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Get to know the editorial board

Image of Dominic Meek, the editor being interviewed

How long have you been on the board?

Since October 2016.

How did you first get involved with The Bone & Joint Journal?

I chatted to people at the BOA BJJ stand having started reviewing for the journal.

What is the best thing about being on the board?

Every day is a learning day, not just in terms of orthopaedic literature (which has let me gain insight in my own speciality but also trauma, research, paediatrics etc), but additionally how media is enhancing learning and reaching out to others in ways I had never thought about before. Also, being part of a team that you can talk to.

What one piece of advice would you give to others who might like to get more involved with The Bone & Joint Journal?

If you’re not already reviewing then attend one of the paper reviewer or research methods courses and chat to some of the faculty who will give you great advice. Indeed, chat to any one of the board!

What song is top of your operating room playlist?

If I am allowed to play something, it would be from the Killers’ albums and All These Things That I've Done.