Twenty-five patients with 30 chondral lesions of the knee were treated with an autogenous strip of costal perichondrium. The graft was fixed to the subchondral bone with Tissucol (Immuno, Vienna), a human fibrin glue. The leg was then immobilised for two weeks followed by two weeks of continuous passive motion. Weight-bearing was permitted after three months. The mean knee score (Ranawat, Insall and Shine 1976) changed from 73 before operation to 90 one year after; in 14 patients evaluated after two years there was no decrease. In 28 cases the defect was completely filled with tissue resembling articular cartilage. We conclude that in most cases perichondral arthroplasty of
1. The source of nutrition of articular cartilage still remains a subject of controversy. 2. Experiments are described in which an attempt to demonstrate the direct transfer of fluid from the subchondral bone has been made using 355 and an autoradiographic technique. These experiments were based on ones originally performed by Ekholm (1951), except that two distinct groups of animals were used : immature rabbits and adult rabbits whose skeletons were mature. 3. The transfer of fluid to the
The management of failed autologous chondrocyte
implantation (ACI) and matrix-assisted autologous chondrocyte implantation
(MACI) for the treatment of symptomatic osteochondral defects in
the knee represents a major challenge. Patients are young, active
and usually unsuitable for prosthetic replacement. This study reports
the results in patients who underwent revision
We have compared the concentrations of stromal-cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1), matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1), MMP-9 and MMP-13 in serum before and after synovectomy or total knee replacement (TKR). We confirmed the presence of SDF-1 and its receptor CXCR4 in the synovium and articular cartilage by immunohistochemistry. We established chondrocytes by using mutant CXCR4 to block the release of MMPs. The level of SDF-1 was decreased 5.1- and 6.7-fold in the serum of patients with OA and RA respectively, after synovectomy compared with that before surgery. MMP-9 and MMP-13 were decreased in patients with OA and RA after synovectomy. We detected SDF-1 in the synovium and the bone marrow but not in
We report the experimental use of three different biological implants to restore articular surface defects: glutaraldehyde-fixed bovine meniscal xenograft, glutaraldehyde-fixed bovine costal
Allografts of intact
1. Human articular cartilage from normal femoral heads and from cases of osteoarthrosis in subjects of various ages has been examined histologically and by electron microscopy. 2. In specimens from middle-aged and old subjects, peculiar "matrix-streaks" have been observed in the deep zone of the pressure areas as oblique bands extending from the pericellubar halos into the adjacent matrix. 3. Ultrastructurally the streaks are correlated with an undulating pattern of the radially oriented collagen fibres. 4. The streaks are considered to result from a focal lack of acid mucopolysaccharide and from natural forces on the articular cartilage. Their appearance is assumed to be an early sign of
1. As previous experiments with autogenous transplantation of epiphysial growth plates have given limited success, a study was carried out on two groups of rabbits, one of which was given hyperbaric oxygen post-operatively in an attempt to improve the results. 2. Sixty-four New Zealand white rabbits had the distal ulnar growth plate transplanted from left to right and vice versa, giving a total of 128 transplants. 3. In the group of thirty-two rabbits given hyperbaric oxygen 48 per cent of the transplants were regarded as successful when examined histologically six weeks after operation, while in the control group the figure was 28 per cent. 4. This investigation suggests the clinical use of hyperbaric oxygen to improve the results of transplantation of growth
Construction of a functional skeleton is accomplished
through co-ordination of the developmental processes of chondrogenesis,
osteogenesis, and synovial joint formation. Infants whose movement Cite this article:
A quantitative study of the vascularity and a qualitative study of the remodelling of the calcified
1. It is suggested that slow recovery and post-operative effusion after meniscectomy may often be due to "scar friction" when the incision in the synovial membrane is in contact with the non-articular surface of the femoral condyle. 2. The advantages of a horizontal incision are discussed, particularly with regard to early recovery. 3. The results of one hundred and three cases of meniscectomy are analysed. An attempt to trace the cause of incompletely successful results in 25 per cent. of cases failed to show any relation to minor coincident lesions discovered at operation, or to the amount of meniscus removed.
We studied the ossific nuclei on radiographs of the feet of three stillborn infants, two with club feet, relating the size, position and alignment of each nucleus to the cartilaginous talus or calcaneum in which it lay. Anteroposterior projections of the nucleus of the talus show deformity of that bone as well as subtalar malalignment. Lateral projections of the calcaneal nucleus may underestimate the degree of hindfoot equinus.