We have reviewed a group of patients with iliopsoas impingement after total hip replacement with radiological evidence of a well-fixed malpositioned or oversized acetabular component. A consecutive series of 29 patients (30 hips) was assessed. All had undergone a trial of conservative management with no improvement in their symptoms. Eight patients (eight hips) preferred continued conservative management (group 1), and 22 hips had either an iliopsoas tenotomy (group 2) or revision of the acetabular component and debridement of the tendon (group 3), based on clinical and radiological findings. Patients were followed clinically for at least two years, and 19 of the 22 patients (86.4%) who had surgery were contacted by phone at a mean of 7.8 years (5 to 9) post-operatively. Conservative management failed in all eight hips. At the final follow-up, operative treatment resulted in relief of pain in 18 of 22 hips (81.8%), with one hip in group 2 and three in group 3 with continuing symptoms. The Harris Hip Score was significantly better in the combined groups 2 and 3 than in group 1. There was a significant rate of complications in group 3. This group initially had better functional scores, but at final follow-up these were no different from those in group 2. Tenotomy of the iliopsoas and revision of the acetabular component are both successful surgical options. Iliopsoas tenotomy provided the same functional results as revision of the acetabular component and avoided the risks of the latter procedure.
We have reviewed 20 women and three men aged 22 to 73 years, who had sustained a Mason type-IIb fracture of the neck of the radius 14 to 25 years earlier. There were 19 patients with displacement of the fractures of 2 mm to 4 mm, of whom 13 had been subjected to early mobilisation and six had been treated in plaster for one to four weeks. Of four patients with displacement of 4 mm to 8 mm, three had undergone excision and one an open reduction of the head of radius. A total of 21 patients had no subjective complaints at follow-up, but two had slight impairment and occasional elbow pain. The mean range of movement and strength of the elbow were not impaired. The elbows had a higher prevalence of degenerative changes than the opposite side, but no greater reduction of joint space. Mason type-IIb fractures have an excellent long-term outcome if operation is undertaken when the displacement of the fracture exceeds 4 mm.
Medial open-wedge high tibial osteotomy has been gaining popularity in recent years, but adequate supporting material is required in the osteotomy gap for early weight-bearing and rapid union. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the implantation of a polycaprolactone-tricalcium phosphate composite scaffold wedge would enhance healing of the osteotomy in a micro pig model. We carried out open-wedge high tibial osteotomies in 12 micro pigs aged from 12 to 16 months. A scaffold wedge was inserted into six of the osteotomies while the other six were left open. Bone healing was evaluated after three and six months using plain radiographs, CT scans, measurement of the bone mineral density and histological examination. Complete bone union was obtained at six months in both groups. There was no collapse at the osteotomy site, loss of correction or failure of fixation in either group. Staining with haematoxylin and eosin demonstrated that there was infiltration of new bone tissue into the macropores and along the periphery of the implanted scaffold in the scaffold group. The CT scans and measurement of the bone mineral density showed that at six months specimens in the scaffold group had a higher bone mineral density than in the control group, although the implantation of the polycaprolactone-tricalcium phosphate composite scaffold wedge did not enhance healing of the osteotomy.
Several techniques have been described to reconstruct a mobile wrist joint after resection of the distal radius for tumour. We reviewed our experience of using an osteo-articular allograft to do this in 17 patients with a mean follow-up of 58.9 months (28 to 119). The mean range of movement at the wrist was 56° flexion, 58° extension, 84° supination and 80° pronation. The mean ISOLS-MSTS score was 86% (63% to 97%) and the mean patient-rated wrist evaluation score was 16.5 (3 to 34). There was no local recurrence or distant metastases. The procedure failed in one patient with a fracture of the graft and an arthrodesis was finally required. Union was achieved at the host-graft interface in all except two cases. No patient reported more than modest non-disabling pain and six reported no pain at all. Radiographs showed early degenerative changes at the radiocarpal joint in every patient. A functional pain-free wrist can be restored with an osteo-articular allograft after resection of the distal radius for bone tumour, thereby avoiding the donor site morbidity associated with an autograft. These results may deteriorate with time.
We have investigated whether early anatomical open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) reduces the incidence of complications of fracture of the femoral neck in children, including avascular necrosis, compared with closed reduction and internal fixation (CRIF). We retrospectively reviewed 27 such fractures (15 type-II and 12 type-III displaced fractures) in children younger than 16 years of age seen in our hospital between February 1989 and March 2007. We divided the patients into three groups according to the quality of the reduction (anatomical, acceptable, and unacceptable) and the clinical results into two groups (satisfactory and unsatisfactory). Of the 15 fractures treated by ORIF, 14 (93.3%) had anatomical reduction and reduction was acceptable in one. Of the 12 treated by CRIF, three (25.0%) had anatomical reduction, eight had acceptable reduction (66.7%), and one (8.3%) unacceptable reduction. Of the 15 fractures treated by ORIF, 14 (93.3%) had a good result and one a fair result. Of the 12 treated by CRIF, seven (58.3%) had a good result, two (16.7%) a fair result and three (25.0%) a poor result. There were seven complications in five patients. ORIF gives better reduction with fewer complications, including avascular necrosis, than does CRIF in fractures of the femoral neck in children.
Orthopaedic surgeons use a variety of instruments to help correct, treat, and heal bone disease. The development of these instruments mirrors the history of orthopaedic surgery. The history of bonesetting, the treatment and replacement of joints, and of those who performed these techniques, appears to originate deep in antiquity. Changing ideas within medicine and surgery over the last 200 years have shaped the discovery and evolution of orthopaedic instruments and of the bonesetters themselves. Advances have led to the use of computers as instruments in the navigational guidance of arthroplasty surgery, the use of robotics, the development of cordless drills and improvements in the design of blades to cut bone. Yet some of the old instruments remain; plaster of Paris bandages, the Thomas Splint, Liston’s bonecutter, Gigli’s saw, bone nibblers and Macewan’s osteotomes are still in use. This paper presents a historical review of bonesetters and examines how orthopaedic instruments have evolved from antiquity to the 21st century.
Heterotopic ossification following joint replacement in the lower limb occurs in 3% to 90% of cases. Higher grades of heterotopic ossification can result in significant limitation of function and can negate the benefits of joint replacement. The understanding of the pathophysiology of this condition has improved in recent years. It would appear to be related to a combination of systemic and local factors, including over-expression of bone morphogenetic protein-4. There is currently little evidence to support the routine use of prophylaxis for heterotopic ossification in arthroplasty patients, but prophylaxis is recommended by some for high-risk patients. Radiotherapy given as one dose of 7 Gy to 8 Gy, either pre-operatively (<
four hours before) or post-operatively (within 72 hours of surgery), appears to be more effective than indometacin therapy (75 mg daily for six weeks). In cases of prophylaxis against recurrent heterotopic ossification following excision, recent work has suggested that a combination of radiotherapy and indometacin is effective. Advances in our understanding of this condition may permit the development of newer, safer treatment modalities.
Our study was designed to compare the effect of indometacin with that of a placebo in reducing the incidence of heterotopic ossification in a prospective, randomised trial. A total of 121 patients with displaced fractures of the acetabulum treated by operation through a Kocher-Langenbeck approach was randomised to receive either indometacin (75 mg) sustained release, or a placebo once daily for six weeks. The extent of heterotopic ossification was evaluated on plain radiographs three months after operation. Significant ossification of Brooker grade III to IV occurred in nine of 59 patients (15.2%) in the indometacin group and 12 of 62 (19.4%) receiving the placebo. We were unable to demonstrate a statistically significant reduction in the incidence of severe heterotopic ossification with the use of indometacin when compared with a placebo (p = 0.722). Based on these results we cannot recommend the routine use of indometacin for prophylaxis against heterotopic ossification after isolated fractures of the acetabulum.
We report the case of a 22-year-old woman who underwent plate and screw fixation for a traumatic left acetabular fracture and fixation with cancellous screws for an associated femoral neck fracture. Two months later, the internal fixation became infected and was removed. This resulted in a painful high dislocation of the hip. We solved the problem with continuous soft-tissue distraction using a fully implantable motorised distraction nail in order to reduce the proximal femur prior to total hip arthroplasty. To our knowledge, this is the first time that reduction of a high dislocation of the hip has been performed using such a system.
A prospective, randomised, controlled trial compared two different techniques of high tibial osteotomy with a lateral closing wedge or a medial opening wedge, stabilised by a Puddu plate. The clinical outcome and radiological results were examined at one year. The primary outcome measure was the achievement of an overcorrection of valgus of 4°. Secondary outcome measures were the severity of pain (visual analogue scale), knee function (Hospital for Special Surgery score), and walking distance. Between January 2001 and April 2004, 92 patients were randomised to one or other of the techniques. At follow-up at one year the post-operative hip-knee-ankle angle was 3.4° (± 3.6° The severity of pain, knee score and walking ability improved in both groups, but the difference was not significant. Because of pain, the staples required removal in 11 (23%) patients in the closing-wedge group and a Puddu plate was removed in 27 (60%) patients in the opening-wedge group. This difference was significant (p <
0.001). We conclude that closing-wedge osteotomy achieves a more accurate correction with less morbidity, although both techniques had improved the function of the knee at one year after the procedure.
We describe two patients with a diffuse haemangioma of the lower limb complicated by pathological fracture of the femoral shaft, one of whom was treated by a bone graft and immobilisation in a cast, and the other by external fixation and injection of bone marrow. A review of the literature identified difficulty in control of bleeding and obtaining bony union.
The objective of this retrospective study was to correlate the Bado and Jupiter classifications with long-term results after operative treatment of Monteggia fractures in adults and to determine prognostic factors for functional outcome. Of 63 adult patients who sustained a Monteggia fracture in a ten-year period, 47 were available for follow-up after a mean time of 8.4 years (5 to 14). According to the Broberg and Morrey elbow scale, 22 patients (47%) had excellent, 12 (26%) good, nine (19%) fair and four (8%) poor results at the last follow-up. A total of 12 patients (26%) needed a second operation within 12 months of the initial operation. The mean Broberg and Morrey score was 87.2 (45 to 100) and the mean DASH score was 17.4 (0 to 70). There was a significant correlation between the two scores (p = 0.01). The following factors were found to be correlated with a poor clinical outcome: Bado type II fracture, Jupiter type IIa fracture, fracture of the radial head, coronoid fracture, and complications requiring further surgery. Bado type II Monteggia fractures, and within this group, Jupiter type IIa fractures, are frequently associated with fractures of the radial head and the coronoid process, and should be considered as negative prognostic factors for functional long-term outcome. Patients with these types of fracture should be informed about the potential risk of functional deficits and the possible need for further surgery.
Dislocation is a common and well-studied complication after total hip replacement. However, subluxation, which we define as a clinically recognised episode of incomplete movement of the femoral head outside the acetabulum with spontaneous reduction, has not been studied previously. Out of a total of 2521 hip replacements performed over 12 years by one surgeon, 30 patients experienced subluxations which occurred in 31 arthroplasties. Data were collected prospectively with a minimum follow-up of two years. Subluxation occurred significantly more frequently after revision than after primary hip replacement, and resolved in 19 of 31 cases (61.3%). In six of the 31 hips (19.4%) the patient subsequently dislocated the affected hip, and in six hips (19.4%) intermittent subluxation continued. Four patients had a revision operation for instability, three for recurrent dislocation and one for recurrent subluxation. Clinical and radiological comparisons with a matched group of stable total hips showed no correlation with demographic or radiological parameters. Patients with subluxing hips reported significantly more concern that their hip would dislocate, more often changed their behaviour to prevent instability and had lower postoperative Harris hip scores than patients with stable replacements.
We report the long-term results of 51 pelvic osteotomies in 43 patients with a mean follow-up of 15 years (13 to 20). The mean age of the patients was 28 years (14 to 46). At review three patients were lost to follow-up, and six had received a total hip arthroplasty. Of 48 hips, 42 (88%) were preserved, with good to excellent clinical results in 27 (64%). Pre-operatively, 41 (80%) of the treated hips had shown no sign of osteoarthritis. Thirty-one (65%) hips showed no progression of osteoarthritis after follow-up for 15 years. Significant negative factors for good long-term results were the presence of osteoarthritic changes and a fair or poor clinical score pre-operatively. Pelvic reorientation osteotomy for symptomatic hip dysplasia can give satisfactory and reproducible long-term clinical results.
We treated eight dysplastic acetabula in six skeletally mature patients with Down’s syndrome by a modified Bernese periacetabular osteotomy. The mean age at the time of surgery was 16.5 years (12.8 to 28.5). Mean length of follow-up was five years (2 to 10.4). Pre-operatively the mean (Tönnis) acetabular angle was 28°, the centre-edge angle was −9°, and the extrusion index was 60%; post-operatively they were 3°, 37°, and 17%, respectively. Two patients with post-operative (Tönnis) acetabular angles >
10° developed subluxation post-operatively and required secondary varus derotation femoral osteotomies. Another patient developed a late labral tear which was treated arthroscopically. All eight hips remain clinically stable, and are either asymptomatic or symptomatically improved. These results suggest that the modified Bernese periacetabular osteotomy can be used successfully in the treatment of acetabular dysplasia in patients with Down’s syndrome.
We have previously described the short-term outcome of the use of reverse shoulder arthroplasty in the treatment of acute complex proximal humeral fractures in the elderly. We now report the clinical and radiological outcome of 36 fractures at a mean of 6.6 years (1 to 16). Previously, at a mean follow-up of 6 years (1 to 12) the mean Constant score was 58.5; this was reduced to 53 points with the further follow-up. A total of 23 patients (63%) had radiological evidence of loosening of the glenoid component. Nevertheless, only one patient had aseptic loosening of the baseplate at 12 years’ follow-up. The reduction in the mean Constant score with longer follow-up and the further development of scapular notching is worrying. New developments in design, bearing surfaces and surgical technique, and further follow-up, will determine whether reverse shoulder arthroplasty has a place in the management of complex proximal humeral fractures in the elderly.
Traumatic posterior dislocation of the hip associated with a fracture of the posterior acetabular wall and of the neck of the femur is a rare injury. A 29-year-old man presented at a level 1 trauma centre with a locked posterior dislocation of the right hip, with fractures of the femoral neck and the posterior wall of the acetabulum after a bicycle accident. An attempted closed reduction had failed. This case report describes in detail the surgical management and the clinical and radiological outcome. Open reduction and fixation with preservation of the intact retinaculum was undertaken within five hours of injury with surgical dislocation of the hip and a trochanteric osteotomy. Two years after operation the function of the injured hip was good. Plain radiographs and MR scans showed early signs of osteoarthritis with some loss of joint space but no evidence of avascular necrosis. The patient had begun skiing and hiking again. The combination of fractures of the neck of the femur and of the posterior wall of the acetabulum hampers closed reduction of a posterior dislocation of the hip. Surgical dislocation of the hip with trochanteric flip osteotomy allows controlled open reduction of the fractures, with inspection of the hip joint and preservation of the vascular supply.
We prospectively evaluated the one- and seven-year results of the Weil osteotomy for the treatment of metatarsalgia with subluxed or dislocated metatarsophalangeal joints in 25 feet of 24 patients. Good to excellent results were achieved in 21 feet (84%) after one year and in 22 (88%) after seven years. The American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society score significantly improved from 48 (