Objectives. Induced membrane technique is a relatively new technique in the reconstruction of large bone defects. It involves the implantation of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) cement in the bone defects to induce the formation of membranes after radical debridement and reconstruction of bone defects using an autologous cancellous bone graft in a span of four to eight weeks. The purpose of this study was to explore the clinical outcomes of the induced membrane technique for the treatment of
Aims. The aim of this meta-analysis was to compare the outcome of total elbow arthroplasty (TEA) undertaken for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with TEA performed for
Aims. The aim of this study was to assess the safety and clinical outcome of patients with a femoral shaft fracture and a previous complex
Aims. The aim of this study was to report the pooled prevalence of
Aims. To explore key stakeholder views around feasibility and acceptability of trials seeking to prevent
We present a retrospective study of 25 patients treated by open arthrolysis of the elbow for
We present a case of
Contracture of the collateral ligaments is considered to be an important factor in
We performed a lateral approach for the release of
Surgical release of the elbow was performed in 27 patients with
We describe a technique of soft-tissue reconstruction which is effective for the treatment of chronic lunotriquetral instability. Part of extensor carpi ulnaris is harvested with its distal attachment preserved. It is passed through two drill holes in the triquetrum and sutured to itself. This stabilises the ulnar side of the wrist. We have reviewed 46 patients who underwent this procedure for
Fifty-three of 55 consecutive elbow replacements for
The Motec cementless modular metal-on-metal ball-and-socket
wrist arthroplasty was implanted in 16 wrists with scaphoid nonunion
advanced collapse (SNAC; grades 3 or 4) and 14 wrists with scapholunate
advanced collapse (SLAC) in 30 patients (20 men) with severe (grades
3 or 4)
Fractures of the distal radius occurring in young adults are treated increasingly by open surgical techniques, partly because of concern that failure to restore the alignment of the fracture accurately may cause symptomatic
We studied retrospectively the results in 24 patients (25 feet) who had been treated by subtalar arthrodesis with internal compression for
We used fresh small-fragment osteochondral allografts to reconstruct
We treated
Microfracture is frequently used as the first line of treatment for the repair of traumatic cartilage defects. We present the clinical and histological results 18 months to two-years after treatment in a 26-year-old male with a
Fresh osteochondral allografts were used to repair
Aims. Cubitus varus is the most common late complication of a supracondylar
fracture of the humerus in children. Correction can be performed
using one of a number of techniques of osteotomy but each has disadvantages.
We describe a new technique for correcting
Two cases of
1. Two cases of recurrent
1. Two cases of
We present the outcome of the treatment of chronic
1 . This case of
Seven children with chronic
1. The dominant role of pathogenic staphylococci in surgical infections has been confirmed by positive isolations in 89·9 per cent of a wide variety of lesions in a hospital infective unit. Of 150 staphylococci isolated, 147 were sensitive to fusidic acid, two were slightly sensitive and only one was resistant. 2. Fusidic acid was administered as sodium fusidate to 100 patients with staphylococcal infections (including seventy-two with chronic
We performed resection of part of an injured peripheral nerve in 20 patients with
We have retrospectively reviewed the clinical and radiological results in 204 consecutive adult patients who had surgical correction of 70 late
Following the discovery of a powerful venous pump in the foot that is activated by weight-bearing independently of muscular action, a pneumatic impulse device was developed to actuate this pump artificially. In a multicentre international trial the device was shown to reduce
Previous studies of the Ilizarov procedure have concentrated on musculoskeletal assessments rather than the opinions of patients. In a prospective trial of 25 consecutive patients, we evaluated the effect of Ilizarov reconstruction of
1. Sixteen patients with articular cartilage erosions after slight injury have been described, as have the results of their treatment. 2. The clinical features of this rarely diagnosed condition are discussed. Attention is drawn to "articular crepitus" and "synovial crepitus" as useful physical signs in establishing the diagnosis. 3. A radiographic sign of localised subarticular osteoporosis is reported and discussed. 4. The surgical treatment used was either shaving of the affected area of cartilage or a combination of shaving with drilling of the subchondral bone plate.
In 28 patients with a solitary diagnosis of instability of the trapeziometacarpal joint because of a rupture of the anterior oblique ligament, reconstruction was carried out using a slip of the tendon of flexor carpi radialis. We were able to review 26 patients. The results after a follow-up of four years seven months showed that most (87%) had significant relief from pain and symptoms. Seventeen were graded as good to excellent. The mean grip strength recovered to 86% of the contralateral side. Most patients (81%) felt that they had subjective improvement and would have undergone the operation again. A lesser functional result was seen in those who developed a flexion deformity because of overtightening of the reconstruction. Increased awareness of this lesion can lead to an early and clear diagnosis so that the patient may be advised adequately. We describe a specific, diagnostic, clinical test which we have used consistently and successfully.
Currently, there is no animal model in which
to evaluate the underlying physiological processes leading to the heterotopic
ossification (HO) which forms in most combat-related and blast wounds.
We sought to reproduce the ossification that forms under these circumstances
in a rat by emulating patterns of injury seen in patients with severe
injuries resulting from blasts. We investigated whether exposure
to blast overpressure increased the prevalence of HO after transfemoral
amputation performed within the zone of injury. We exposed rats
to a blast overpressure alone (BOP-CTL), crush injury and femoral
fracture followed by amputation through the zone of injury (AMP-CTL)
or a combination of these (BOP-AMP). The presence of HO was evaluated
using radiographs, micro-CT and histology. HO developed in none
of nine BOP-CTL, six of nine AMP-CTL, and in all 20 BOP-AMP rats.
Exposure to blast overpressure increased the prevalence of HO. This model may thus be used to elucidate cellular and molecular
pathways of HO, the effect of varying intensities of blast overpressure,
and to evaluate new means of prophylaxis and treatment of heterotopic
ossification. Cite this article:
Two men, aged 21 and 50 years, were seen with ossification of the patellar tendon after injury to the knee in adolescence. They complained of pain and had patella alta. Large bony masses were excised from below the affected patellae. The patellar tendon was then reconstructed using a Leeds-Keio ligament. The results at six and ten years, respectively, were good, with neither patient having pain or an extension lag.
We present the results of a retrospective series of 41 Sauve-Kapandji procedures carried out for complications of fractures of the distal radius. All the operations were undertaken by one surgeon with a mean follow-up of 32 months. A total of 37 patients was available for clinical review. The indications for surgery were pain on the ulnar side of the wrist and decreased rotation of the forearm. Intraperiosteal and extraperiosteal techniques were used for resection of the ulna, with no difference in outcome. Patients were assessed for pain, rotation of the forearm and complications. A Mayo Modified Wrist Score was used. Pain was improved in 25 of the 37 patients, and unchanged in ten. Rotation of the forearm returned to within 7° of the uninjured side. The results are discussed in relation to the presence of preoperative malunion of the distal radius, age and the functional outcome. Age is not a contraindication for this procedure.
Only a few cases of palmar carpal subluxation associated with an ulnovolar fragment from the distal radius have been reported previously. We report a case which was treated operatively six months after the injury.
From 1984 to 1995, 68 ankylosed elbows and 11 which were unstable after trauma were replaced in India by Baksi sloppy hinge prostheses. The mean age of the patients was 28.6 years (17 to 70) and the mean follow-up 9.6 years (2 to 13.5). Of the 68 ankylosed elbows, 59 (87%) regained a mean arc of painless movement of 88.5° (27 to 115). The mean improvement of supination was 24° and of pronation 16.5°. There were 54 good results (80%), eight fair and three poor. There were two complete failures due to infection, and one due to a broken humeral stem. Of the 11 unstable elbows, the nine with good results had a mean arc of 125° (15 to 140) of painless stable movement, with a mean improvement in supination of 26° and of pronation of 19.5°. There was one fair result and one failure due to loosening with subsequent late infection. There were significant complications in 14 cases with infection in seven and aseptic loosening in four. Patients with loosening or late removal of the prosthesis often retained reasonably stable elbow movement because periprosthetic fibrosis had connected the approximated bone ends, and muscle balance had been restored.
We performed ulnar nerve neurolysis and transposition during reconstructive operations on 20 consecutive patients (21 elbows) with neuropathy after the failure of primary treatment of elbow fractures. There were 11 men and nine women with a mean age of 48.3 years. Preoperatively, four elbows were in McGowan stage I, seven in stage II and ten in stage III and the mean Gabel and Amadio ulnar nerve score was 3.2. At a mean follow-up of 32.1 months (24 to 67) we performed comprehensive neurological, functional, electrophysiological and outcome assessments. Patient satisfaction was high with good pain relief and restoration of hand strength and dexterity. The mean Gabel and Amadio score had improved to 6.5, an improvement of 3.3. There were one excellent, 16 good, 2 fair and 2 poor results; both of the last were due to failure of the underlying elbow reconstruction. Even for advanced stage-II and stage-III lesions we achieved good function, return of intrinsic power, and a high rate of patient satisfaction.
The long-term effect of stainless steel and titanium alloy plates on structural remodelling and bone mass of osteotomised canine femora was studied and the effects of early and late removal of plates were compared in 27 adult Beagles. Radiological, histological, histomorphometric and tetracycline fluorescence studies led to three conclusions. First, the continuous (60 weeks) presence of plates, irrespective of their composition, delays remodelling and leads to a reduction of bone mass. This loss is significantly greater under stainless steel plates. Secondly, the removal of plates at eight weeks leads during the 52 ensuing weeks to a marked and widespread structural remodelling and to a return to normal bone mass, irrespective of the type of plate used. However, remodelling is more intense after titanium alloy plates have been used; it is not complete 60 weeks after osteotomy. Thirdly, removal of plates at 40 weeks activates remodelling during the ensuing 20 weeks to a lesser degree and to a more limited extent than early plate removal. The clinical significance of this study is that less rigid but stable internal fixation permits the radiological assessment of healing and thus the determination of the optimal moment for removal of the plates. It also reduces the degree of bone loss should the plate be left in situ for any reason.
Four patients who had injured the lower end of the humerus in childhood with resulting cubitus varus developed recurrent posterior dislocation of the head of the radius after further injury to the elbow. Dislocation occurred when the forearm was supinated and spontaneous reduction took place on pronation. At operation the lateral ligament complex was seen to be lax and elongated. After tightening of the ligament and with a supracondylar osteotomy of the humerus to correct the cubitus varus the recurrent dislocation was eliminated.
Twenty-nine patients with avascular necrosis of the femoral head after injury have been treated by operation. Multiple drilling of the femoral head was performed, necrotic bone removed and a muscle-pedicle bone graft implanted into the head and neck of the femur. In 17 of the patients the necrosis was associated with an un-united femoral neck fracture, in 11 it occurred after the fracture had united, and one case followed reduction of a dislocated hip. The hips became painless soon after operation. The patients were young (average age 35 years), and full weight-bearing was not allowed for several months. The follow-up period ranged from 22 to 64 months. The results were excellent in 20 patients, good in five, fair in three and poor in one.
A total of 57 patients, aged between 23 and 86 years, with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) type 1 nine weeks after an isolated closed fracture of the distal radius, was randomised to receive either serial intravenous regional blockade (IVRB) with 15 mg of guanethidine in 30 ml of 0.5% prilocaine or serial IVRB with 30 ml of normal saline at weekly intervals until the tenderness in their fingers had resolved or they had received a maximum of four IVRBs. The analgesic efficacy was assessed at 24 hours, 48 hours and one week after each procedure by the dolorimetry ratio and verbal pain scores, and at intervals up to six months after the fracture. There was no significant difference in the number of IVRBs administered or in finger tenderness, stiffness or grip strength between the two groups. The guanethidine group experienced more pain in the affected hand (p = 0.025) and at six months had more vasomotor instability (p <
0.0001) compared with the control group. IVRB using guanethidine offers no significant analgesic advantage over a normal saline placebo block in the treatment of early CRPS type 1 of the hand after fracture of the distal radius. It does not improve the outcome of this condition and may delay the resolution of vasomotor instability when compared with the placebo.