Injury to muscles is very common. We have previously observed that basic fibroblast growth factor (b-FGF), insulin growth factor type 1 (IGF-1) and nerve growth factor (NGF) are potent stimulators of the proliferation and fusion of myoblasts in vitro. We therefore injected these growth factors into mice with lacerations of the gastrocnemius muscle. The
Rotator cuff tears are among the most frequent upper extremity injuries. Current treatment strategies do not address the poor quality of the muscle and tendon following chronic rotator cuff tears. Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha (HIF-1α) is a transcription factor that activates many genes that are important in skeletal muscle regeneration. HIF-1α is inhibited under normal physiological conditions by the HIF prolyl 4-hydroxylases (PHDs). In this study, we used a pharmacological PHD inhibitor, GSK1120360A, to enhance the activity of HIF-1α following the repair of a chronic cuff tear, and measured muscle fibre contractility, fibrosis, gene expression, and enthesis mechanics. Chronic supraspinatus tears were induced in adult rats, and repaired 28 days later. Rats received 0 mg/kg, 3 mg/kg, or 10 mg/kg GSK1120360A daily. Collagen content, contractility, fibre type distribution and size, the expression of genes involved in fibrosis, lipid accumulation, atrophy and inflammation, and the mechanical properties of the enthesis were then assessed two weeks following surgical repair.Objectives
Rotator cuff tears are among the most common and debilitating
upper extremity injuries. Chronic cuff tears result in atrophy and
an infiltration of fat into the muscle, a condition commonly referred
to as ‘fatty degeneration’. While stem cell therapies hold promise
for the treatment of cuff tears, a suitable immunodeficient animal
model that could be used to study human or other xenograft-based
therapies for the treatment of rotator cuff injuries had not previously
been identified. A full-thickness, massive supraspinatus and infraspinatus tear
was induced in adult T-cell deficient rats. We hypothesised that,
compared with controls, 28 days after inducing a tear we would observe
a decrease in muscle force production, an accumulation of type IIB
fibres, and an upregulation in the expression of genes involved
with muscle atrophy, fibrosis and inflammation.Objectives
The nervous system is known to be involved in inflammation and repair. We aimed to determine the effect of physical activity on the healing of a muscle injury and to examine the pattern of innervation. Using a drop-ball technique, a contusion was produced in the gastrocnemius in 20 rats. In ten the limb was immobilised in a plaster cast and the remaining ten had mobilisation on a running wheel. The muscle and the corresponding dorsal-root ganglia were studied by histological and immunohistochemical methods. In the mobilisation group, there was a significant reduction in lymphocytes (p = 0.016), macrophages (p = 0.008) and myotubules (p = 0.008) between three and 21 days. The formation of myotubules and the density of nerve fibres was significantly higher (both p = 0.016) compared with those in the immobilisation group at three days, while the density of CGRP-positive fibres was significantly lower (p = 0.016) after 21 days. Mobilisation after contusional injury to the muscle resulted in early and increased formation of myotubules, early nerve regeneration and progressive reduction in inflammation, suggesting that it promoted a better healing response.