The goal of this study was to determine whether intra-articular
administration of the potentially anti-fibrotic agent decorin influences
the expression of genes involved in the fibrotic cascade, and ultimately
leads to less contracture, in an animal model. A total of 18 rabbits underwent an operation on their right knees
to form contractures. Six limbs in group 1 received four intra-articular
injections of decorin; six limbs in group 2 received four intra-articular
injections of bovine serum albumin (BSA) over eight days; six limbs
in group 3 received no injections. The contracted limbs of rabbits
in group 1 were biomechanically and genetically compared with the
contracted limbs of rabbits in groups 2 and 3, with the use of a
calibrated joint measuring device and custom microarray, respectively.Objectives
Lower limb muscle power is thought to influence outcome following
total knee replacement (TKR). Post-operative deficits in muscle
strength are commonly reported, although not explained. We hypothesised
that post-operative recovery of lower limb muscle power would be
influenced by the number of satellite cells in the quadriceps muscle at
time of surgery. Biopsies were obtained from 29 patients undergoing TKR. Power
output was assessed pre-operatively and at six and 26 weeks post-operatively
with a Leg Extensor Power Rig and data were scaled for body weight.
Satellite cell content was assessed in two separate analyses, the
first cohort (n = 18) using immunohistochemistry and the second
(n = 11) by a new quantitative polymerase chain reaction (q-PCR)
protocol for Pax-7 (generic satellite cell marker) and Neural Cell
Adhesion Molecule (NCAM; marker of activated cells).Objectives