Diastematomyelia is a rare congenital abnormality
of the spinal cord. This paper summarises more than 30 years’ experience
of treating this condition. Data were collected retrospectively
on 138 patients with diastematomyelia (34 males, 104 females) who
were treated at our hospital from May 1978 to April 2010. A total
of 106 patients had double dural tubes (type 1 diastematomyelia),
and 32 patients had single dural tubes (type 2 diastematomyelia). Radiographs,
CT myelography, and MRI showed characteristic kyphoscoliosis, widening
of the interpedicle distance, and bony, cartilaginous, and fibrous
septum. The incidences of symptoms including characteristic changes
of the dorsal skin, neurological disorders, and congenital spinal
or foot deformity were significantly higher in type 1 than in type
2. Surgery is more effective for patients with type 1 diastematomyelia;
patients without surgery showed no improvement.