We describe a technique of lengthening osteotomy of the fibula for the late treatment of symptomatic malaligned or malunited
We report our experience of the use of the Ilizarov technique to treat nine patients with severe compound tibial
Since 1986 we have treated 15 patients with
We report three patients in whom a
Fine-wire accepted as a minimally external fixation is invasive technique, which can provide better outcomes than traditional open methods in the management of complex
Screw devices used to treat
1. Dislocation or sublaxation of the inferior radio-ulnar joint in association with
We have analysed 31 malunited ankle
Asymptomatic cyst-like cortical defects appearing after
Two patients are described, each with a fracture-dislocation of the hip combined with a
Sixty closed
We performed a prospective randomised trial on matched groups of patients with displaced tibial shaft
We measured the scattered radiation received by theatre staff, using high-sensitivity electronic personal dosimeters, during fixation of extracapsular
At operation for the correction of cubitus varus by removal of a wedge based laterally, the radial nerve fortunately was first explored and found to run through a transverse bony tunnel at the posterior level of a supracondylar
Severe open
A prospective study of 141 patients with 143 tibial shaft
In 22 patients with femoral neck
The Gamma nail was introduced for the treatment of peritrochanteric
1. In a severe crush
Retrospective review of 730 consecutive primary uncemented and cemented total hip arthroplasties revealed 19 intra-operative hoop-stress