The establishment of a suitable animal model of repair of the rotator cuff is difficult since the presence of a true rotator cuff anatomically appears to be restricted almost exclusively to advanced primates. Our observational study describes the healing process after repair of the cuff in a primate model. Lesions were prepared and repaired in eight ‘middle-aged’ baboons. Two each were killed at four, eight, 12 and 15 weeks post-operatively. The bone-tendon repair zones were assessed macroscopically and histologically. Healing of the baboon supraspinatus involved a sequence of stages resulting in the reestablishment of the bone-tendon junction. It was not uniform and occurred more rapidly at the sites of suture fixation than between them. Four weeks after repair the bone-tendon healing was immature. Whereas macroscopically the repair appeared to be healed at eight weeks, the Sharpey fibres holding the repair together did not appear in any considerable number before 12 weeks. By 15 weeks, the bone-tendon junction was almost, but not quite mature. Our results support the use of a post-operative rehabilitation programme in man which protects the surgical repair for at least 12 to 15 weeks in order to allow maturation of tendon-to-bone healing.
The haematoma occurring at the site of a fracture is known to play an important role in bone healing. We have recently shown the presence of progenitor cells in human fracture haematoma and demonstrated that they have the capacity for multilineage mesenchymal differentiation. There have been many studies which have shown that low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) stimulates the differentiation of a variety of cells, but none has investigated the effects of LIPUS on cells derived from human fracture tissue including human fracture haematoma-derived progenitor cells (HCs). In this
Painful neuromas may follow traumatic nerve injury. We carried out a double-blind controlled trial in which patients with a painful neuroma of the lower limb (n = 20) were randomly assigned to treatment by resection of the neuroma and translocation of the proximal nerve stump into either muscle tissue or an adjacent subcutaneous vein. Translocation into a vein led to reduced intensity of pain as assessed by visual analogue scale (5.8 (sd 2.7) vs 3.8 (sd 2.4); p <
0.01), and improved sensory, affective and evaluative dimensions of pain as assessed by the McGill pain score (33 (sd 18) vs 14 (sd 12); p <
0.01). This was associated with an increased level of activity (p <
0.01) and improved function (p <
0.01). Transposition of the nerve stump into an adjacent vein should be preferred to relocation into muscle.
The potential harm to the growth plate following reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament in skeletally-immature patients is well documented, but we are not aware of literature on the subject of the fate of the graft itself. We have reviewed five adolescent males who underwent reconstruction of the ligament with four-strand hamstring grafts using MR images taken at a mean of 34.6 months (18 to 58) from the time of operation. The changes in dimension of the graft were measured and compared with those taken at the original operation. No growth arrest was seen on radiological or clinical measurement of leg-length discrepancy, nor was there any soft-tissue contracture. All the patients regained their pre-injury level of activity, including elite-level sport in three. The patients grew by a mean of 17.3 cm (14 to 24). The diameter of the grafts did not change despite large increases in length (mean 42%; 33% to 57%). Most of the gain in length was on the femoral side. Large changes in the length of the grafts were seen. There is a considerable increase in the size of the graft, so some neogenesis must occur; the graft must grow.
The mammalian growth plate is a complex structure which is essential for the elongation of long bones. However, an understanding of how the growth plate functions at the cellular level is lacking. This review, summarises the factors involved in growth-plate regulation, its failure and the consequence of injury. We also describe some of the cellular mechanisms which underpin the increase in volume of the growth-plate chondrocyte which is the major determinant of the rate and extent of bone lengthening. We show how living in situ chondrocytes can be imaged using 2-photon laser scanning microscopy to provide a quantitative analysis of their volume. This approach should give better understanding of the cellular control of bone growth in both healthy and failed growth plates.
Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene sterilised in the absence of air and highly cross-linked polyethylene have been used to avoid osteolysis and loosening in total hip replacement. Our prospective randomised study has assessed the results using two different polyethylenes associated with the same prosthetic design. We assessed 45 Allofit acetabular components with a Sulene-polyethylene liner of conventional polyethylene gamma sterilised with nitrogen and 45 Allofit acetabular components with a Durasul-polyethylene liner sterilised in ethylene oxide, both matched with an Alloclassic stem with a 28 mm modular femoral head. The prostheses were implanted between May 1999 and December 2001. The mean follow-up was for 66.3 months (60 to 92). The linear penetration of the femoral head was estimated at 6 weeks, at 6 and 12 months and annually thereafter from standardised digitised radiographs using image-analysis software. There was no loosening of any prosthetic component. There were no radiolucent lines or osteolysis. The mean rate of penetration calculated from regression analysis during the first five years was 38 μm/year (
We investigated patterns of refracture and their risk factors in patients with congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia after Ilizarov osteosynthesis. We studied 43 cases in 23 patients. Temporal and spatial patterns of refracture and refracture-free survival were analysed in each case. The refracture-free rate of cumulative survival was 47% at five years and did not change thereafter. Refracture occurred at the previous pseudarthrosis in 16 of 19 cases of refracture. The risk of refracture was significantly higher when osteosynthesis was performed below the age of four years, when the tibial cross-sectional area was narrow, and when associated with persistent fibular pseudarthrosis. Refracture occurs frequently after successful osteosynthesis in these patients. Delaying osteosynthesis, maximising the tibial cross-sectional area and stabilising the fibula may reduce the risk of refracture.
There is much debate about the nature and extent of deformities in the proximal femur in children with cerebral palsy. Most authorities accept that increased femoral anteversion is common, but its incidence, severity and clinical significance are less clear. Coxa valga is more controversial and many authorities state that it is a radiological artefact rather than a true deformity. We measured femoral anteversion clinically and the neck-shaft angle radiologically in 292 children with cerebral palsy. This represented 78% of a large, population-based cohort of children with cerebral palsy which included all motor types, topographical distributions and functional levels as determined by the gross motor function classification system. The mean femoral neck anteversion was 36.5° (11° to 67.5°) and the mean neck-shaft angle 147.5° (130° to 178°). These were both increased compared with values in normally developing children. The mean femoral neck anteversion was 30.4° (11° to 50°) at gross motor function classification system level I, 35.5° (8° to 65°) at level II and then plateaued at approximately 40.0° (25° to 67.5°) at levels III, IV and V. The mean neck-shaft angle increased in a step-wise manner from 135.9° (130° to 145°) at gross motor function classification system level I to 163.0° (151° to 178°) at level V. The migration percentage increased in a similar pattern and was closely related to femoral deformity. Based on these findings we believe that displacement of the hip in patients with cerebral palsy can be explained mainly by the abnormal shape of the proximal femur, as a result of delayed walking, limited walking or inability to walk. This has clinical implications for the management of hip displacement in children with cerebral palsy.
The pathophysiology of intervertebral disc degeneration has been extensively studied. Various factors have been suggested as influencing its aetiology, including mechanical factors, such as compressive loading, shear stress and vibration, as well as ageing, genetic, systemic and toxic factors, which can lead to degeneration of the disc through biochemical reactions. How are these factors linked? What is their individual importance? There is no clear evidence indicating whether ageing in the presence of repetitive injury or repetitive injury in the absence of ageing plays a greater role in the degenerative process. Mechanical factors can trigger biochemical reactions which, in turn, may promote the normal biological changes of ageing, which can also be accelerated by genetic factors. Degradation of the molecular structure of the disc during ageing renders it more susceptible to superimposed mechanical injuries. This review supports the theory that degeneration of the disc has a complex multifactorial aetiology. Which factors initiate the events in the degenerative cascade is a question that remains unanswered, but most evidence points to an age-related process influenced primarily by mechanical and genetic factors.
We have evaluated the effect of the short-term administration of low therapeutic doses of modern COX-2 inhibitors on the healing of fractures. A total of 40 adult male New Zealand rabbits were divided into five groups. A mid-diaphyseal osteotomy of the right ulna was performed and either normal saline, prednisolone, indometacin, meloxicam or rofecoxib was administered for five days. Radiological, biomechanical and histomorphometric evaluation was performed at six weeks. In the group in which the highly selective anti-COX-2 agent, rofecoxib, was used the incidence of radiologically-incomplete union was similar to that in the control group. All the biomechanical parameters were statistically significantly lower in both the prednisolone and indometacin (p = 0.01) and in the meloxicam (p = 0.04) groups compared with the control group. Only the fracture load values were found to be statistically significantly lower (p = 0.05) in the rofecoxib group. Histomorphometric parameters were adversely affected in all groups with the specimens of the rofecoxib group showing the least negative effect. Our findings indicated that the short-term administration of low therapeutic doses of a highly selective COX-2 inhibitor had a minor negative effect on bone healing.
Despite advances in the prevention and treatment of osteoporotic fractures, their prevalence continues to increase. Their operative treatment remains a challenge for the surgeon, often with unpredictable outcomes. This review highlights the current aspects of management of these fractures and focuses on advances in implant design and surgical technique.
We evaluated 31 patients who were treated with a non-vascularised fibular graft after resection of primary musculoskeletal tumours, with a median follow-up of 5.6 years (3 to 26.7 years). Primary union was achieved in 89% (41 of 46) of the grafts in a median period of 24 weeks. All 25 grafts in 18 patients without additional chemotheraphy and/or radiotherapy achieved primary union, compared with 16 of the 21 grafts (76%; 13 patients) with additional therapy (p = 0.017). Radiographs showed an increase in diameter in 70% (59) of the grafts. There were seven fatigue fractures in six patients, but only two needed treatment. Non-vascularised fibular transfer is a simpler, less expensive and a shorter procedure than the use of vascularised grafts and allows remodelling of the fibula at the donor site. It is a biological reconstruction with good long-term results, and a relatively low donor site complication rate of 16%.
The purpose of this study was to describe the anatomical distribution and incidence of fatigue injuries of the femur in physically-active young adults, based upon MRI studies. During a period of 70 months, 1857 patients with exercise-induced pain in the femur underwent MRI of the pelvis, hips, femora, and/or knees. Of these, 170 patients had a total of 185 fatigue injuries, giving an incidence of 199 per 100 000 person-years. Bilateral injuries occurred in 9% of patients. The three most common sites affected were the femoral neck (50%), the condylar area (24%) and the proximal shaft (18%). A fatigue reaction was seen in 57%, and a fracture line in 22%. There was a statistical correlation between the severity of the fatigue injury and the duration of pain (p = 0.001). The location of the pain was normally at the site of the fatigue injury. Fatigue injuries of the femur appear to be relatively common in physically-active patients.
There have been very few reports in the literature of gout and pseudogout of the spine. We describe six patients who presented with acute sciatica attributable to spinal stenosis with cyst formation in the facet joints. Cytopathological studies confirmed the diagnosis of crystal arthropathy in each case. Specific formation of a synovial cyst was identified pre-operatively by MRI in five patients. In the sixth, the diagnosis was made incidentally during decompressive surgery. Surgical decompression alone was undertaken in four patients. In one with an associated degenerative spondylolisthesis, an additional intertransverse fusion was performed. Another patient had previously undergone a spinal fusion adjacent to the involved spinal segment, and spinal stabilisation was undertaken as well as a decompression. In addition to standard histological examination material was sent for examination under polarised light which revealed deposition of urate or calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals in all cases. It is not possible to diagnose gout and pseudogout of the spine by standard examination of a fixed specimen. However, examining dry specimens under polarised light suggests that crystal arthropathy is a significant aetiological factor in the development of symptomatic spinal stenosis associated with cyst formation in a facet joint.
We have investigated the changes in anterior laxity of the knee in response to direct electrical stimulation of eight normal and 45 reconstructed anterior cruciate ligaments (ACLs). In the latter, the mean time from reconstruction was 26.7 months (24 to 32). The ACL was stimulated electrically using a bipolar electrode probe during arthroscopy. Anterior laxity was examined with the knee flexed at 20° under a force of 134 N applied anteriorly to the tibia using the KT-2000 knee arthrometer before, during and after electrical stimulation. Anterior tibial translation in eight normal and 17 ACL-reconstructed knees was significantly decreased during stimulation, compared with that before stimulation. In 28 knees with reconstruction of the ACL, in 22 of which the grafts were found to have detectable somatosensory evoked potentials during stimulation, anterior tibial translation was not decreased. These findings suggest that the ACL-hamstring reflex arc in normal knees may contribute to the functional stability and that this may not be fully restored after some reconstructions of the ACL.
We produced large full-thickness articular cartilage defects in 33 rabbits in order to evaluate the effect of joint distraction and autologous culture-expanded bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal cell transplantation (ACBMT) at 12 weeks. After fixing the knee on a hinged external fixator, we resected the entire surface of the tibial plateau. We studied three groups: 1) with and without joint distraction; 2) with joint distraction and collagen gel, and 3) with joint distraction and ACBMT and collagen gel. The histological scores were significantly higher in the groups with ACBMT collagen gel (p <
0.05). The area of regenerated soft tissue was smaller in the group allowed to bear weight (p <
0.05). These findings suggest that the repair of large defects of cartilage can be enhanced by joint distraction, collagen gel and ACBMT.
Mechanical loosening which begins with early-onset migration of the prosthesis is the major reason for failure of the Souter-Strathclyde elbow replacement. In a prospective study of 18 Souter-Strathclyde replacements we evaluated the patterns of migration using roentgen stereophotogrammetric analysis. We had previously reported the short-term results after a follow-up of two years which we have now extended to a mean follow-up of 8.2 years (1 to 11.3). Migration was assessed along the co-ordinal axes and overall micromovement was expressed as the maximum total point movement. The alignment of the prosthesis and the presence of radiolucent lines were examined on conventional standardised radiographs. All the humeral components showed increased and variable patterns of migration at the extended follow-up and four humeral components were revised. The maximum total point movement at two years in the revised prostheses was 1.8 mm (