1. A case of intraosseous lipoma is reported. 2. The literature on this tumour is reviewed and possible theories as to its
1. Destructive changes in a knee joint, eventually requiring arthrodesis, are reported in a patient who had undergone renal transplantation. 2. The underlying pathology was avascular necrosis with separation of large osteochondral fragments. 3. The
1. On the basis of radiographic studies the incidence of degenerative change in the intervertebral disc in primitive squatting populations is considerably less than that found in civilised peoples. 2. The suggestion is made that lordosis is implicated in the
1. Three patients are reported in whom a sudden acute internal derangement of the knee was caused by torsion of a pedunculated portion of the infrapatellar fat pad. 2. The symptoms and signs are described. 3. The pathological changes and the
1. The progressive radiographic changes in twenty-five patients suffering from Perthes' disease of the hip are described. 2. The prognostic value of lateral views of the hip is emphasised, and the present concepts of
1. The features of ganglia of the flexor tendon sheaths of the hand are described. 2. A high incidence in typists is discussed in relation to etiology and
A new method of recording the three-dimensional anatomy of the proximal femur from a single anteroposterior radiograph is described. This technique shows that in Perthes' disease the femoral head and neck are in significant anteversion and true varus. This anatomical configuration may be important in the
1. A case of traumatic aneurysm of the descending genicular artery complicating elective operation on the knee joint is reported. 2. The aneurysm was mainly intra-articular, presenting as a pulsating haemarthrosis soon after operation. 3. The
1. A case of hernia of the anterior tibial muscles is described in which repair of the hernia under tension was followed by local muscle necrosis and contracture. 2. This case supports the theory of
The retrospective analysis of 131 patients suffering from a fracture of the ring of the axis is reported. The injury was classified into three types according to radiological displacement and stability. Associated injuries and neurological deficit are discussed and a theory of
The acid and alkaline phosphatase activity in fluid aspirated from solitary bone cysts in six patients was measured, and large increases in the concentration of acid phosphatase were found. In some cases this increase was reflected in venous blood concentrations. The significance of these findings for the
1. The skeletal changes in endemic fluorosis are described from an area of the Punjab where the fluorine content of water and soil is very high. 2. A detailed description of a fluorotic skeleton is given, with its various anthropometric measurements. 3. The vertebral changes demonstrated the
The microvascular anatomy of the calcaneal tendon was investigated in cadaver tendons by injection of barium sulphate and indian ink and a quantitative study of intratendinous blood supply was made, using a computer-assisted image analysis system. There was a reduction in both the number and the mean relative area of vessels in the mid-section of the tendon. This area of reduced vascularity may be of significance in the
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small non-coding RNAs that have emerged as potential predictive, prognostic, and therapeutic biomarkers, relevant to many pathophysiological conditions including limb immobilization, osteoarthritis, sarcopenia, and cachexia. Impaired musculoskeletal homeostasis leads to distinct muscle atrophies. Understanding miRNA involvement in the molecular mechanisms underpinning conditions such as muscle wasting may be critical to developing new strategies to improve patient management. MicroRNAs are powerful post-transcriptional regulators of gene expression in muscle and, importantly, are also detectable in the circulation. MicroRNAs are established modulators of muscle satellite stem cell activation, proliferation, and differentiation, however, there have been limited human studies that investigate miRNAs in muscle wasting. This narrative review summarizes the current knowledge as to the role of miRNAs in the skeletal muscle differentiation and atrophy, synthesizing the findings of published data. Cite this article:
1. Three cases of a degenerative type of rheumatoid arthritis, with large cystic cavities filled with pus-like material, are described. They may arise from bursae or breaking-down nodules. 2. Four cases in which necrosis and subluxation complicated rheumatoid disease of the cervical column are recorded. 3. The
1. Three cases of a benign osteoblastic lesion of bone are described. An outstanding feature of each was the hyperostosis of adjacent bones or synovitis in an adjacent joint. 2. The clinical, radiological and histological features resembled osteoid osteomata more than benign osteoblastoma in each case. 3. The significance of this observation is questioned in relation to the
1. Dislocation and subluxation of the hip has been produced in young rats by application of splints reaching from the hip to the foot, bringing the hip into extension. 2. Progressive acetabular dysplasia and anatomical abnormalities of the head and neck of the femur occurred. 3. Results of the experiments suggest that post-natal extension of the hip is of importance in the
1. Two cases are reported in which reappearance of an osteochondroma after excision was shown to represent a second independent lesion and not a true recurrence. 2. The significance of this observation is discussed in relation to the