A case of simultaneous posterior dislocation of both shoulders, occurring in an epileptiform fit, is described. Manipulative reduction succeeded after five days, and full function was gained.
Four cases of carpo-metacarpal dislocation are described. In one case all five metacarpals of one hand were involved.
Three cases of multiple epiphysial dysplasia in three generations of one family are described. The history indicates that three further members, one in a fourth generation. have been affected.
1) Supination and pronation are the only material tarsal movements; other terms describe their hypothetical components only. 2) The subtalar and talo-navicular joints form a single joint functionally, which may be called the peritalar joint. 3) Peritalar movement comprises a wide range of supination and pronation of the foot about an axis which passes from the tuberosity of the calcaneum upwards, forwards and slightly medially to the neck of the talus. 4) Midtarsal movement comprises a narrow range of supination and pronation of the foot about an axis similar to that of peritalar movement. 5) Tile peritalar and midtarsal joints are thus oblique hinge joints.