Aims. Diabetic foot care is a significant burden on the NHS in England. We have conducted a nationwide survey to determine the current participation of orthopaedic surgeons in diabetic foot care in England. Methods. A questionnaire was sent to all 136 NHS trusts audited in the 2018 National Diabetic Foot Audit (NDFA). The questionnaire asked about the structure of diabetic foot care services. Results. Overall, 123 trusts responded, of which 117 admitted patients with diabetic foot disease and 113 had an orthopaedic foot and ankle surgeon. A total of 90 trusts (77%) stated that the admission involved medicine, with 53 (45%) of these admissions being exclusively under medicine, and 37 (32%) as joint admissions. Of the joint admissions, 16 (14%) were combined with vascular and 12(10%) with
Aims. Lifestyle risk factors are thought to increase the risk of infection
after acute
Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a potential complication of foot and ankle surgery. There is a lack of agreement on contributing risk factors and chemical prophylaxis requirements. The primary outcome of this study was to analyze the 90-day incidence of symptomatic VTE and VTE-related mortality in patients undergoing foot and ankle surgery and Achilles tendon (TA) rupture. Secondary aims were to assess the variation in the provision of chemical prophylaxis and risk factors for VTE.
This was a multicentre, prospective national collaborative audit with data collection over nine months for all patients undergoing foot and ankle surgery in an operating theatre or TA rupture treatment, within participating UK hospitals. The association between VTE and thromboprophylaxis was assessed with a univariable logistic regression model. A multivariable logistic regression model was used to identify key predictors for the risk of VTE.
To identify a core outcome set of postoperative radiographic measurements to assess technical skill in ankle fracture open reduction internal fixation (ORIF), and to validate these against Van der Vleuten’s criteria for effective assessment.
An e-Delphi exercise was undertaken at a major trauma centre (n = 39) to identify relevant parameters. Feasibility was tested by two authors. Reliability and validity was tested using postoperative radiographs of ankle fracture operations performed by trainees enrolled in an educational trial (IRCTN 20431944). To determine construct validity, trainees were divided into novice (performed < ten cases at baseline) and intermediate groups (performed ≥ ten cases at baseline). To assess concurrent validity, the procedure-based assessment (PBA) was considered the gold standard. The inter-rater and intrarater reliability was tested using a randomly selected subset of 25 cases.
A multicentre, randomized, clinician-led, pragmatic, parallel-group orthopaedic trial of two surgical procedures was set up to obtain high-quality evidence of effectiveness. However, the trial faced recruitment challenges and struggled to maintain recruitment rates over 30%, although this is not unusual for surgical trials. We conducted a qualitative study with the aim of gathering information about recruitment practices to identify barriers to patient consent and participation to an orthopaedic trial.
We collected 11 audio recordings of recruitment appointments and interviews of research team members (principal investigators and research nurses) from five hospitals involved in recruitment to an orthopaedic trial. We analyzed the qualitative data sets thematically with the aim of identifying aspects of informed consent and information provision that was either unclear, disrupted, or hindered trial recruitment.
Tibiotalocalcaneal (TTC) fusion is used to treat a variety of conditions affecting the ankle and subtalar joint, including osteoarthritis (OA), Charcot arthropathy, avascular necrosis (AVN) of the talus, failed total ankle arthroplasty, and severe deformity. The prevalence of postoperative complications remains high due to the complexity of hindfoot disease seen in these patients. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between preoperative conditions and postoperative complications in order to predict the outcome following primary TTC fusion.
We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 101 patients who underwent TTC fusion at the same institution between 2011 and 2019. Risk ratios (RRs) associated with age, sex, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, smoking, preoperative ankle deformity, and the use of bone graft during surgery were related to the postoperative complications. We determined from these data which pre- and perioperative factors significantly affected the outcome.
Sporting injuries around the ankle vary from simple sprains that will resolve spontaneously within a few days to severe injuries which may never fully recover and may threaten the career of a professional athlete. Some of these injuries can be easily overlooked altogether or misdiagnosed with potentially devastating effects on future performance. In this review article, we cover some of the common and important sporting injuries involving the ankle including updates on their management and outcomes.
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We hypothesised that a minimally invasive peroneus brevis tendon transfer would be effective for the management of a chronic rupture of the Achilles tendon. In 17 patients (three women, 14 men) who underwent minimally invasive transfer and tenodesis of the peroneus brevis to the calcaneum, at a mean follow-up of 4.6 years (2 to 7) the modified Achilles tendon total rupture score (ATRS) was recorded and the maximum circumference of the calf of the operated and contralateral limbs was measured. The strength of isometric plantar flexion of the gastrocsoleus complex and of eversion of the ankle were measured bilaterally. Functional outcomes were classified according to the four-point Boyden scale.
At the latest review, the mean maximum circumference of the calf
of the operated limb was not significantly different from the pre-operative
mean value, (41.4 cm, 32 to 50
This procedure may be safely performed, is minimally invasive, and allows most patients to return to pre-injury sport and daily activities.
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We present a review of litigation claims relating to foot and ankle surgery in the NHS in England during the 17-year period between 1995 and 2012.
A freedom of information request was made to obtain data from the NHS litigation authority (NHSLA) relating to orthopaedic claims, and the foot and ankle claims were reviewed.
During this period of time, a total of 10 273 orthopaedic claims were made, of which 1294 (12.6%) were related to the foot and ankle. 1036 were closed, which comprised of 1104 specific complaints. Analysis was performed using the complaints as the denominator. The cost of settling these claims was more than £36 million.
There were 372 complaints (33.7%) involving the ankle, of which 273 (73.4%) were related to trauma. Conditions affecting the first ray accounted for 236 (21.4%), of which 232 (98.3%) concerned elective practice. Overall, claims due to diagnostic errors accounted for 210 (19.0%) complaints, 208 (18.8%) from alleged incompetent surgery and 149 (13.5%) from alleged mismanagement.
Our findings show that the incorrect, delayed or missed diagnosis of conditions affecting the foot and ankle is a key area for improvement, especially in trauma practice.
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We report a systematic review and meta-analysis
of published randomised and quasi-randomised trials evaluating the
efficacy of pre-operative skin antisepsis and cleansing techniques
in reducing foot and ankle skin flora. The post-preparation culture
number (Post-PCN) was the primary outcome. The data were evaluated
using a modified version of the Cochrane Collaboration’s tool. We
identified eight trials (560 participants, 716 feet) that met the inclusion
criteria. There was a significant difference in the proportions
of Post-PCN between hallux nailfold (HNF) and toe web spaces (TWS)
sites: 0.47
Meta-analyses showed that alcoholic chlorhexidine had better efficacy than alcoholic povidone-iodine (PI) at HNF sites (risk difference 0.19 (95% CI 0.08 to 0.30); p = 0.0005); a two-step intervention using PI scrub and paint (S& P) followed by alcohol showed significantly better efficacy over PI (S& P) alone at TWS sites (risk difference 0.13 (95% CI 0.02 to 0.24); p = 0.0169); and a two-step intervention using chlorhexidine scrub followed by alcohol showed significantly better efficacy over PI (S& P) alone at the combined (HNF with TWS) sites (risk difference 0.27 (95% CI 0.13 to 0.40); p < 0.0001). No significant difference was found between cleansing techniques.
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Diagnostic and operative codes are routinely collected for every patient admitted to hospital in the English NHS. Data on post-operative complications following foot and ankle surgery have not previously been available in large numbers. Data on symptomatic venous thromboembolism events and mortality within 90 days were extracted for patients undergoing fixation of an ankle fracture, first metatarsal osteotomy, hindfoot fusions and total ankle replacement over a period of 42 months. For ankle fracture surgery (45 949 patients), the rates of deep-vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism and mortality were 0.12%, 0.17% and 0.37%, respectively. For first metatarsal osteotomy (33 626 patients), DVT, pulmonary embolism and mortality rates were 0.01%, 0.02% and 0.04%, and for hindfoot fusions (7033 patients) the rates were 0.03%, 0.11% and 0.11%, respectively. The rate of pulmonary embolism in 1633 total ankle replacement patients was 0.06%, and there were no recorded DVTs and no deaths. Statistical analysis could only identify risk factors for venous thromboembolic events of increasing age and multiple comorbidities following fracture surgery.
Venous thromboembolism following foot and ankle surgery is extremely rare, but this subset of fracture patients is at a higher risk. However, there is no evidence that thromboprophylaxis reduces this risk, and these national data suggest that prophylaxis is not required in most of these patients.
The precise localisation of osteoarthritic changes is crucial for selective surgical treatment. Single photon-emission CT-CT (SPECT-CT) combines both morphological and biological information. We hypothesised that SPECT-CT increased the intra- and interobserver reliability to localise increased uptake compared with traditional evaluation of CT and bone scanning together. We evaluated 20 consecutive patients with pain of uncertain origin in the foot and ankle by radiography and SPECT-CT, available as fused SPECT-CT, and by separate bone scanning and CT. Five observers assessed the presence or absence of arthritis. The images were blinded and randomly ordered. They were evaluated twice at an interval of six weeks. Kappa and multirater kappa values were calculated.
The mean intraobserver reliability for SPECT-CT was excellent (κ = 0.86; 95% CI 0.81 to 0.88) and significantly higher than that for CT and bone scanning together. SPECT-CT had significantly higher interobserver agreement, especially when evaluating the naviculocuneiform and tarsometatarsal joints.
SPECT-CT is useful in localising active arthritis especially in areas where the number and configuration of joints are complex.