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Volume 59-B, Issue 2 May 1977

Antibiotics in cement Pages 139 - 142
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B Moore
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RD Fraser DC Paterson DA Simpson
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A retrospective survey has been made of forty children with spinal tumours. Difficulties in establishing the correct diagnosis are mentioned and the value of radiological and cerebrospinal fluid investigations discussed. The major orthopaedic disabilities are spinal deformity or instability, and paraplegia. The main factor in the development of the former is the site of laminectomy: the higher the level the greater is the likelihood of deformity or instability developing. Measures to prevent this distressing complication are discussed. The role of the orthopaedic surgeon in the management of these children is emphasised.

DA Jones
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Coxa valga may sometimes occur as a complication of varus osteotomy for congenital dislocation of the hip. Six such cases are described with a minimum follow-up of nine years. In three cases the varus osteotomy had been performed on only one side; in one case it was done on both sides and coxa valga developed bilaterally; and in two further bilateral cases coxa valga developed on one side only. In each case the coxa valga was sub-capital. Detailed radiographic analysis included measurements of neck-shaft angle, acetabular angle and C.E. angle. The epiphysis-shaft angle is described; it is an index of the constant tendency of the capital epiphysis to assume a horizontal position. The cause remains unknown, but damage to the trochanteric growth plate or to the lateral part of the capital growth plate could not be identified as aetiological factors. Poor acetabular cover was considered a possible factor. All the patients in this series had functionally excellent hips, but the long-term prognosis of the hips with partly uncovered femoral heads is doubtful.

J Resina AF Alves
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This report describes a technique for the correction and fusion of scoliosis with the aid of a flexible metal rod that is fixed by wires under tension to the bases of the spinous processes on the convex side of the curve at a number of points. The results in a series of 100 cases are reported. In the last seventy patients, the average correction at one month was 51 per cent, and after two years 45 per cent. In these seventy cases the incidence of pseudarthrosis was 5-7 per cent.

L Kessel M Watson
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Ninety-seven patients suffering from painful arc syndrome of the shoulder were studied. Local anaesthetic and radiographic contrast investigations were carried out. One-third of the patients had lesions in the posterior part of the rotator cuff which resolved after injections of local anaesthetic and steroid. One-third had anterior lesions in the subscapularis tendon: almost all resolved under the same regime but two required division of the coraco-acromial ligament. The remaining third had lesions of the supraspinatus tendon, usually associated with degeneration of the acromio-clavicular joint: most of these failed to gain relief from the local anaesthetic and steroid. Twenty-two operations were performed either by a transcromial or by a deltoid splitting approach. Excision of the outer end of the clavicle and division of the coraco-acromial ligament abolished the pain in most cases.

S Eisenstein
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Direct measurements were made on 2,166 lumbar vertebrae of 433 adult negro and caucasoid skeletons. On statistical analysis, forty-five vertebrae in twenty-seven skeletons were found to be stenotic, the mid-sagittal diameter being the significantly reduced dimension. Whereas spinal stenosis syndromes are rare in South African negroes, the lumbar canal is marginally narrower in the negro. There is a uniformity of configuration and capacity of the lumbar spinal canal, which transcends race and sex. By a new method of determining the dorsal limit of the lumbar canal on lateral plain radiography, the overall average lower limit of normal of the mid-sagittal diameter is established at 15 millimetres, and of the transverse diameter 20 millimetres. Bony degenerative changes are more likely to cause neurological compression in the nerve root tunnel than in the spinal canal. The role of skeletal narrowing of the spinal canal as an exclusive cause of the spinal stenosis syndrome may have been exaggerated.

H Verbiest
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Between 1948 and 1975 147 patients were treated surgically for developmental stenosis of the lumbar vertebral canal, measurement of the mid-sagittal diameters in the whole area of stenosis being performed in 116 patients. Ninety-two of these patients were followed up for periods varying between one and twenty years. About two-thirds were completely relieved fo symptoms and signs. Sciatica and intermittent claudication were more frequently cured than radicular deficit and lumbago, the latter being the most frequent persisting symptom. A permanent neural deficit as a result of the surgical procedure was noted in two cases. A detailed presentation of the technique, complications and results is given.

S Nade RG Burwell
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This paper examines the fate of decalcified allografts (homografts) of iliac cancellous bone impregnated with autologous red marrow and implanted intermuscularly into the anterior abdominal wall of rabbits. In contrast to the findings of Urist and other workers that cortical bone decalcified with hydrochloric acid (HCl) and then freeze-dried is inductive to new bone formation in various heterotopic sites, evidence is presented that iliac bone decalcified by HCl and grafted alone to a muscular site is itself very weakly inductive to bone formation. However, when combined with autologous bone marrow the HCl-decalcified bone provides a better substrate for bone formation by marrow cells than does either undecalcified iliac bone, or iliac bone decalcified with ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic acid. The freezing or freeze-drying of decalcified bone does not affect new bone formation when implanted alone or with autologous marrow. The differences between the cortical and cancellous bone as inductive substrates for osteogenesis are discussed and the interrelationship of bone and marrow in combined bone grafts are re-evaluated.

J Hill L Klenerman S Trustey R Blowers
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The diffusion of Fucidin, gentamicin, and clindamycin from acrylic cement was tested in an in vitro system. The activity of Fucidin was very short-lived and only against gram-positive organisms; gentamicin inhibited gram-positive and gram-negative organisms for twenty-two and eleven days respectively; clindamycin had significant action only against gram-positive organisms and retained some activity for fifty-six days. We suggest that the destruction of organisms in the tissues is more likely to be achieved by topical and intravenous administration of antibiotics during the operation than by incorporation of antibiotic in the cement.

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RA Elson AE Jephcott DB McGechie D Verettas
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Laboratory experiments and clinical investigations have confirmed the various claims made originally by Buchholz and Engelbrecht (1970) that antibiotic-loaded acrylic cement releases the antibiotic into the surroundings in useful concentrations. Palacos R cement released higher concentrations than CMW, Simplex and Sulfix brands of cement and over longer periods. Concentrations of gentamycin and fucidin were sufficient to penetrate dead cortical bone. These conclusions need to be assessed with animal studies, mechanical testing and clinical results before the ideal place of antibiotic-loaded acrylic cement is established.

G Eskeland T Eskeland T Hovig J Teigland
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Three normal digital flexor tendon sheaths and the corresponding tissue formed around five silicone rod tendon implants, two silicone rubber mammary prostheses and one polyethylene tubing implant have been examined by light microscopy and by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. No principal difference in morphology was found. The surface facing tendon or implant was almost invariably covered with an irregular layer of amorphous material and filaments; only occasionally were collagen fibrils or cells exposed. Beneath the surface there were abundant collagen fibrils and some cells; besides fibroblasts, cells rich in filaments and often with numerous glycogen granules, mitochondria and peripherally located vesicles were found. These cells were frequently surrounded by a thick layer of an amorphous matrix. The results indicate that the implants caused remarkably little tissue reaction.

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PH Roberts CH Price
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Nineteen chondrosarcomas are reported arising in proximal phalanges or metacarpal bones of the hand mainly in elderly patients, predominantly women. The usual clinical presentation was of a progressively painful large tumour, often arising in a dormant lesion near the metacarpo-phalangeal joint. Radiologically most showed some bone expansion with a poorly defined area of destruction and a considerable soft-tissue swelling. Histologically, malignancy was usually obvious, but confusion might arise from the inclusion of bland areas of chondromatous tissue that probably represented the original lesion. Four tumours, initially curetted and grafted, recurred locally and necessitated amputation of the digit or ray. Amputation was the primary treatment for fourteen other tumours and was curative except in one patient who eventually needed amputation through the forearm for a large second recurrence. One tumour was satisfactorily controlled by excision of the affected phalanx. None of these nineteen tumours is known to have metastasised. Correct treatment implies a carefully considered balance between conservation of function and complete removal of all tumour tissue.

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PS Walker HH Hsieh
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Experiments were carried out to determine the optimum conformity between the femoral and tibial condyles in condylar replacement knee prostheses. Wear tests and observations from removed prostheses indicated that both high and low conformity produced characteristic abrasion and fatigue. Partly conforming condyles provided stability under load-bearing but allowed laxity to occur. Fixation to resist the various forces on the tibial components was enhanced by a short central intramedullary peg. Partial conformity is proposed as the optimum configuration between femoral and tibial components.

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M Vass L Kullmann R Csoka E Magyar
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Two cases are reported of polytenosynovitis involving the wrists and ankles and caused by toxoplasmosis, together with the investigations that led to the diagnosis. Medical and surgical treatment of the first patient and medical treatment only of the second patient gave satisfactory results.

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GP Mitchell
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In cases of established calcaneus after anterior poliomyelitis the deformity can be greatly reduced by combining an extensive plantar release with an oblique transverse osteotomy of the calcaneus that permits displacement upwards and backwards of the posterior weight-bearing part of the bone. The procedure greatly improves the mechanical advantage of subsequent tendon transplantations to the heel. Between 1956 and 1969 fifteen such osteotomies were carried out and the long-term results have been reviewed.

PW Green
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Thirty-three patients who had undergone anterior cervical fusion for degenerative disc disease were reviewed to determine the efficacy of the procedure. Only patients who were available for examination and who had undergone operation at least one year previously were included in the review. Nearly all had had arm pain and three-quarters neck pain. Diminished neck movement and neurological abnormalities in the arms had been frequent findings. Diagnosis from the clinical features and plain radiographs is described. Myelography was not used routinely and discography was not used at all. Indications for operation and surgical technique are described. Results show that pain in the neck and arm was relieved in a high proportion of cases and that the neurological abnormalities often recovered. It is concluded that this operation is safe and has a definite place in the relief of pain from cervical disc degeneration resistant to conservative treatment.

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JS Blackburne TE Peel
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To measure the patellar height the ratio of the articular length of the patella to the height of the lower pole of the articular cartilage above the tibial plateau is measured on a lateral radiography of the knee, flexed beyond 30 degrees. Normal values lie between 0-54 and 1-06. The subluxing patella is at the upper end of the normal range, but, in chondromalacia, the male patellae were lower than average, but the female patellae were normal.

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