis and nonabsorbable sutures was performed, as the tuberosity fragments were too small and too severely damaged to allow the use of screws and the toothed plate. The Constant score two years post-operatively was a mean of 12 points better in the acute trauma group and 11 points better in the late post-traumatic group than in the classical suture group. We recommend this technique in patients where the tuberosity fragments are large enough to allow fixation with screws, washers and a toothed plate.
We describe a consecutive series of five patients with bone or soft-tissue sarcomas of the elbow and intra-articular extension treated by complex soft tissue, allograft bone and prosthetic joint replacement after wide extra-articular
Modifications in the design of knee replacements have been proposed in order to maximise flexion. We performed a prospective double-blind randomised controlled trial to compare the functional outcome, including maximum knee flexion, in patients receiving either a standard or a high flexion version of the NexGen legacy posterior stabilised total knee replacement. A total of 56 patients, half of whom received each design, were assessed pre-operatively and at one year after operation using knee scores and analysis of range of movement using electrogoniometry. For both implant designs there was a significant improvement in the function component of the knee scores (p <
0.001) and the maximum range of flexion when walking on the level, ascending and descending a slope or stairs (all p <
0.001), squatting (p = 0.020) and stepping into a bath (p = 0.024). There was no significant difference in outcome, including the maximum knee flexion, between patients receiving the standard and high flexion designs of this implant.
Open reduction of the prominence at the femoral head-neck junction in femoroacetabular impingement has become an established treatment for this condition. We report our experience of arthroscopically-assisted treatment of femoroacetabular impingement secondary to paediatric hip disease in 14 hips in 13 consecutive patients (seven women, six men) with a mean age of 30.6 years (24 to 39) at the time of surgery. The mean follow-up was 2.5 years (2 to 4). Radiologically, 13 hips had successful restoration of the normal geometry and only one had a residual deformity. The mean increase in the Western Ontario McMasters Osteoarthritis Index for the series at the last follow-up was 9.6 points (4 to 14). No patient developed avascular necrosis or sustained a fracture of the femoral neck or any other complication. These findings suggest that femoroacetabular impingement associated with paediatric hip disease can be treated safely by arthroscopic techniques.
A clinical and radiological study was conducted on 97 total hip replacements performed for congenital hip dislocation in 79 patients between 1989 and 1998 using a three-dimensional custom-made cementless stem. The mean age at operation was 48 years (17 to 72) and the mean follow-up was for 123 months (83 to 182). According to the Crowe classification, there were 37 class I, 28 class II, 13 class III and 19 class IV hips. The mean leg lengthening was 25 mm (5 to 58), the mean pre-operative femoral anteversion was 38.6° (2° to 86°) and the mean correction in the prosthetic neck was −23.6° (−71° to 13°). The mean Harris hip score improved from 58 (15 to 84) to 93 (40 to 100) points. A revision was required in six hips (6.2%). The overall survival rate was 89.5% (95% confidence interval 89.2 to 89.8) at 13 years when two hips were at risk. This custom-made cementless femoral component, which can be accommodated in the abnormal proximal femur and will correct the anteversion and frontal offset, provided good results without recourse to proximal femoral corrective osteotomy.
The deformity index is a new radiological measurement of the degree of deformity of the femoral head in unilateral Perthes’ disease. Its values represent a continuous outcome measure of deformity incorporating changes in femoral epiphyseal height and width compared with the unaffected side. The sphericity of the femoral head in 30 radiographs (ten normal and 20 from patients with Perthes’ disease) were rated blindly as normal, mild, moderate or severe by three observers. Further blinded measurements of the deformity index were made on two further occasions with intervals of one month. There was good agreement between the deformity index score and the subjective grading of deformity. Intra- and interobserver agreement for the deformity index was high. The intraobserver intraclass correlation coefficient for each observer was 0.98, 0.99 and 0.97, respectively, while the interobserver intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.98 for the first and 0.97 for the second set of calculations. We also reviewed retrospectively 96 radiographs of children with Perthes’ disease, who were part of a multicentre trial which followed them to skeletal maturity. We found that the deformity index at two years correlated well with the Stulberg grading at skeletal maturity. A deformity index value above 0.3 was associated with the development of an aspherical femoral head. Using a deformity index value of 0.3 to divide groups for risk gives a sensitivity of 80% and specificity of 81% for predicting a Stulberg grade of III or IV. We conclude that the deformity index at two years is a valid and reliable radiological outcome measure in unilateral Perthes’ disease.
In this cross-over study, we evaluated two types of knee brace commonly used in the conservative treatment of osteoarthritis of the medial compartment. Twelve patients confirmed radiologically as having unilateral osteoarthritis of the medial compartment (Larsen grade 2 to grade 4) were studied. Treatment with a simple hinged brace was compared with that using a valgus corrective brace. Knee kinematics, ground reaction forces, pain and function were assessed during walking and the Hospital for Special Surgery scores were also determined. Significant improvements in pain, function, and loading and propulsive forces were seen with the valgus brace. Treatment with a simple brace showed only significant improvements in loading forces. Our findings suggest that although both braces improved confidence and function during gait, the valgus brace showed greater benefit.
Metal-on-metal hip resurfacing is commonly performed for osteoarthritis in young active patients. We have observed cystic or solid masses, which we have called inflammatory pseudotumours, arising around these devices. They may cause soft-tissue destruction with severe symptoms and a poor outcome after revision surgery. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of and risk factors for pseudotumours that are serious enough to require revision surgery. Since 1999, 1419 metal-on-metal hip resurfacings have been implanted by our group in 1224 patients; 1.8% of the patients had a revision for pseudotumour. In this series the Kaplan-Meier cumulative revision rate for pseudotumour increased progressively with time. At eight years, in all patients, it was 4% (95% confidence interval (CI) 2.2 to 5.8). Factors significantly associated with an increase in revision rate were female gender (p <
0.001), age under 40 (p = 0.003), small components (p = 0.003), and dysplasia (p = 0.019), whereas implant type was not (p = 0.156). These factors were inter-related, however, and on fitting a Cox proportional hazard model only gender (p = 0.002) and age (p = 0.024) had a significant independent influence on revision rate; size nearly reached significance (p = 0.08). Subdividing the cohort according to significant factors, we found that the revision rate for pseudotumours in men was 0.5% (95% CI 0 to 1.1) at eight years wheras in women over 40 years old it was 6% (95% CI 2.3 to 10.1) at eight years and in women under 40 years it was 13.1% at six years (95% CI 0 to 27) (p <
0.001). We recommend that resurfacings are undertaken with caution in women, particularly those under 40 years of age but they remain a good option in young men. Further work is required to understand the aetiology of pseudotumours so that this complication can be avoided.
There are no long-term published results on the survival of a third-generation cemented total shoulder replacement. We describe a clinical and radiological study of the Aequalis total shoulder replacement for a minimum of ten years. Between September 1996 and May 1998, 39 consecutive patients underwent a primary cemented total shoulder replacement using this prosthesis. Data were collected prospectively on all patients each year, for a minimum of ten years, or until death or failure of the prosthesis. At a follow-up of at least ten years, 12 patients had died with the prosthesis intact and two had emigrated, leaving 25 available for clinical review. Of these, 13 had rheumatoid arthritis and 12 osteoarthritis. One refused radiological review leaving 24 with fresh radiographs. Survivorship at ten years was 100% for the humeral component and 92% for the glenoid component. The incidence of lucent lines was low. No humeral component was thought to be at risk and only two glenoid components. The osteoarthritic group gained a mean 65° in forward flexion and their Constant score improved by a mean 41.4 points (13 to 55). The rheumatoid group gained a mean of 24° in flexion and their Constant score improved by 29.4 points. This difference may have been due to failure of the rotator cuff in 75% of the patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Thus a third-generation total shoulder replacement gives an excellent result in patients with osteoarthritis and an intact rotator cuff. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis have a 75% risk of failure of the rotator cuff at ten years.
We present a series of 16 patients treated between 1993 and 2006 who had a failed total ankle replacement converted to an arthrodesis using bone grafting with internal fixation. We used tricortical autograft from the iliac crest to preserve the height of the ankle, the malleoli and the subtalar joint. A successful arthrodesis was achieved at a mean of three months (1.5 to 4.5) in all patients except one, with rheumatoid arthritis and severe bone loss, who developed a nonunion and required further fixation with an intramedullary nail at one year after surgery, before obtaining satisfactory fusion. The post-operative American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society score improved to a mean of 70 (41 to 87) with good patient satisfaction. From this series and an extensive review of the literature we have found that rates of fusion after failed total ankle replacement in patients with degenerative arthritis are high. We recommend our method of arthrodesis in this group of patients. A higher rate of nonunion is associated with rheumatoid arthritis which should be treated differently.
We reviewed nine patients at a mean period of 11 years (6 to 16) after curettage and cementing of a giant-cell tumour around the knee to determine if there were any long-term adverse effects on the cartilage. Plain radiography, MRI, delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of the cartilage and measurement of the serum level of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein were carried out. The functional outcome was evaluated using the Lysholm knee score. Each patient was physically active and had returned to their previous occupation. Most participated in recreational sports or exercise. The mean Lysholm knee score was 92 (83 to 100). Only one patient was found to have cartilage damage adjacent to the cement. This patient had a history of intra-articular fracture and local recurrence, leading to degenerative changes. Interpretation of the data obtained from delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of the cartilage was difficult, with variation in the T1 values which did not correlate with the clinical or radiological findings. We did not find it helpful in the early diagnosis of degeneration of cartilage. We also found no obvious correlation between the serum cartilage oligomeric matrix protein level and the radiological and MR findings, function, time after surgery and the age of the patient. In summary, we found no evidence that the long-term presence of cement close to the knee joint was associated with the development of degenerative osteoarthritis.
In order to assess current opinions on the long-term outcome after primary total hip replacement, we performed a multicentre, cross-sectional survey in 22 centres from 12 European countries. Different patient characteristics were categorised into ‘decreases chances’, ‘does not affect chances’, and ‘increases chances’ of a favourable long-term outcome, by 304 orthopaedic surgeons and 314 referring practitioners. The latter were less likely to associate age older than 80 years and obesity with a favourable outcome than orthopaedic surgeons (p <
0.001 and p = 0.006, respectively) and more likely to associate age younger than 50 years with a favourable outcome (p = 0.006). Comorbidity, rheumatoid arthritis, and poor bone quality were thought to be associated with a decreased chance of a favourable outcome. We found important differences in the opinions regarding long-term outcome after total hip replacement within and between referring practitioners and orthopaedic surgeons. These are likely to affect access to and the provision of total hip replacement.
Femoroacetabular impingement causes pain in the hip in young adults and may predispose to the development of osteoarthritis. Genetic factors are important in the aetiology of osteoarthritis of the hip and may have a role in that of femoroacetabular impingement. We compared 96 siblings of 64 patients treated for primary impingement with a spouse control group of 77 individuals. All the subjects were screened clinically and radiologically using a standardised protocol for the presence of cam and pincer deformities and osteoarthritis. The siblings of those patients with a cam deformity had a relative risk of 2.8 of having the same deformity (66 of 160 siblings hips versus 23 of 154 control hips, p <
0.00001). The siblings of those patients with a pincer deformity had a relative risk of 2.0 of having the same deformity (43 of 116 sibling hips versus 29 of 154 control hips, p = 0.001). Bilateral deformity occurred more often in the siblings (42 of 96 siblings versus 13 of 77 control subjects, relative risk 2.6, p = 0.0002). The prevalence of clinical features in those hips with abnormal morphology was also greater in the sibling group compared with the control group (41 of 109 sibling hips versus 7 of 46 control hips, relative risk 2.5, p = 0.007). In 11 sibling hips there was grade-2 osteoarthritis according to Kellgren and Lawrence versus none in the control group (p = 0.002). Genetic influences are important in the aetiology of primary femoroacetabular impingement. This risk appears to be manifested through not only abnormal joint morphology, but also through other factors which may modulate progression of the disease.
In 12 patients, we measured the oxygen concentration in the femoral head-neck junction during hip resurfacing through the anterolateral approach. This was compared with previous measurements made for the posterior approach. For the anterolateral approach, the oxygen concentration was found to be highly dependent upon the position of the leg, which was adjusted during surgery to provide exposure to the acetabulum and femoral head. Gross external rotation of the hip gave a significant decrease in oxygenation of the femoral head. Straightening the limb led to recovery in oxygen concentration, indicating that the blood supply was maintained. The oxygen concentration at the end of the procedure was not significantly different from that at the start. The anterolateral approach appears to produce less disruption to the blood flow in the femoral head-neck junction than the posterior approach for patients undergoing hip resurfacing. This may be reflected subsequently in a lower incidence of fracture of the femoral neck and avascular necrosis.
We matched 78 patients with a loose cemented Charnley Elite Plus total hip replacement (THR) by age, gender, race, prosthesis and time from surgery with 49 patients with a well-fixed stable hip replacement, to determine if poor bone quality predisposes to loosening. Clinical, radiological, biomechanical and bone mineral density indicators of bone quality were assessed. Patients with loose replacements had more pain, were more likely to have presented with atrophic arthritis and to have a history of fragility fracture, narrower femoral cortices and lower peri-prosthetic or lumbar spine bone mineral density (all In this series of cemented hip replacements performed between 1994 and 1998, aseptic loosening was associated with poor bone quality. Patients with a THR should be screened for osteoporosis and have regular radiological surveillance.
Narrowing of the femoral neck after resurfacing arthroplasty of the hip has been described previously in both cemented and uncemented hip resurfacing. The natural history of narrowing of the femoral neck is unknown. We retrospectively measured the diameter of the femoral neck in a series of 163 Birmingham hip resurfacings in 163 patients up to a maximum of six years after operation to determine the extent and progression of narrowing. There were 105 men and 58 women with a mean age of 52 years (18 to 82). At a mean follow-up of five years, the mean Harris hip score was 94.8 (47 to 100) and the mean flexion of the hip 112.5° (80° to 160°). There was some narrowing of the femoral neck in 77% (125) of the patients reviewed, and in 27.6% (45) the narrowing exceeded 10% of the diameter of the neck. A multiple logistic regression analysis showed a significant association (chi-squared test (derived from logistic regression) p = 0.01) of narrowing with female gender and a valgus femoral neck/shaft angle. There was no significant association between the range of movement, position or size of the component or radiological lucent lines and narrowing of the neck (chi-squared test; p = 0.10 (flexion), p = 0.08 (size of femoral component), p = 0.09 (size of acetabular component), p = 0.71 (femoral component angulation), p = 0.99 (lucent lines)). There was no significant difference between the diameter of the neck at a mean of three years (2.5 to 3.5) and that at five years (4.5 to 5.5), indicating that any change in the diameter of the neck had stabilised by three years (sign rank test, p = 0.60). We conclude that narrowing of the femoral neck which is found with the Birmingham hip resurfacing arthroplasty is in most cases associated with no adverse clinical or radiological outcome up to a maximum of six years after the initial operation.
The majority of patients with osteoarthritis present to orthopaedic surgeons seeking relief of pain and associated restoration of function. Although our understanding of the physiology of pain has improved greatly over the last 25 years there remain a number of unexplained pain-related observations in patients with osteoarthritis. The understanding of pain in osteoarthritis, its modulation and treatment is central to orthopaedic clinical practice and in this annotation we explore some of the current concepts applicable. We also introduce the concept of the ‘phantom joint’ as a cause for persistent pain after joint replacement.
We have evaluated the quality of life and functional outcome after unilateral primary total hip replacement (THR). Between 5 January 1998 and 31 July 2000, we recruited a consecutive series of 627 patients undergoing this procedure and investigated them prospectively. Each was assessed before operation and reviewed after six months, 18 months, three years and five years. The Short Form-36 Health Survey (SF-36) and Harris Hip scores were evaluated at each appointment. All dimensions of the SF-36 except for mental health and general health perception, improved significantly after operation and this was maintained throughout the follow-up. The greatest improvement was seen at the six-month assessment. On average, women reported lower SF-36 scores pre-operatively, but the gender difference did not continue post-operatively. The Harris Hip scores improved significantly after operation, reaching a plateau after 18 months. The improved quality of life was sustained five years after THR.