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The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 91-B, Issue 7 | Pages 903 - 906
1 Jul 2009
Trickett RW Hodgson P Forster MC Robertson A

We aimed to determine the reliability, accuracy and the clinical role of digital templating in the pre-operative work-up for total knee replacement. Initially a sample of ten pre-operative digital radiographs were templated by four independent observers to determine the inter- and intra-observer reliability of the process. Digital templating was then performed on the radiographs of 40 consecutive patients undergoing total knee replacement by a consultant surgeon not involved with the operation, who was blinded to the size of the implant inserted. The Press Fit Condylar Sigma Knee system was used in all the patients. The size of the implant as judged by templating was then compared to that of the size used. Good inter- and intra-observer agreement was demonstrated for both femoral and tibial templating. However, the correct size of the implant was predicted in only 48% of the femoral and 55% of the tibial components. Albeit reproducible, digital templating does not currently predict the correct size of component often enough to be of clinical benefit

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 50-B, Issue 3 | Pages 456 - 465
1 Aug 1968
Sharrard WJW Grosfield I

1. Deformities of the foot in children with myelomeningocele are described and classified. The results of a policy of operative correction of deformity in 148 patients all of whom had had at least one operation on the foot between 1947 and 1965 are described. 2. In 241 feet in which there were deformities 433 operations were performed, including tenotomies, soft-tissue divisions, tendon transfers and bony procedures. At the time of review successful correction of deformity had been obtained in 81 per cent with a plantigrade foot that could bear weight safely, and with a distribution of muscle activity that required minimal external support and presented the least liability to recurrent deformity. 3. The management of individual deformities is described and the causes of failure are analysed and discussed

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 47-B, Issue 3 | Pages 548 - 551
1 Aug 1965
Martin NS

1. After almost seventeen years the three metal prostheses remain in approximately the original position in which they were inserted. 2. All three patients are ambulatory and two of them pleased with the result. 3. The youngest patient, now fifty-six, has a solid ankylosis of the hip and leads an active life free of pain. 4. In view of the attritional changes which have been seen to occur as a result of the reaction of bone to metal, it is suggested that resection replacement operations should be reserved for the primary treatment of certain fractures in the elderly and in those patients who are expected to be mostly inactive for the rest of their life. As a rough guide, it is considered that the operation should not be carried out under the age of seventy

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 46-B, Issue 4 | Pages 674 - 684
1 Nov 1964
Jarry L

1. A technique of transarticular nailing for subcapital and transcervical fractures of the neck of the femur is described. 2. Forty-four operations have been done, and twenty-one patients have been under observation for periods of from one to six years. In one of these pseudarthrosis has developed; in two others there has been delayed union. 3. The method gives sound fixation by a "squeezing effect" on the proximal fragment, which is enhanced by the locking of the adjacent articulation. 4. It is presented as an alternative to prosthetic replacement for treatment of femoral neck fracture in the aged. The nail damages the articular surface of the acetabulum but not the femoral head. 5. The importance of care after operation is stressed. 6. The advantages of the method, the role of circulatory changes in the femoral head and the mechanics of transarticular fixation are discussed

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 44-B, Issue 2 | Pages 349 - 355
1 May 1962
Gibson J Piggott H

1. Correction of hallux valgus by spike osteotomy of the neck of the first metatarsal is described, and the results in eighty-two feet are presented. 2. A high proportion of satisfactory results can be obtained, but great care is needed in both selection and technique. 3. The ideal case is one of moderate deformity, without degenerative arthritis, and with symptoms referable to increased width of the forefoot; the operation should not be performed in cases with obvious degenerative change, nor when metatarsalgia is a prominent symptom. 4. It is important to displace the metatarsal head as far laterally as possible, and vital to avoid dorsal angulation or displacement. 5. It is suggested that enough is now known about the natural evolution of hallux valgus and the results of some operations for prophylactic surgery to be undertaken in carefully selected cases

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 43-B, Issue 1 | Pages 100 - 106
1 Feb 1961
Garden RS

1. Tennis elbow is largely an affliction of middle age, and it is believed that degenerative changes in the orbicular ligament may underlie its pathology. 2. It has been shown that most patients may be relieved by either extra-articular or intra-articular injection of hydrocortisone, and operative intervention is required only in a minority of cases. 3. Contraction of the extensor carpi radialis brevis is considered to be the principal pain-producing factor, and Z-lengthening of the tendon of this muscle has been found to relieve the symptoms when conservative measures have failed. 4. The late results in fifty patients have shown that this operation causes diminution neither of the power of wrist dorsiflexion nor in the efficiency of the grip. The operation may therefore be undertaken with every prospect of relieving the discomfort of tennis elbow without inviting alternative disability

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 42-B, Issue 2 | Pages 336 - 343
1 May 1960
Hall MC Pennal GF

1. The history of open operations on fractures of the calcaneum is reviewed. 2. A report is given of the results of treatment of comminuted and depressed fractures of the calcaneum by primary arthrodesis by a modified Gallie procedure. 3. Of twenty-nine patients, twenty-seven returned to full employment within an average of 6·4 months. Twenty-five of these returned to their previous jobs. 4. Poor tendo calcaneus function and lateral sub-malleolar pain were found to be closely allied; both complaints were absent in the usually successful case and occurred only where there had been some complication. 5. It is contended that subtalar arthrodesis is a successful method of treatment for this fracture, but that the operation should be performed soon after the injury in order that the deformity may be corrected

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 78-B, Issue 2 | Pages 299 - 302
1 Mar 1996
Frawley PA Broughton NS Menelaus MB

We reviewed the results of anterior hip release for fixed flexion deformity in 57 hips in 38 children with spina bifida at an average follow-up of 8.9 years (2 to 22). The indication for this operation was a fixed flexion deformity of more than 30° which interfered with function. In 43 hips there was a good outcome in that the fixed flexion deformity remained less than 30° at follow-up. Four hips had a good initial result but deteriorated after an average of five years, and ten had a poor outcome with deformity of over 30°. Six hips required a repeated anterior hip release and two of these were successful. The success of anterior hip release could not be related to the neurological level or the age at operation. Successful surgery correlated with the walking ability of the child at the latest follow-up

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 81-B, Issue 1 | Pages 60 - 66
1 Jan 1999
Schramm M Pitto RP Rohm E Hohmann D

We have examined the effect of the Wagner spherical acetabular osteotomy on preserving the joint in 38 hips with a mean follow-up of 17 years. At the time of the initial operation, 55% of patients had clinical symptoms and 30 joints showed minimal or absent radiological signs of osteoarthritis. At follow-up, 54% of patients had a good functional result. The osteotomy improved the mean centre-edge angle from −3° to +15°, the mean anterior centre-edge angle to 23° and the acetabular head index to 75%. The obliquity of the acetabular roof decreased from 28° to 16°. One patient improved, but 14 deteriorated with joint degeneration. Of these, one progressed because of postoperative deep-tissue infection and five due to undercorrection. One patient needed total joint replacement after 14 years. At 17 years after operation, Wagner osteotomy had prevented progression of secondary arthritis in 63% of cases

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 81-B, Issue 1 | Pages 93 - 96
1 Jan 1999
Bokor DJ Conboy VB Olson C

We studied retrospectively a consecutive series of 547 shoulders in 529 patients undergoing operation for instability. In 41, the cause of instability was considered to be lateral avulsion of the capsule, including the inferior glenohumeral ligament, from the neck of the humerus, the HAGL lesion. In 35, the lesion was found at first exploration, whereas in six it was noted at revision of a previous failed procedure. In both groups, the patients were older on average than those with instability from other causes. Of the primary cases, in 33 (94.3%) the cause of the first dislocation was a violent injury; six (17.4%) had evidence of damage to the rotator cuff and/or the subscapularis. Only four (11.4%) had a Bankart lesion. In patients undergoing a primary operation in whom the cause of the first dislocation was a violent injury, who did not have a Bankart lesion and had no suggestion of multidirectional laxity, the incidence of HAGL was 39%

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 92-B, Issue 9 | Pages 1262 - 1266
1 Sep 2010
Carda S Molteni F Bertoni M Zerbinati P Invernizzi M Cisari C

This study assessed if transfer of the extensor hallucis longus is a valid alternative treatment to split transfer of the tibialis anterior tendon in adult hemiplegic patients without overactivity of the tibialis anterior. One group of 15 patients had overactivity of tibialis anterior in the swing phase, and underwent the split transfer. A further group of 14 patients had no overactivity of tibialis anterior, and underwent transfer of extensor hallucis longus. All patients had lengthening of the tendo Achillis and tenotomies of the toe flexors. All were evaluated clinically and by three-dimensional gait analysis pre- and at one year after surgery. At this time both groups showed significant reduction of disability in walking. Gait speed, stride length and paretic propulsion had improved significantly in both groups. Dorsiflexion in the swing phase, the step length of the healthy limb and the step width improved in both groups, but only reached statistical significance in the patients with transfer of the extensor hallucis longus. There were no differences between the groups at one year after operation. When combined with lengthening of the tendo Achillis, transfer of the extensor hallucis longus can be a valid alternative to split transfer of the tibialis anterior tendon to correct equinovarus foot deformity in patients without overactivity of tibialis anterior

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 72-B, Issue 5 | Pages 889 - 893
1 Sep 1990
Yamamuro T Shikata J Okumura H Kitsugi T Kakutani Y Matsui T Kokubo T

We prepared a prosthesis for the replacement of the lumbar vertebrae of sheep, using apatite- and wollastonite-containing glass-ceramic. The material is stronger than human cortical bone and has the special feature of chemical bonding to bone. Ten sheep underwent replacement of L3 and L4 vertebrae, without bone grafting. The animals were killed at intervals from three months to 27 months after operation, and the interface between the prosthesis and bone was examined radiologically, histologically and crystallographically. Bone bonding with the prosthesis had occurred in half the implants. It took at least one year for bonding to be complete, but an apatite layer on the surface of the prosthesis was observed as early as three months after the operation, suggesting the possibility of much earlier bone bonding if more rigid fixation of the prosthesis had been provided

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 76-B, Issue 6 | Pages 912 - 917
1 Nov 1994
Karrholm J Borssen B Lowenhielm G Snorrason F

Roentgen stereophotogrammetry was used to measure the migration of the centre of the femoral head in 84 cemented Lubinus SP I hip arthroplasties (58 primary operations, 26 revisions). Four to seven years later, seven femoral components had been revised because of painful loosening. These implants showed greater subsidence, medial migration and posterior migration during the first two postoperative years than did the hips which had not been revised. Six months after operation, subsidence of more than 0.33 mm combined with a total migration of more than 0.85 mm predicted an increased risk of subsequent revision; the amount of subsidence at two years was an even better predictor. The probability of revision was greater than 50% if the subsidence at two years was 1.2 mm or more

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 92-B, Issue 5 | Pages 672 - 678
1 May 2010
Robinson CM Wylie JR Ray AG Dempster NJ Olabi B Seah KTM Akhtar MA

We treated 47 patients with a mean age of 57 years (22 to 88) who had a proximal humeral fracture in which there was a severe varus deformity, using a standard operative protocol of anatomical reduction, fixation with a locking plate and supplementation by structural allografts in unstable fractures. The functional and radiological outcomes were reviewed. At two years after operation the median Constant score was 86 points and the median Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand score 17 points. Seven of the patients underwent further surgery, two for failure of fixation, three for dysfunction of the rotator cuff, and two for shoulder stiffness. The two cases of failure of fixation were attributable to violation of the operative protocol. In the 46 patients who retained their humeral head, all the fractures healed within the first year, with no sign of collapse or narrowing of the joint space. Longer follow-up will be required to confirm whether these initially satisfactory results are maintained

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 76-B, Issue 5 | Pages 765 - 772
1 Sep 1994
Fidler M

An operation for radical resection of a tumour of the vertebral body and part of the neural arch is described. The approach is posterior and from both sides of the spine. The posterior approach is used to remove the healthy part of the neural arch, mobilise the dura, divide involved nerve roots and carry out the posterolateral parts of the spinal osteotomies or disc divisions. On one side, usually the right, the sides of the vertebral body or bodies are freed and the osteotomies or disc divisions are extended. Then from the other side, a posterolateral thoracotomy or lumbotomy allows completion of the dissection with radical resection by rolling the specimen away from the dura. Ten operations are reported in which up to three and a half vertebrae were resected. Spinal reconstruction was by internal fixation and grafting preferably with vascularised bone. The results were satisfactory after follow-up for as long as eight years

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 69-B, Issue 3 | Pages 416 - 420
1 May 1987
Carden D Noble J Chalmers J Lunn P Ellis J

We have reviewed 106 patients after treatment for spontaneous rupture of the calcaneal tendon, and assessed the clinical results including the power of plantarflexion. In patients treated within 48 hours of injury the result was very similar in conservatively and in operatively treated patients. The incidence of major complications was higher after operation (17%) than in those treated conservatively (4%). Patients who were treated more than one week after injury, however, had an inferior result with respect to power of plantarflexion after conservative management. It is therefore recommended that calcaneal tendon rupture is treated conservatively with a plaster in full equinus when it is diagnosed within 48 hours of injury, and by operation when diagnosis has been delayed for more than one week

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 76-B, Issue 2 | Pages 200 - 203
1 Mar 1994
Fujikawa K Ohtani T Matsumoto H Seedhom B

We describe a new method for the reconstruction of ruptures of the patellar ligament or the quadriceps tendon, using the flexible open-weave polyester Leeds-Keio prosthetic ligament. Of 25 operations performed since 1985, we were able to review 18 patients (19 knees) with a mean follow-up of 3.5 years (3 to 6.5). No patient had required immobilisation of the knee after operation and the average period to return to normal activities without a walking aid was 10.5 weeks. The average range of motion was 146 degrees, and four patients could squat fully in the Japanese style. There was an extension lag (< 10 degrees) in only four patients; eight patients had some patellar crepitus which was mildly painful in three. There were no cases of infection, persistent joint effusion or rerupture of the extensor apparatus

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 65-B, Issue 4 | Pages 412 - 418
1 Aug 1983
Surin V Sundholm K Backman L

The risk factors associated with 34 deep infections from a consecutive series of 803 total hip replacements have been analysed using standard actuarial methods. The follow-up ranged from 3 to 10 years. Absence of prophylactic antibiotics, complications after operation, discharging wounds, previous operations and remote infection were related to the development of deep periprosthetic infection. An early discharge from the wound with growth of micro-organisms, though superficial in appearance, proved to be associated with a high risk of developing late deep infection. The mechanisms associated with deep infection involved multiple interrelated risk factors. Multiple regression analysis of our data indicated that these risk factors, when acting together, potentiate their effect on the development of the deep infection

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 62-B, Issue 3 | Pages 332 - 336
1 Aug 1980
Heywood A

A high percentage of hips in patients with rheumatoid arthritis presenting for total joint replacement have protrusio deformity with extremely thin medial acetabular walls. Biomechanical principles suggest that, to prevent inward migration of the acetabular component, the prosthesis should be positioned laterally near the acetabular rim. To reinforce the medial wall, the femoral head is fashioned into a solid graft which is anchored against the medial wall as a plug, minimising the amount of cement used and making the use of wire mesh and restraining rings about the acetabulum unnecessary. A series of nine operations on seven patients is presented. Serial radiographs, tomograms and scintigrams taken after operation suggest satisfactory incorporation of the grafts, and no complications have been encountered in a follow-up period ranging from three months to two years

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 58-B, Issue 4 | Pages 488 - 491
1 Nov 1976
Menelaus M

Two children with radial club hand and absence of the biceps muscle were treated by centralisation of the ulna into the carpus and triceps transfer. The two operations were performed only a short time apart so that the period between the procedures could be used to stretch the triceps and to enable the children to adapt to an altered position of the wrist and to mobility of the elbow at one step and following a single period of plaster immobilisation. It is very likely that function is better than it would have been had the condition remained untreated. Before operation the children had only a crude hook function of the hand against the forearm and could not bring the hand to the mouth. Even if function is not much improved, the improvement in appearance is considerable and is by itself sufficient to justify the procedures