Our aim was to determine the clinical value of MRI and CT arthrography in predicting the presence of loose bodies in the elbow. A series of 26 patients with mechanical symptoms in the elbow had plain radiography, MRI and CT arthrography, followed by routine arthroscopy of the elbow. The location and number of loose bodies determined by MRI and CT arthrography were recorded. Pre-operative plain radiography, MRI and CT arthrography were compared with arthroscopy. Both MRI and CT arthrography had excellent sensitivity (92% to 100%) but low to moderate specificity (15% to 77%) in identifying posteriorly-based loose bodies. Neither MRI nor CT arthrography was consistently sensitive (46% to 91%) or specific (13% to 73%) in predicting the presence or absence of loose bodies anteriorly. The overall sensitivity for the detection of loose bodies in either compartment was 88% to 100% and the specificity 20% to 70%. Pre-operative radiography had a similar sensitivity and specificity of 84% and 71%, respectively. Our results suggest that neither CT arthrography nor MRI is reliable or accurate enough to be any more effective than plain radiography alone in patients presenting with mechanical symptoms in the elbow.
CT arthrography and arthroscopy were used to assess tears of the rotator cuff in 259 shoulders. Tear size was determined in the frontal and sagittal planes according to the classification of the French Arthroscopy Society. CT arthrography had a sensitivity of 99% and a specificity of 100% for the diagnosis of tears of supraspinatus. For infraspinatus these figures were 97.44% and 99.52%, respectively and, for subscapularis, 64.71% and 98.17%. For lesions of the long head of the biceps, the sensitivity was 45.76% and the specificity was 99.57%. Our study showed an excellent correlation between CT arthrography and arthroscopy when assessing the extent of a rotator cuff tear. CT arthrography should, therefore, be an indispensable part of pre-operative assessment. It allows determination of whether a tear is reparable (retraction of the tendon and fatty degeneration of the corresponding muscle) and whether this is possible by arthroscopy (degree of tendon retraction and extension to subscapularis).