In vivo animal experimentation has been one of the cornerstones of biological and biomedical research, particularly in the field of clinical medicine and pharmaceuticals. The conventional in vivo model system is invariably associated with high production costs and strict ethical considerations. These limitations led to the evolution of an ex vivo model system which partially or completely surmounted some of the constraints faced in an in vivo model system. The ex vivo rodent bone culture system has been used to elucidate the understanding of skeletal physiology and pathophysiology for more than 90 years. This review attempts to provide a brief summary of the historical evolution of the rodent bone culture system with emphasis on the strengths and limitations of the model. It encompasses the frequency of use of rats and mice for ex vivo bone studies,
Although success has been achieved with implantation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (bMSCs) in degenerative discs, its full potential may not be achieved if the harsh environment of the degenerative disc remains. Axial distraction has been shown to increase hydration and
We obtained intervertebral discs with cartilage endplates and underlying cancellous bone at operation from patients with degenerative disc disease and then used immunohistochemical techniques to localise the nerves and nerve endings in the specimens. We used antibodies for the ubiquitous neuronal protein gene product 9.5 (PGP 9.5). Immunoreactivity to neuropeptide Y was used to identify autonomic nerves and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and substance P to identify sensory nerves. Blood vessels were identified by immunoreactivity with platelet-endothelial cell-adhesion molecule (CD31; PECAM). In a control group with no known history of chronic back pain, nerve fibres immunoreactive to PGP 9.5 and neuropeptide Y were most closely related to blood vessels, with occasional substance P and CGRP immunoreactivity. In patients with severe back pain and markedly reduced disc height, proliferation of blood vessels and accompanying nerve fibres was observed in the endplate region and underlying vertebral bodies. Many of these nerves were immunoreactive to substance P or CGRP, and in addition, substance P- and CGRP-immunoreactive nociceptors were seen unrelated to blood vessels. Quantification by image analysis showed a marked increase in CGRP-containing sensory nerve fibres compared with normal control subjects. We speculate that a chemotactic response to products of disc breakdown is responsible for the proliferation of vascularity and CGRP-containing sensory nerves found in the endplate region and vertebral body adjacent to degenerate discs. The neuropeptides substance P and CGRP have potent vasodilatory as well as pain-transmitting effects. The increase in sensory nerve endings suggests increase in blood flow, perhaps as an attempt to augment the
A major pathway of closed soft-tissue injury is failure of microvascular perfusion combined with a persistently enhanced inflammatory response. We therefore tested the hypothesis that hypertonic hydroxyethyl starch (HS/HES) effectively restores microcirculation and reduces leukocyte adherence after closed soft-tissue injury. We induced closed soft-tissue injury in the hindlimbs of 14 male isoflurane-anaesthetised rats. Seven traumatised animals received 7.5% sodium chloride-6% HS/HES and seven isovolaemic 0.9% saline (NS). Six non-injured animals did not receive any additional fluid and acted as a control group. The microcirculation of the extensor digitorum longus muscle (EDL) was quantitatively analysed two hours after trauma using intravital microscopy and laser Doppler flowmetry, i.e. erythrocyte flux. Oedema was assessed by the wet-to-dry-weight ratio of the EDL. In NS-treated animals closed soft-tissue injury resulted in massive reduction of functional capillary density (FCD) and a marked increase in microvascular permeability and leukocyte-endothelial cell interaction as compared with the control group. By contrast, HS/HES was effective in restoring the FCD to 94% of values found in the control group. In addition, leukocyte rolling decreased almost to control levels and leukocyte adherence was found to be reduced by ~50%. Erythrocyte flux in NS-treated animals decreased to 90 ± 8% (mean . sem. ), whereas values in the HS/HES group significantly increased to 137 ± 3% compared with the baseline flux. Oedema in the HS/HES group (1.06 ± 0.02) was significantly decreased compared with the NS-group (1.12 ± 0.01). HS/HES effectively restores nutritive perfusion, decreases leukocyte adherence, improves endothelial integrity and attenuates oedema, thereby restricting tissue damage evolving secondary to closed soft-tissue injury. It appears to be an effective intervention, supporting
Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disorder characterized by reduced bone mass and deterioration of bone microarchitecture, which results in increased bone fragility and fracture risk. Casein kinase 2-interacting protein-1 (CKIP-1) is a protein that plays an important role in regulation of bone formation. The effect of CKIP-1 on bone formation is mainly mediated through negative regulation of the bone morphogenetic protein pathway. In addition, CKIP-1 has an important role in the progression of osteoporosis. This review provides a summary of the recent studies on the role of CKIP-1 in osteoporosis development and treatment.
We produced large full-thickness articular cartilage defects in 33 rabbits in order to evaluate the effect of joint distraction and autologous culture-expanded bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal cell transplantation (ACBMT) at 12 weeks. After fixing the knee on a hinged external fixator, we resected the entire surface of the tibial plateau. We studied three groups: 1) with and without joint distraction; 2) with joint distraction and collagen gel, and 3) with joint distraction and ACBMT and collagen gel.
The histological scores were significantly higher in the groups with ACBMT collagen gel (p < 0.05). The area of regenerated soft tissue was smaller in the group allowed to bear weight (p < 0.05). These findings suggest that the repair of large defects of cartilage can be enhanced by joint distraction, collagen gel and ACBMT.
We have previously shown that joint distraction and movement with a hinged external fixation device for 12 weeks was useful for repairing a large articular cartilage defect in a rabbit model. We have now investigated the results after six months and one year. The device was applied to 16 rabbits who underwent resection of the articular cartilage and subchondral bone from the entire tibial plateau. In group A (nine rabbits) the device was applied for six months. In group B (seven rabbits) it was in place for six months, after which it was removed and the animals were allowed to move freely for an additional six months. The cartilage remained sound in all rabbits. The areas of type II collagen-positive staining and repaired soft tissue were larger in group B than in group A. These findings provide evidence of long-term persistence of repaired cartilage with this technique and that weight-bearing has a positive effect on the quality of the cartilage.
We evaluated the histological changes before and after fixation in ten knees of ten patients with osteochondritis dissecans who had undergone fixation of the unstable lesions. There were seven males and three females with a mean age of 15 years (11 to 22). The procedure was performed either using bio-absorbable pins only or in combination with an autologous osteochondral plug. A needle biopsy was done at the time of fixation and at the time of a second-look arthroscopy at a mean of 7.8 months (6 to 9) after surgery.
The biopsy specimens at the second-look arthroscopy showed significant improvement in the histological grading score compared with the pre-fixation scores (p < 0.01). In the specimens at the second-look arthroscopy, the extracellular matrix was stained more densely than at the time of fixation, especially in the middle to deep layers of the articular cartilage.
Our findings show that articular cartilage regenerates after fixation of an unstable lesion in osteochondritis dissecans.
Curettage and packing with polymethylmethacrylate cement is a routine treatment for giant-cell tumour (GCT) of bone. We performed an
We found that the cytotoxic effect of eluted drugs depended on their concentration and the time interval, with even the lowest dose of each drug demonstrating an acceptable rate of cytotoxicity. Even in low doses, cytotoxic drugs mixed with polymethylmethacrylate cement could therefore be considered as effective local adjuvant treatment for GCTs.
We investigated several factors which affect the stability of cortical screws in osteoporotic bone using 18 femora from cadavers of women aged between 45 and 96 years (mean 76). We performed bone densitometry to measure the bone mineral density of the cortical and cancellous bone of the shaft and head of the femur, respectively. The thickness and overall bone mass of the cortical layer of the shaft of the femur were measured using a microCT scanner. The force required to pull-out a 3.5 mm titanium cortical bone screw was determined after standardised insertion into specimens of the cortex of the femoral shaft.
A significant correlation was found between the pull-out strength and the overall bone mass of the cortical layer (r2 = 0.867, p < 0.01) and also between its thickness (r2 = 0.826, p < 0.01) and bone mineral density (r2 = 0.861, p < 0.01). There was no statistically significant correlation between the age of the donor and the pull-out force (p = 0.246), the cortical thickness (p = 0.199), the bone mineral density (p = 0.697) or the level of osteoporosis (p = 0.378).
We conclude that the overall bone mass, the thickness and the bone mineral density of the cortical layer, are the main factors which affect the stability of a screw in human female osteoporotic cortical bone.
We carried out a cross-sectional study with analysis of the demographic, clinical and laboratory characteristics of patients with metal-on-metal hip resurfacing, ceramic-on-ceramic and metal-on-polyethylene hip replacements. Our aim was to evaluate the relationship between metal-on-metal replacements, the levels of cobalt and chromium ions in whole blood and the absolute numbers of circulating lymphocytes. We recruited 164 patients (101 men and 63 women) with hip replacements, 106 with metal-on-metal hips and 58 with non-metal-on-metal hips, aged < 65 years, with a pre-operative diagnosis of osteoarthritis and no pre-existing immunological disorders.
Laboratory-defined T-cell lymphopenia was present in13 patients (15%) (CD8+ lymphopenia) and 11 patients (13%) (CD3+ lymphopenia) with unilateral metal-on-metal hips. There were significant differences in the absolute CD8+ lymphocyte subset counts for the metal-on-metal groups compared with each control group (p-values ranging between 0.024 and 0.046). Statistical modelling with analysis of covariance using age, gender, type of hip replacement, smoking and circulating metal ion levels, showed that circulating levels of metal ions, especially cobalt, explained the variation in absolute lymphocyte counts for almost all lymphocyte subsets.
We studied 51 patients with osteo-articular tuberculosis who were divided into two groups. Group I comprised 31 newly-diagnosed patients who were given first-line antituberculous treatment consisting of isoniazid, rifampicin, ethambutol and pyrazinamide. Group II (non-responders) consisted of 20 patients with a history of clinical non-responsiveness to supervised uninterrupted antituberculous treatment for a minimum of three months or a recurrence of a previous lesion which on clinical observation had healed. No patient in either group was HIV-positive. Group II were treated with an immunomodulation regime of intradermal BCG, oral levamisole and intramuscular diphtheria and tetanus vaccines as an adjunct for eight weeks in addition to antituberculous treatment. We gave antituberculous treatment for a total of 12 to 18 months in both groups and they were followed up for a mean of 30.2 months (24 to 49). A series of 20 healthy blood donors served as a control group.
Twenty-nine (93.6%) of the 31 patients in group I and 14 of the 20 (70%) in group II had a clinicoradiological healing response to treatment by five months.
The CD4 cell count in both groups was depressed at the time of enrolment, with a greater degree of depression in the group-II patients (686 cells/mm3 (
Bovine and human articular chondrocytes were seeded in 2% alginate constructs and cultured for up to 19 days in a rotating-wall-vessel (RWV) and under static conditions. Culture within the RWV enhanced DNA levels for bovine chondrocyte-seeded constructs when compared with static conditions but did not produce enhancement for human cells. There was a significant enhancement of glycosaminoglycans and hydroxyproline synthesis for both bovine and human chondrocytes. In all cases, histological analysis revealed enhanced Safranin-O staining in the peripheral regions of the constructs compared with the central region. There was an overall increase in staining intensity after culture within the RWV compared with static conditions. Type-II collagen was produced by both bovine and human chondrocytes in the peripheral and central regions of the constructs and the staining intensity was enhanced by culture within the RWV. A capsule of flattened cells containing type-I collagen developed around the constructs maintained under static conditions when seeded with either bovine or human chondrocytes, but not when cultured within the RWV bioreactor.