We investigated differences in the location and
mode of labral tears between dysplastic hips and hips with femoroacetabular
impingement (FAI). We also investigated the relationship between
labral tear and adjacent cartilage damage. We retrospectively studied
72 symptomatic hips (in 68 patients: 19 men and 49 women) with radiological
evidence of dysplasia or FAI on high-resolution CT arthrography.
The incidence and location of labral tears and modes of tear associated
with the base of the labrum (Mode 1) or body of the labrum (Mode
2) were compared among FAI, mildly dysplastic and severely dysplastic
hips. The locations predominantly involved with labral tears were
different in FAI and mild dysplastic hips (anterior and anterosuperior
zones) and in severely dysplastic hips (anterosuperior and superior
zones) around the acetabulum. Significant differences were observed
in the prevalence of Mode 1 Hip pathology is significantly related to the locations and modes
of labral tears. Mode 1 tears may be a risk factor for the development
of adjacent acetabular cartilage damage. Cite this article:
The cam-type deformity in femoroacetabular impingement
is a 3D deformity. Single measurements using radiographs, CT or
MRI may not provide a true estimate of the magnitude of the deformity.
We performed an analysis of the size and location of measurements
of the alpha angle (α°) using a CT technique which could be applied
to the 3D reconstructions of the hip. Analysis was undertaken in
42 patients (57 hips; 24 men and 18 women; mean age 38 years (16
to 58)) who had symptoms of femoroacetabular impingement related
to a cam-type abnormality. An α° of >
50° was considered a significant
indicator of cam-type impingement. Measurements of the α° were made
at different points around the femoral head/neck junction at intervals
of 30°: starting at the nine o’clock (posterior), ten, eleven and
twelve o’clock (superior), one, two and ending at three o’clock
(anterior) position. The mean maximum increased α° was 64.6° (50.8° to 86°). The two
o’clock position was the most common point to find an increased α°
(53 hips; 93%), followed by one o’clock (48 hips; 84%). The largest α°
for each hip was found most frequently at the two o’clock position
(46%), followed by the one o’clock position (39%). Generally, raised α angles
extend over three segments of the clock face. Single measurements of the α°, whether pre- or post-operative,
should be viewed with caution as they may not be representative
of the true size of the deformity and not define whether adequate
correction has been achieved following surgery. Cite this article:
The aim of this review is to evaluate the current
available literature evidencing on peri-articular hip endoscopy
(the third compartment). A comprehensive approach has been set on
reports dealing with endoscopic surgery for recalcitrant trochanteric
bursitis, snapping hip (or coxa-saltans; external and internal),
gluteus medius and minimus tears and endoscopy (or arthroscopy)
after total hip arthroplasty. This information can be used to trigger
further research, innovation and education in extra-articular hip
Hip arthroscopy is particularly attractive in
children as it confers advantages over arthrotomy or open surgery,
such as shorter recovery time and earlier return to activity. Developments
in surgical technique and arthroscopic instrumentation have enabled
extension of arthroscopy of the hip to this age group. Potential
challenges in paediatric and adolescent hip arthroscopy include
variability in size, normal developmental change from childhood to
adolescence, and conditions specific to children and adolescents
and their various consequences. Treatable disorders include the
sequelae of traumatic and sports-related hip joint injuries, Legg–Calve–Perthes’
disease and slipped capital femoral epiphysis, and the arthritic
and septic hip. Intra-articular abnormalities are rarely isolated and
are often associated with underlying morphological changes. This review presents the current concepts of hip arthroscopy
in the paediatric and adolescent patient, covering clinical assessment
and investigation, indications and results of the experience to
date, as well as technical challenges and future directions.
Damage to and repair of the acetabular labral-chondral complex are areas of clinical interest in the treatment of young adults with pain in the hip and in the prevention of degenerative arthritis of the hip. There are varying theories as to why most acetabular tears are located anterosuperiorly. We have studied the prenatal development of the human acetabular labral-chondral complex in 11 fetal hips, aged from eight weeks of gestation to term. There were consistent differences between the anterior and posterior acetabular labral-chondral complex throughout all ages of gestation. The anterior labrum had a somewhat marginal attachment to the acetabular cartilage with an intra-articular projection. The posterior labrum was attached and continuous with the acetabular cartilage. Anteriorly, the labral-chondral transition zone was sharp and abrupt, but posteriorly it was gradual and interdigitated. The collagen fibres of the anterior labrum were arranged parallel to the labral-chondral junction, but at the posterior labrum they were aligned perpendicular to the junction. We believe that in the anterior labrum the marginal attachment and the orientation of the collagen fibres parallel to the labral-chondral junction may render it more prone to damage than the posterior labrum in which the collagen fibres are anchored in the acetabular cartilage. The anterior intra-articular projection of the labrum should not be considered to be a pathological feature.