The purpose of this study was to report the outcome
of ‘isolated’ anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) ruptures treated with
anatomical endoscopic reconstruction using hamstring tendon autograft
at a mean of 15 years (14.25 to 16.9). A total of 100 consecutive
men and 100 consecutive women with ‘isolated’ ACL rupture underwent
four-strand hamstring tendon reconstruction with anteromedial portal
femoral tunnel drilling and interference screw fixation by a single
surgeon. Details were recorded pre-operatively and at one, two,
seven and 15 years post-operatively. Outcomes included clinical
examination, subjective and objective scoring systems, and radiological
assessment. At 15 years only eight of 118 patients (7%) had moderate
or severe osteo-arthritic changes (International Knee Documentation
Committee Grades C and D), and 79 of 152 patients (52%) still performed
very strenuous activities. Overall graft survival at 15 years was
83% (1.1% failure per year). Patients aged <
18 years at the
time of surgery and patients with >
2 mm of laxity at one year had
a threefold increase in the risk of suffering a rupture of the graft
(p = 0.002 and p = 0.001, respectively). There was no increase in
laxity of the graft over time. ACL reconstructive surgery in patients with an ‘isolated’ rupture
using this technique shows good results 15 years post-operatively
with respect to ligamentous stability, objective and subjective
outcomes, and does not appear to cause osteoarthritis.
We present a retrospective review of 167 patients aged 18 years and under who were treated for chronic haematogenous osteomyelitis at our elective orthopaedic hospital in Malawi over a period of four years. The median age at presentation was eight years (1 to 18). There were 239 hospital admissions for treatment during the period of the study. In 117 patients one admission was necessary, in 35 two, and in 15 more than two. A surgical strategy of infection control followed by reconstruction and stabilisation was employed, based on the Beit CURE radiological classification of chronic haematogenous osteomyelitis as a guide to treatment. At a minimum follow-up of one year after the end of the study none of the patients had returned to our hospital with recurrent infection. A total of 350 operations were performed on the 167 patients. This represented 6.7% of all children’s operations performed in our hospital during this period. One operation only was required in 110 patients and none required more than three. Below-knee amputation was performed in two patients with chronic calcaneal osteomyelitis as the best surgical option for function. The most common organism cultured from operative specimens was
Breast cancer is generally managed surgically with adjuvant agents which include hormone therapy, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and bisphosphonate therapy. However, some of these adjuvant therapies may cause adverse events, including wound infection, neutropenia, bone marrow suppression and fever. The simultaneous presentation of osteonecrosis and osteomyelitis has not previously been described in patients with breast cancer undergoing hormone therapy and chemotherapy. We report a patient with breast cancer who developed bone infarcts in both legs as well as osteomyelitis in the right distal tibia after treatment which included a modified radical mastectomy, hormone therapy and chemotherapy. Simultaneous osteonecrosis and osteomyelitis should be considered in patients with breast cancer who are receiving chemotherapy and hormone therapy who present with severe bone pain, especially if there have been infective episodes during treatment.
We have investigated whether the use of laminar-flow theatres and space suits reduced the rate of revision for early deep infection after total hip (THR) and knee (TKR) replacement by reviewing the results of the New Zealand Joint Registry at ten years. Of the 51 485 primary THRs and 36 826 primary TKRs analysed, laminar-flow theatres were used in 35.5% and space suits in 23.5%. For THR there was a significant increase in early infection in those procedures performed with the use of a space suit compared with those without (p <
0.0001), in those carried out in a laminar-flow theatre compared with a conventional theatre (p <
0.003) and in those undertaken in a laminar-flow theatre with a space suit (p <
0.001) when compared with conventional theatres without such a suit. The results were similar for TKR with the use of a space suit (p <
0.001), in laminar-flow theatres (p <
0.019) and when space suits were used in those theatres (p <
0.001). These findings were independent of age, disease and operating time and were unchanged when the surgeons and hospital were analysed individually. The rate of revision for early deep infection has not been reduced by using laminar flow and space suits. Our results question the rationale for their increasing use in routine joint replacement, where the added cost to the health system seems to be unjustified.
We describe a case of sciatic endometriosis in a 25-year-old woman diagnosed by MRI and histology with no evidence of intrapelvic disease. The presentation, diagnosis and management of this rare condition are described. Early diagnosis and treatment are important to prevent irreversible damage to the sciatic nerve.
Neuralgic amyotrophy is an uncommon condition characterised by the acute onset of severe pain in the shoulder and arm, followed by weakness and atrophy of the affected muscles, and sensory loss as the pain subsides. The diversity of its clinical manifestations means that it may present to a variety of different specialties within medicine. This article describes the epidemiology, aetiopathogenesis, clinical features, differential diagnoses, investigations, treatment, course and prognosis of the condition.
A review of the current literature shows that there is a lack of consensus regarding the treatment of spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis in children and adolescents. Most of the views and recommendations provided in various reports are weakly supported by evidence. There is a limited amount of information about the natural history of the condition, making it difficult to compare the effectiveness of various conservative and operative treatments. This systematic review summarises the current knowledge on spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis and attempts to present a rational approach to the evaluation and management of this condition in children and adolescents.
We compared a group of 46 somatised patients with a control group of 41 non-somatised patients who had undergone elective surgery to the lumbar spine in an attempt to identify pre-operative factors which could predict the outcome. In a prospective single-centre study, the Distress and Risk Assessment method consisting of a modified somatic perception questionnaire and modified Zung depression index was used pre-operatively to identify somatised patients. The type and number of consultations were correlated with functional indicators of outcome, such as the Oswestry disability index and a visual analogue score for pain in the leg after follow-up for six and 12 months. Similar improvements in the Oswestry disability index were found in the somatised and non-somatised groups. Somatised patients who had a good outcome on the Oswestry disability index had an increased number of orthopaedic consultations (50 of 83 patients (60%) vs 29 of 73 patients (39.7%); p = 0.16) and waited less time for their surgery (5.5 months) (
Our aim was to review the efficacy of the wound vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) system in the treatment of deep infection after extensive instrumentation and fusion for spinal deformity in children and adolescents. A total of 14 patients with early deep spinal infection were treated using this technique. Of these, 12 had neuromuscular or syndromic problems. Clinical and laboratory data were reviewed. The mean follow-up was 44 months (24 to 72). All wounds healed. Two patients required plastic surgery to speed up the process. In no patient was the hardware removed and there was no loss of correction or recurrent infection. We believe that the wound VAC system is a useful tool in the armamentarium of the spinal surgeon dealing with patients susceptible to wound infections, especially those with neuromuscular diseases. It allows for the retention of the instrumentation and the maintenance of spinal correction. It is reliable and easy to use.
We reviewed 183 patients who had undergone reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament. The incidence of meniscal tears and degenerative change was assessed and related to the timing from injury to surgery. Degenerative change was scored using the French Society of Arthroscopy system. The patients were divided into an early (surgery within 12 months of injury) and a late group (surgery more than 12 months from injury). The late group was also subdivided into four groups of 12-month periods ranging from one year to more than four years after injury. There was a significantly higher incidence of meniscal tears in patients undergoing reconstruction after 12 months compared with those in the early group (71.2%
Transfer of pectoralis major has evolved as the most favoured option for the management of the difficult problem of irreparable tears of subscapularis. We describe our experience with this technique in 30 patients divided into three groups. Group I comprised 11 patients with a failed procedure for instability of the shoulder, group II included eight with a failed shoulder replacement and group III, 11 with a massive tear of the rotator cuff. All underwent transfer of the sternal head of pectoralis major to restore the function of subscapularis. At the latest follow-up pain had improved in seven of the 11 patients in groups I and III, but in only one of eight in group II. The subjective shoulder score improved in seven patients in group I, in one in group II and in six in group III. The mean Constant score improved from 40.9 points (28 to 50) in group I, 32.9 (17 to 47) in group II and 28.7 (20 to 42) in group III pre-operatively to 60.8 (28 to 89), 41.9 (24 to 73) and 52.3 (24 to 78), respectively. Failure of the tendon transfer was highest in group II and was associated with pre-operative anterior subluxation of the humeral head. We conclude that in patients with irreparable rupture of subscapularis after shoulder replacement there is a high risk of failure of transfer of p?ctoralis major, particularly if there is pre-operative anterior subluxation of the humeral head.
There have been very few reports in the literature of gout and pseudogout of the spine. We describe six patients who presented with acute sciatica attributable to spinal stenosis with cyst formation in the facet joints. Cytopathological studies confirmed the diagnosis of crystal arthropathy in each case. Specific formation of a synovial cyst was identified pre-operatively by MRI in five patients. In the sixth, the diagnosis was made incidentally during decompressive surgery. Surgical decompression alone was undertaken in four patients. In one with an associated degenerative spondylolisthesis, an additional intertransverse fusion was performed. Another patient had previously undergone a spinal fusion adjacent to the involved spinal segment, and spinal stabilisation was undertaken as well as a decompression. In addition to standard histological examination material was sent for examination under polarised light which revealed deposition of urate or calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals in all cases. It is not possible to diagnose gout and pseudogout of the spine by standard examination of a fixed specimen. However, examining dry specimens under polarised light suggests that crystal arthropathy is a significant aetiological factor in the development of symptomatic spinal stenosis associated with cyst formation in a facet joint.
Critical size defects in ovine tibiae, stabilised with intramedullary interlocking nails, were used to assess whether the addition of carboxymethylcellulose to the standard osteogenic protein-1 (OP-1/BMP-7) implant would affect the implant’s efficacy for bone regeneration. The biomaterial carriers were a ‘putty’ carrier of carboxymethylcellulose and bovine-derived type-I collagen (OPP) or the standard with collagen alone (OPC). These two treatments were also compared to “ungrafted” negative controls. Efficacy of regeneration was determined using radiological, biomechanical and histological evaluations after four months of healing. The defects, filled with OPP and OPC, demonstrated radiodense material spanning the defect after one month of healing, with radiographic evidence of recorticalisation and remodelling by two months. The OPP and OPC treatment groups had equivalent structural and material properties that were significantly greater than those in the ungrafted controls. The structural properties of the OPP- and OPC-treated limbs were equivalent to those of the contralateral untreated limb (p >
0.05), yet material properties were inferior (p <
0.05). Histopathology revealed no residual inflammatory response to the biomaterial carriers or OP-1. The OPP- and OPC-treated animals had 60% to 85% lamellar bone within the defect, and less than 25% of the regenerate was composed of fibrous tissue. The defects in the untreated control animals contained less than 40% lamellar bone and more than 60% was fibrous tissue, creating full cortical thickness defects. In our studies carboxymethylcellulose did not adversely affect the capacity of the standard OP-1 implant for regenerating bone.
The sternoclavicular joint is vulnerable to the same disease processes as other synovial joints, the most common of which are instability from injury, osteoarthritis, infection and rheumatoid disease. Patients may also present with other conditions, which are unique to the joint, or are manifestations of a systemic disease process. The surgeon should be aware of these possibilities when assessing a patient with a painful, swollen sternoclavicular joint.
Diabetes mellitus is considered an indicator of poor prognosis for acute ankle fractures, but this risk may be specific to an identifiable subpopulation. We retrospectively reviewed 42 patients with both diabetes mellitus and an acute, closed, rotational ankle fracture. Patients were individually matched to controls by age, gender, fracture type, and surgical