Prompt surgical decompression is the only means of preventing the late sequelae of ischaemic contracture in post-traumatic compartment
Children with a mucopolysaccharidosis or mucolipidosis suffer progressive disability of the hands, particularly in relation to dysfunction of the median nerve. This is an increasing problem because bone-marrow transplantation has dramatically improved survival without apparently changing the musculoskeletal manifestations. We have reviewed 48 children with these
1. Dissections have been made of the cervico-brachial region. 2. The possible causes of the scalenus anterior
1 . Necropsy and dissection findings of a man of fifty-two who died from nail-patella
Morbid obesity and its association with obstructive sleep apnoea
A review of 77 patients with traumatic central cord
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the mid-term outcomes of autologous matrix-induced chondrogenesis (AMIC) for the treatment of larger cartilage lesions and deformity correction in hips suffering from symptomatic femoroacetabular impingement (FAI). This single-centre study focused on a cohort of 24 patients with cam- or pincer-type FAI, full-thickness femoral or acetabular chondral lesions, or osteochondral lesions ≥ 2 cm2, who underwent surgical hip dislocation for FAI correction in combination with AMIC between March 2009 and February 2016. Baseline data were retrospectively obtained from patient files. Mid-term outcomes were prospectively collected at a follow-up in 2020: cartilage repair tissue quality was evaluated by MRI using the Magnetic Resonance Observation of Cartilage Repair Tissue (MOCART) score. Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) included the Oxford Hip Score (OHS) and Core Outcome Measure Index (COMI). Clinical examination included range of motion, impingement tests, and pain.Aims
It has been known for well over a century that the corresponding ossification centres of the hand tend to appear before those of the foot (Mall 1906), although even now the range of variability remains poorly defined. Presumably a similar asynchrony also obtains for chondrification, although precise timing is more difficult here than for ossification. Accordingly, it is tempting with respect to this
1. Thirty-four patients with severe lumbo-sacral subluxation have been studied. Twenty-nine of these came for advice between the ages of nine and nineteen, and of these, twenty-five developed symptoms and signs of a characteristic
This paper describes how we came to understand the pathophysiology of Volkmann’s ischaemic contracture with references to relevant papers in this Journal, and the investigation and management of acute compartment
We describe ten patients with Turner’s
1. From India a family is reported in which fifteen of fifty-seven were affected by the nail-patella
From 1975 to 1988, operative treatment was performed on 50 feet in 45 patients with tarsal tunnel
The acetabular rim
Degenerative changes of the knee often cause loss of extension. This may affect aspects of posture such as lumbar lordosis. A total of 366 patients underwent radiological examination of the lumbar spine in a standing position. The knee and body angles were measured by physical examination using a goniometer. Limitation of extension of the knee was significantly greater in patients whose lumbar lordosis was 30° or less. Lumbar lordosis was significantly reduced in patients whose limitation of extension of the knee was more than 5°. It decreased over the age of 70 years, and the limitation of extension of the knee increased over the age of 60 years. Our study indicates that symptoms from the lumbar spine may be caused by degenerative changes in the knee. This may be called the ‘knee-spine
1. A case of the scapho-capitate fracture
1. Metabolic balance studies in two cases of the Fanconi
1. A case of ischaemic necrosis of the peroneal muscles (peroneal compartment syndrome) is described. Recovery or regeneration of a seemingly necrotic peroneus brevis was noted. 2. The similarity between peroneal compartment
1. A case of Fanconi's