We report the survival, radiological and functional outcomes of a single surgeon series of his first 144 consecutive Birmingham hip resurfacing procedures (130 patients) at a minimum of ten years. There were ten revisions during this time. Although no patients were lost to follow-up some did not complete the scoring assessment or undergo radiological assessment at ten years. The ten-year survival for male patients was 98.0% (95% confidence interval 95.2 to 100). The ten-year survival for the total cohort with aseptic revision as the endpoint was 95.5% (95% confidence interval 91.8 to 99.0) and including revisions for sepsis was 93.5% (95% confidence interval 89.2 to 97.6). The median modified Oxford hip score at ten years was 4.2% (interquartile range 0 to 19) and the median University of California, Los Angeles score was 7.0 (interquartile range 5.0 to 8.0). This study confirms the midterm reports that metal-on-metal hip resurfacing using the Birmingham Hip provides a durable alternative to total hip replacement, particularly in younger male patients wishing to maintain a high level of function, with low risk of revision for at least ten years.
We report the long-term clinical and radiological outcomes of the Aequalis total shoulder replacement with a cemented all-polyethylene flat-back keeled glenoid component implanted for primary osteoarthritis between 1991 and 2003 in nine European centres. A total of 226 shoulders in 210 patients were retrospectively reviewed at a mean of 122.7 months (61 to 219) or at revision. Clinical outcome was assessed using the Constant score, patient satisfaction score and range of movement. Kaplan-Meier survivorship analysis was performed with glenoid revision for loosening and radiological glenoid loosening ( Younger patient age and the curettage technique for glenoid preparation correlated with loosening. The rate of glenoid revision and radiological loosening increased with duration of follow-up, but not until a follow-up of five years. Therefore, we recommend that future studies reporting radiological outcomes of new glenoid designs should report follow-up of at least five to ten years.
This study reports the mid-term results of a large-bearing hybrid metal-on-metal total hip replacement in 199 hips (185 patients) with a mean follow-up of 62 months (32 to 83). Two patients died of unrelated causes and 13 were lost to follow-up. In all, 17 hips (8.5%) have undergone revision, and a further 14 are awaiting surgery. All revisions were symptomatic. Of the revision cases, 14 hips showed evidence of adverse reactions to metal debris. The patients revised or awaiting revision had significantly higher whole blood cobalt ion levels (p = 0.001), but no significant difference in acetabular component size or position compared with the unrevised patients. Wear analysis (n = 5) showed increased wear at the trunnion-head interface, normal levels of wear at the articulating surfaces and evidence of corrosion on the surface of the stem. The cumulative survival rate, with revision for any reason, was 92.4% (95% confidence interval 87.4 to 95.4) at five years. Including those awaiting surgery, the revision rate would be 15.1% with a cumulative survival at five years of 89.6% (95% confidence interval 83.9 to 93.4). This hybrid metal-on-metal total hip replacement series has shown an unacceptably high rate of failure, with evidence of high wear at the trunnion-head interface and passive corrosion of the stem surface. This raises concerns about the use of large heads on conventional 12/14 tapers.
The radiological evaluation of the anterolateral femoral head is an essential tool for the assessment of the cam type of femoroacetabular impingement. CT, MRI and frog lateral plain radiographs have all been suggested as imaging options for this type of lesion. The alpha angle is accepted as a reliable indicator of the cam type of impingement and may also be used as an assessment for the successful operative correction of the cam lesion. We studied the alpha angles of 32 consecutive patients with femoroacetabular impingement. The angle measured on frog lateral radiographs using templating tools was compared with that measured on CT scans in order to assess the reliability of the frog lateral view in analysing the alpha angle in cam impingement. A high interobserver reliability was noted for the assessment of the alpha angle on the frog lateral view with an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.83. The mean alpha angle measured on the frog lateral view was 58.71° (32° to 83.3°) and that by CT was 65.11° (30° to 102°). A poor intraclass correlation coefficient (0.08) was noted between the measurements using the two systems. The frog lateral plain radiograph is not reliable for measuring the alpha angle. Various factors may be responsible for this such as the projection of the radiograph, the positioning of the patient and the quality of the image. CT may be necessary for accurate measurement of the alpha angle.
High energy fractures of the pelvis are a challenging problem both in the immediate post-injury phase and later when definitive fixation is undertaken. No single management algorithm can be applied because of associated injuries and the wide variety of trauma systems that have evolved around the world. Initial management is aimed at saving life and this is most likely to be achieved with an approach that seeks to identify and treat life-threatening injuries in order of priority. Early mortality after a pelvic fracture is most commonly due to major haemorrhage or catastrophic brain injury. In this article we review the role of pelvic binders, angiographic embolisation, pelvic packing, early internal fixation and blood transfusion with regard to controlling haemorrhage. Definitive fixation seeks to prevent deformity and reduce complications. We believe this should be undertaken by specialist surgeons in a hospital resourced, equipped and staffed to manage the whole spectrum of major trauma. We describe the most common modes of internal fixation by injury type and review the factors that influence delayed mortality, adverse functional outcome, sexual dysfunction and venous thromboembolism.
A pronation deformity of the forearm following an obstetric brachial plexus injury causes functional and cosmetic disability. We evaluated the results of pronator teres transfer to correct their deformity in 14 children treated over a period of four years. The mean age at surgery was 7.6 years (5 to 15). The indication for surgery in each case was impairment of active supination in a forearm that could be passively supinated provided that there was no medial contracture of the shoulder and normal function of the hand. The median follow-up was 20.4 months (8 to 42). No patient was lost to follow-up. Qualitative results were also assessed. The median active supination improved from 5° (0° to 10°) to 75° (70° to 80°) with no loss of pronation. A passively correctible pronation contracture can be corrected safely and effectively by the transfer of pronator teres.
We retrospectively reviewed 71 histopathologically-confirmed bone and soft-tissue metastases of unknown origin at presentation. In order to identify the site of the primary tumour all 71 cases were examined with conventional procedures, including CT, serum tumour markers, a plain radiograph, ultrasound examination and endoscopic examinations, and 24 of the 71 cases underwent 2-deoxy-2-[F-18] fluoro-D-glucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET). This detected multiple bone metastases in nine patients and the primary site in 12 of the 24 cases; conventional studies revealed 16 primary tumours. There was no significant difference in sensitivity between FDG-PET and conventional studies. The mean maximal standardised uptake value of the metastatic tumours was significantly higher than that of the primary tumours, which is likely to explain why FDG-PET did not provide better results. It was not superior to conventional procedures in the search for the primary site of bone and soft-tissue metastases; however, it seemed to be useful in the staging of malignancy.
We aimed to determine the reliability, accuracy and the clinical role of digital templating in the pre-operative work-up for total knee replacement. Initially a sample of ten pre-operative digital radiographs were templated by four independent observers to determine the inter- and intra-observer reliability of the process. Digital templating was then performed on the radiographs of 40 consecutive patients undergoing total knee replacement by a consultant surgeon not involved with the operation, who was blinded to the size of the implant inserted. The Press Fit Condylar Sigma Knee system was used in all the patients. The size of the implant as judged by templating was then compared to that of the size used. Good inter- and intra-observer agreement was demonstrated for both femoral and tibial templating. However, the correct size of the implant was predicted in only 48% of the femoral and 55% of the tibial components. Albeit reproducible, digital templating does not currently predict the correct size of component often enough to be of clinical benefit.
We treated 47 patients with a mean age of 57 years (22 to 88) who had a proximal humeral fracture in which there was a severe varus deformity, using a standard operative protocol of anatomical reduction, fixation with a locking plate and supplementation by structural allografts in unstable fractures. The functional and radiological outcomes were reviewed. At two years after operation the median Constant score was 86 points and the median Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand score 17 points. Seven of the patients underwent further surgery, two for failure of fixation, three for dysfunction of the rotator cuff, and two for shoulder stiffness. The two cases of failure of fixation were attributable to violation of the operative protocol. In the 46 patients who retained their humeral head, all the fractures healed within the first year, with no sign of collapse or narrowing of the joint space. Longer follow-up will be required to confirm whether these initially satisfactory results are maintained.
There has been only one limited report dating from 1941 using dissection which has described the tibiofemoral joint between 120° and 160° of flexion despite the relevance of this arc to total knee replacement. We now provide a full description having examined one living and eight cadaver knees using MRI, dissection and previously published cryosections in one knee. In the range of flexion from 120° to 160° the flexion facet centre of the medial femoral condyle moves back 5 mm and rises up on to the posterior horn of the medial meniscus. At 160° the posterior horn is compressed in a synovial recess between the femoral cortex and the tibia. This limits flexion. The lateral femoral condyle also rolls back with the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus moving with the condyle. Both move down over the posterior tibia at 160° of flexion. Neither the events between 120° and 160° nor the anatomy at 160° could result from a continuation of the kinematics up to 120°. Therefore hyperflexion is a separate arc. The anatomical and functional features of this arc suggest that it would be difficult to design an implant for total knee replacement giving physiological movement from 0° to 160°.
This study examined the relationship between the cross-over sign and the true three-dimensional anatomical version of the acetabulum. We also investigated whether in true retroversion there is excessive femoral head cover anteriorly. Radiographs of 64 hips in patients being investigated for symptoms of femoro-acetabular impingement were analysed and the presence of a cross-over sign was documented. CT scans of the same hips were analysed to determine anatomical version and femoral head cover in relation to the anterior pelvic plane after correcting for pelvic tilt. The sensitivity and specificity of the cross-over sign were 92% and 55%, respectively for identifying true acetabular retroversion. There was no significant difference in total cover between normal and retroverted cases. Anterior and posterior cover were, however, significantly different (p <
0.001 and 0.002). The cross-over sign was found to be sensitive but not specific. The results for femoral head cover suggest that retroversion is characterised by posterior deficiency but increased cover anteriorly.
Hip simulators have been used for ten years to determine the tribological performance of large-head metal-on-metal devices using traditional test conditions. However, the hip simulator protocols were originally developed to test metal-on-polyethylene devices. We have used patient activity data to develop a more physiologically relevant test protocol for metal-on-metal devices. This includes stop/start motion, a more appropriate walking frequency, and alternating kinetic and kinematic profiles. There has been considerable discussion about the effect of heat treatments on the wear of metal-on-metal cobalt chromium molybdenum (CoCrMo) devices. Clinical studies have shown a higher rate of wear, levels of metal ions and rates of failure for the heat-treated metal compared to the as-cast metal CoCrMo devices. However, hip simulator studies in vitro under traditional testing conditions have thus far not been able to demonstrate a difference between the wear performance of these implants. Using a physiologically relevant test protocol, we have shown that heat treatment of metal-on-metal CoCrMo devices adversely affects their wear performance and generates significantly higher wear rates and levels of metal ions than in as-cast metal implants.
Heterotopic ossification occurring after the use of commercially available bone morphogenetic proteins has not been widely reported. We describe four cases of heterotopic ossification in patients treated with either recombinant bone morphogenetic protein 2 or recombinant bone morphogenetic protein 7. We found that while some patients were asymptomatic, heterotopic ossification which had occurred around a joint often required operative excision with good results.
We have reviewed our experience in managing 11 patients who sustained an indirect sternal fracture in combination with an upper thoracic spinal injury between 2003 and 2006. These fractures have previously been described as ‘associated’ fractures, but since the upper thorax is an anatomical entity composed of the upper thoracic spine, ribs and sternum joined together, we feel that the term ‘fractures of the upper transthoracic cage’ is a better description. These injuries are a challenge because they are unusual and easily overlooked. They require a systematic clinical and radiological examination to identify both lesions. This high-energy trauma gives severe devastating concomitant injuries and CT with contrast and reconstruction is essential after resuscitation to confirm the presence of all the lesions. The injury level occurs principally at T4–T5 and at the manubriosternal joint. These unstable fractures need early posterior stabilisation and fusion or, if treated conservatively, a very close follow-up.
Using a prospective database of 1309 displaced acetabular fractures gathered between 1980 and 2007, we calculated the annual mean age and annual incidence of elderly patients >
60 years of age presenting with these injuries. We compared the clinical details and patterns of fracture between patients >
60 years of age (study group) with those <
60 years (control group). We performed a detailed evaluation of the radiographs of the older group to determine the incidence of radiological characteristics which have been previously described as being associated with a poor patient outcome. In all, 235 patients were >
60 years of age and the remaining 1074 were <
60 years. The incidence of elderly patients with acetabular fractures increased by 2.4-fold between the first half of the study period and the second half (10% (62) The proportion of elderly patients presenting with acetabular fractures increased during the 27-year period. The older patients had a different distribution of fracture pattern than the younger patients, and often had radiological features which have been shown in other studies to be predictive of a poor outcome.
Fractures of the proximal interphalangeal joint include a wide spectrum of injuries, from stable avulsion fractures to complex fracture-dislocations. Stability of the joint is paramount in determining the appropriate treatment, which should aim to facilitate early mobilisation and restoration of function.
We present a new CT-based method which measures cover of the femoral head in both normal and dysplastic hips and allows assessment of acetabular inclination and anteversion. A clear topographical image of the head with its covered area is generated. We studied 36 normal and 39 dysplastic hips. In the normal hips the mean cover was 73% (66% to 81%), whereas in the dysplastic group it was 51% (38% to 64%). The significant advantage of this technique is that it allows the measurements to be standardised with reference to a specific anatomical plane. When this is applied to assessing cover in surgery for dysplasia of the hip it gives a clearer understanding of where the corrected hip stands in relation to normal and allows accurate assessment of inclination and anteversion.
We evaluated 100 consecutive patients with a suspected scaphoid fracture but without evidence of a fracture on plain radiographs using MRI within 24 hours of injury, and bone scintigraphy three to five days after injury. The reference standard for a true radiologically-occult scaphoid fracture was either a diagnosis of fracture on both MRI and bone scintigraphy, or, in the case of discrepancy, clinical and/or radiological evidence of a fracture. MRI revealed 16 scaphoid and 24 other fractures. Bone scintigraphy showed 28 scaphoid and 40 other fractures. According to the reference standard there were 20 scaphoid fractures. MRI was falsely negative for scaphoid fracture in four patients and bone scintigraphy falsely positive in eight. MRI had a sensitivity of 80% and a specificity of 100%. Bone scintigraphy had a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 90%. This study did not confirm that early, short-sequence MRI was superior to bone scintigraphy for the diagnosis of a suspected scaphoid fracture. Bone scintigraphy remains a highly sensitive and reasonably specific investigation for the diagnosis of an occult scaphoid fracture.
Polyethylene wear of acetabular components is a key factor in the development of periprosthetic osteolysis and wear at the articular surface has been well documented and quantified, but fewer data are available about changes which occur at the backside of the liner. At revision surgery for loosening of the femoral component we retrieved 35 conventional modular acetabular liners of the same design. Linear and volumetric articular wear, backside volumetric change and the volume of the screw-head indentations were quantified. These volumes, clinical data and the results from radiological The rate of backside volumetric change was found to be 2.8% of the rate of volumetric articular wear and decreased with increasing liner size. Migrated acetabular components showed significantly higher rates of backside volumetric change plus screw-head indentations than those without migration. The backside volumetric change was at least ten times larger than finite-element simulation had suggested. In a stable acetabular component with well-anchored screws, the amount of backside wear should not cause clinical problems. Impingement of the screw-heads could produce more wear particles than those generated at the liner-shell interface. Because the rate of backside volumetric change is only 2.8% of the rate of volumetric articular wear and since creep is likely to contribute a significant portion to this, the debris generated by wear at the backside of the liner may not be sufficient to create a strong osteolytic response.