Skeletal age was estimated by examination of radiographs of the carpus in 182 children suffering from Perthes' disease after the reliability of the Greulich and Pyle Atlas had been checked for a control group of British children. A striking tendency to delayed skeletal maturation was shown in the children with Perthes' disease. This trait was also found in ninety-three unaffected siblings of the patients. The velocity of skeletal ageing as the disease progressed was estimated. In some patients the carpal skeleton failed to mature at all for periods of up to three years and the term "skeletal standstill" is applied to this phenomenon. The significance of these findings is discussed and it is suggested that the maturation defect may have aetiological significance.
1. Two cases of post-traumatic osteolysis of the outer end of the clavicle are reported. 2. The essential features of the lesion are summarised. 3. The possible medico-legal importance of the condition is mentioned.
1 . Two cases of chronic progressive dislocation of the talo-navicular joints are discussed. 2. Radiographs are presented showing the development of the lesions over a period of eighteen years. 3. It is thought that the lesion is caused by laxity of ligaments and subsequent osteoarthritic changes.