Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis is a rare condition, which is difficult to diagnose. It has not previously been reported following surgery to the cervical spine . We report such a case in a 45-year-old man after cervical disc replacement. A high index of suspicion, with early imaging of the brain and prompt treatment, can produce a favourable outcome, albeit not in this case.
We undertook a randomised prospective follow-up study of changes in peri-prosthetic bone mineral density (BMD) after hip resurfacing and compared them with the results after total hip replacement. A total of 59 patients were allocated to receive a hip resurfacing (n = 29) or an uncemented distally fixed total hip replacement (n = 30). The BMD was prospectively determined in four separate regions of interest of the femoral neck and in the calcar region corresponding to Gruen zone 7 for the hip resurfacing group and compared only to the calcar region in the total hip replacement group. Standardised measurements were performed pre-operatively and after three, six and 12 months. The groups were well matched in terms of gender distribution and mean age. The mean BMD in the calcar region increased after one year to 105.2% of baseline levels in the resurfaced group compared with a significant decrease to 82.1% in the total hip replacement group (p <
0.001) by 12 months. For the resurfaced group, there was a decrease in bone density in all four regions of the femoral neck at three months which did not reach statistical significance and was followed by recovery to baseline levels after 12 months. Hip resurfacing did indeed preserve BMD in the inferior femoral neck. In contrast, a decrease in the mean BMD in Gruen zone 7 followed uncemented distally fixed total hip replacement. Long term follow-up studies are necessary to see whether this benefit in preservation of BMD will be clinically relevant at future revision surgery.
There are few reports on the treatment of pyogenic lumbar spondylodiscitis through the posterior approach using a single incision. Between October 1999 and March 2003 we operated on 18 patients with pyogenic lumbar spondylodiscitis. All underwent posterior lumbar interbody fusion using an autogenous bone graft from the iliac crest and pedicle screws via a posterior approach. The clinical outcome was assessed using the Frankel neurological classification and the criteria of Kirkaldy-Willis. Under the Frankel classification, two patients improved by two grades (C to E), 11 by one grade, and five showed no change. The Kirkaldy-Willis functional outcome was excellent in five patients, good in ten and fair in three. Bony union was confirmed six months after surgery in 17 patients, but in one patient this was not achieved until two years after operation. The mean lordotic angle before operation was 20° (−2° to 42°) and the mean lordotic angle at the final follow-up was 32.5° (17° to 44°). Two patients had a superficial wound infection and two a transient root injury. Posterior lumbar interbody fusion with an autogenous iliac crest bone graft and pedicle screw fixation via a posterior approach can provide satisfactory results in pyogenic spondylodiscitis.
Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride-loaded microspheres were prepared by a spray-drying method using pectin and chitosan. The effects of different polymers and drug ratios were investigated. The most appropriate carriers were selected by The drug was released rapidly from the pectin carrier but this was more sustained in the chitosan formulation. Chitosan microspheres loaded with ciprofloxacin hydrochloride were more effective for the treatment of osteomyelitis than equivalent intramuscular antibiotics.
We examined the mechanical properties of Vicryl (polyglactin 910) mesh Mesh fibres were visible at six weeks but had been completely resorbed by 12 weeks, with no evidence of chronic inflammation. The tendon-implant neoenthesis was predominantly an indirect type, with tendon attached to the bone-hydroxyapatite surface by perforating collagen fibres.
Little is known about the increase in length of tendons in postnatal life or of their response to limb lengthening procedures. A study was carried out in ten young and nine adult rabbits in which the tibia was lengthened by 20% at two rates 0.8 mm/day and 1.6 mm/day. The tendon of the flexor digitorum longus (FDL) muscle showed a significant increase in length in response to lengthening of the tibia. The young rabbits exhibited a significantly higher increase in length in the FDL tendon compared with the adults. There was no difference in the amount of lengthening of the FDL tendon at the different rates. Of the increase in length which occurred, 77% was in the proximal half of the tendon. This investigation demonstrated that tendons have the ability to lengthen during limb distraction. This occurred to a greater extent in the young who showed a higher proliferative response, suggesting that there may be less need for formal tendon lengthening in young children.
Bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells were aspirated from immature male green fluorescent protein transgenic rats and cultured in a monolayer. Four weeks after the creation of the osteochondral defect, the rats were divided into three groups of 18: the control group, treated with an intra-articular injection of phosphate-buffered saline only; the drilling group, treated with an intra-articular injection of phosphate-buffered saline with a bone marrow-stimulating procedure; and the bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells group, treated with an intra-articular injection of bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells plus a bone marrow-stimulating procedure. The rats were then killed at 4, 8 and 12 weeks after treatment and examined. The histological scores were significantly better in the bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells group than in the control and drilling groups at all time points (p <
0.05). The fluorescence of the green fluorescent protein-positive cells could be observed in specimens four weeks after treatment.
The aim of this study was to determine whether exposure of human articular cartilage to hyperosmotic saline (0.9%, 600 mOsm) reduces Using confocal laser scanning microscopy, we identified a sixfold (p = 0.04) decrease in chondrocyte death following mechanical injury in the superficial zone of human articular cartilage exposed to hyperosmotic saline compared with normal saline. These data suggest that increasing the osmolarity of joint irrigation solutions used during open and arthroscopic articular surgery may reduce chondrocyte death from surgical injury and could promote integrative cartilage repair.
Sex hormones play important roles in the regulation of the proliferation, maturation and death of chondrocytes in the epiphyseal growth plate. We have investigated the effects of male castration on the cell kinetics of chondrocytes as defined by the numbers of proliferating and dying cells. The growth plates of normal rabbits and animals castrated at eight weeks of age were obtained at 10, 15, 20 and 25 weeks of age. Our study suggested that castration led to an increase in apoptosis and a decrease in the proliferation of chondrocytes in the growth plate. In addition, the number of chondrocytes in the castrated rabbits was less than that of normal animals of the same age.
This study assessed if transfer of the extensor hallucis longus is a valid alternative treatment to split transfer of the tibialis anterior tendon in adult hemiplegic patients without overactivity of the tibialis anterior. One group of 15 patients had overactivity of tibialis anterior in the swing phase, and underwent the split transfer. A further group of 14 patients had no overactivity of tibialis anterior, and underwent transfer of extensor hallucis longus. All patients had lengthening of the tendo Achillis and tenotomies of the toe flexors. All were evaluated clinically and by three-dimensional gait analysis pre- and at one year after surgery. At this time both groups showed significant reduction of disability in walking. Gait speed, stride length and paretic propulsion had improved significantly in both groups. Dorsiflexion in the swing phase, the step length of the healthy limb and the step width improved in both groups, but only reached statistical significance in the patients with transfer of the extensor hallucis longus. There were no differences between the groups at one year after operation. When combined with lengthening of the tendo Achillis, transfer of the extensor hallucis longus can be a valid alternative to split transfer of the tibialis anterior tendon to correct equinovarus foot deformity in patients without overactivity of tibialis anterior.
We present a case of delayed presentation of a subdural haematoma causing cauda equina syndrome which occurred 96 hours after a spinal anaesthetic had been administered for an elective total hip replacement in an 86-year-old man. The patient had received low-molecular-weight heparin anticoagulation which had been delayed until 12 hours postoperatively. No other cause of the haemorrhage could be identified.
We validated the North American Spine Society (NASS) outcome-assessment instrument for the lumbar spine in a computerised touch-screen format and assessed patients’ acceptance, taking into account previous computer experience, age and gender. Fifty consecutive patients with symptomatic and radiologically-proven degenerative disease of the lumbar spine completed both the hard copy (paper) and the computerised versions of the NASS questionnaire. Statistical analysis showed high agreement between the paper and the touch-screen computer format for both subscales (intraclass correlation coefficient 0.94, 95% confidence interval (0.90 to 0.97)) independent of computer experience, age and gender. In total, 55% of patients stated that the computer format was easier to use and 66% preferred it to the paper version (p <
0.0001 among subjects expressing a preference). Our data indicate that the touch-screen format is comparable to the paper form. It may improve follow-up in clinical practice and research by meeting patients’ preferences and minimising administrative work.
We describe the clinical outcome of a technique of surgical augmentation of chronic massive tears of the rotator cuff using a polyester ligament (Dacron) in 21 symptomatic patients (14 men, seven women) with a mean age of 66.5 years (55.0 to 85.0). All patients had MRI and arthroscopic evidence of chronic massive tears. The clinical outcome was assessed using the Constant and Murley and patient satisfaction scores at a mean follow-up of 36 months (30 to 46). The polyester ligament (500 mm × 10 mm) was passed into the joint via the portal of Neviaser, medial to the tear through healthy cuff. The two ends of the ligament holding the cuff were passed through tunnels made in the proximal humerus at the footprint of the insertion of the cuff. The ligament was tied with a triple knot over the humeral cortex. All the patients remained free from pain (p <
0.001) with improvement in function (p <
0.001) and range of movement (p <
0.001). The mean pre-operative and post-operative Constant scores were 46.7 (39.0 to 61.0) and 85.4 (52.0 to 96.0), respectively (p <
0.001). The mean patient satisfaction score was 90%. There were two failures, one due to a ruptured ligament after one year and the other due to deep-seated infection. The MR scan at the final follow-up confirmed intact and thickened bands in 15 of 17 patients. This technique of augmentation gives consistent relief from pain with improved shoulder movement in patients with symptomatic massive tears of the rotator cuff.
We have assessed whether an epidural steroid injection is effective in the treatment of symptoms due to compression of a nerve root in the lumbar spine by carrying out a prospective, randomised, controlled trial in which patients received either an epidural steroid injection or an intramuscular injection of local anaesthetic and steroid. We assessed a total of 93 patients according to the Oxford pain chart and the Oswestry disability index and followed up for a minimum of two years. All the patients had been categorised as potential candidates for surgery. There was a significant reduction in pain early on in those having an epidural steroid injection but no difference in the long term between the two groups. The rate of subsequent operation in the groups was similar.
This study was performed to review the safety and outcome of total shoulder replacements in patients who are ≥ 80 years of age. A total of 50 total shoulder replacements in 44 patients at a mean age of 82 years (80 to 89) were studied. Their health and shoulder status, the operation and post-operative course were analysed, including pain, movement, patient satisfaction, medical and surgical complications, radiographs, the need for revision surgery, and implant and patient survival. A total of 27 patients had an ASA classification of III or IV and medical abnormalities were common. Of the 13 shoulders with bony deficiency of the glenoid, nine required grafting. The duration of hospital stay was prolonged and blood transfusions were common. There were no peri-operative deaths. The mean follow-up was for 5.5 years (2 to 12). Pain was significantly reduced (p <
0.001) and movement improved in active elevation and both external and internal rotation (p <
0.001). Using the Neer scale for assessing outcome, 40 (80%) shoulders had an excellent or satisfactory result. There were medical or surgical complications in 17 cases. Four shoulders developed radiological evidence of loosened glenoid components, and three of these had a poor outcome. Three other shoulders required revision, two for instability. By the time of this review 39 of the patients had died from unrelated causes at a mean of 7.5 years (0.8 to 16.4) after surgery. Total shoulder replacement is a relatively effective treatment in this elderly group of patients. However, there is a requirement for more intense patient care in the peri-operative period, and non-fatal medical or surgical complications are common. Most of these elderly patients will have a comfortable functional shoulder for the rest of their lives.
Most proximal humeral fractures are stable injuries of the ageing population, and can be successfully treated non-operatively. The management of the smaller number of more complex displaced fractures is more controversial and new fixation techniques have greatly increased the range of fractures that may benefit from surgery. This article explores current concepts in the classification and clinical aspects of these injuries, reviewing the indications, innovations and outcomes for the most common methods of treatment.
Biomechanical studies involving all-wire and hybrid types of circular frame have shown that oblique tibial fractures remain unstable when they are loaded. We have assessed a range of techniques for enhancing the fixation of these fractures. Eight models were constructed using Sawbones tibiae and standard Sheffield ring fixators, to which six additional fixation techniques were applied sequentially. The major component of displacement was shear along the obliquity of the fracture. This was the most sensitive to any change in the method of fixation. All additional fixation systems were found to reduce shear movement significantly, the most effective being push-pull wires and arched wires with a three-hole bend. Less effective systems included an additional half pin and arched wires with a shallower arc. Angled pins were more effective at reducing shear than transverse pins. The choice of additional fixation should be made after consideration of both the amount of stability required and the practicalities of applying the method to a particular fracture.
We investigated the effect of mitomycin-C on the reduction of the formation of peritendinous fibrous adhesions after tendon repair. In 20 Wistar albino rats the tendo Achillis was cut and repaired using a modified Kessler technique. The rats were divided into two equal groups. In group 1, an injection of mitomycin-C was placed between the tendon and skin of the right leg. In group 2, an identical volume of sterile normal saline was injected on the left side in a similar fashion. All the rats received mitomycin-C or saline for four weeks starting from the day of operation. The animals were killed after 30 days. The formation of peritendinous fibrous tissue, the inflammatory reaction and tendon healing were evaluated. The tensile strength of the repaired tendons was measured biomechanically. Microscopic evidence of the formation of adhesions and inflammation was less in group 1. There was no significant difference in the tensile load required to rupture the repaired tendons in the two groups. Mitomycin-C may therefore provide a simple and inexpensive means of preventing of post-operative adhesions.
Metatarsalgia is a recognised complication following iatrogenic shortening of the first metatarsal in the management of hallux valgus. The traditional surgical treatment is by shortening osteotomies of the lesser metatarsals. We describe the results of lengthening of iatrogenic first brachymetatarsia in 16 females. A Scarf-type osteotomy was used in the first four cases and a step-cut of equal thicknesses along the axis of the first metatarsal was performed in the others. The mean follow-up was 21 months (19 to 26). Relief of metatarsalgia was obtained in the six patients in whom 10 mm of lengthening had been achieved, compared to only 50% relief in those where less than 8 mm of lengthening had been gained. One-stage step-cut lengthening osteotomy of the first metatarsal may be preferable to shortening osteotomies of the lesser metatarsals in the treatment of metatarsalgia following surgical shortening of the first metatarsal.