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Get to know the editorial board

Image of Chris Servant, the editor being interviewed

How long have you been on the board?

Since 2017.

How did you first get involved with The Bone & Joint Journal?

I was recommended to review a manuscript by a friend, who worked in the same unit as an Editorial Board member.

What is the best thing about being on the board?

The intellectual challenge and satisfaction of trying to understand and critically appraise research. The board meetings are a meeting of like minds (most of the time).

What one piece of advice would you give to others who might like to get more involved with The Bone & Joint Journal?

If you want to improve your private practice marketing potential, don't bother. If you want to keep up to date with your specialist area of interest, improve your critical thinking, and contribute in some small way to improving global orthopaedic knowledge, go for it.