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Volume 104-B, Issue SUPP_14 December 2022 The Italian Orthopaedic Research Society (IORS) Meeting, Bologna, Italy, 10–11 June 2022.

Full Access
P.D. Parchi

In the last years, 3d printing has progressively grown and it has reached a solid role in clinical practice. The main applications brought by 3d printing in orthopedic surgery are: preoperative planning, custom-made surgical guides, custom-made im- plants, surgical simulation, and bioprinting. The replica of the patient's anatomy, starting from the elaboration of medical volumetric images (CT, MRI, etc.), allows a progressive extremization of treatment personalization that could be tailored for every single patient. In complex cases, the generation of a 3d model of the patient's anatomy allows the surgeons to better understand the case — they can almost “touch the anatomy” —, to perform a more ac- curate preoperative planning and, in some cases, to perform device positioning before going to the surgical room (i.e. joint arthroplasty). 3d printing is also commonly used to produce surgical cutting guides, these guides are positioned intraoperatively on given landmarks to guide the surgeon to perform a specific surgical act (bone osteotomy, bone resection, implant position, etc.). In total knee arthroplasty, custom-made cutting guides have been developed to help the surgeon align the femoral and tibial components to the pre-arthritic condition with- out the use of the intramedullary femoral guide. 3d printed custom-made implants represent an emerging alternative to biological reconstructions especially after oncologic resection surgery or in case of complex arthroplasty revision surgery. Custom-made implants are designed to re- place the original shape and size of the patient's bone and they allow an extreme personalization of the treatment for every single patient. Patient-specific surgical simulation is a new frontier that promises great benefits for surgical training. a solid 3d model of the patient's anatomy can faithfully reproduce the surgical complexity of the patient and it allows to generate surgical simulators with increasing difficulty to adapt the difficulties of the course with the level of the trainees performing structured training paths: from the “simple” case to the “complex” case.

M. Pitton D. Pellegatta D. Vandoni G. Graziani S. Farè

The in vitro mimicking of bone microenvironment for the study of pathologies is a challenging field that requires the design of scaffolds with suitable morphological, structural and cytocompatible properties. During last years, 3D in vitro tumour models have been developed to reproduce mechanical, biochemical and structural bone microenvironment elements, allowing cells to behave as in vivo.

In this work, gas foamed polyether urethane foams (PUF) and 3D printed thermoplastic polyether urethane (3DP-PU) designed with different patterns are proposed as scaffolds for in vitro model of bone tissue. Surface coatings for a biomimetic behaviour of the 3D scaffold models were also investigated. Morphological, chemico-physical, mechanical properties, and biological in vitro behaviour were investigated.

PUFs for metastases investigation. The suitability of PUF as 3D in vitro model to study the interactions between bone tumour initiating cells and the bone microenvironment was investigated. PUF open porosity (>70%) appeared suitable to mimic trabecular bone structure. Human adipose derived stem cells (ADSC) were cultured and differentiated into osteoblast lineage on the PU foam, as confirmed by Alizarin Red staining and RT-PCR, thus offering a bone biomimetic microenvironment to the further co-culture with bone derived tumour-initiating cells (MCFS). Tumour aggregates were observed after three weeks of co-culture by e-cadherin staining and SEM; modification in CaP distribution was identified by SEM-EDX and associated to the presence of tumour cells.

3DP-PU as tumour bone model. 3D printed scaffolds have pores with a precise and regular geometry (0°-90°, 0°-45°-90°-135°, 0°-60°-120°). PU scaffold porosity evidenced values from 55 to 67%, values that belong to the porosity range of the trabecular bone tissue (30-90%). The compressive modulus varied between 2 and 4 MPa, depending on the printed pattern. Biomimetic nanostructured coating was performed on 0-90° 3DP-PU by Ionized Jet Deposition. Coatings had a submicrometric thickness, variable tuning deposition time, nanostructured surface morphology and biomimetic composition. Coating on 3DP-PU promoted cells colonization of the whole porous scaffolds, compared to the controls, where cells concentrated mostly on the outer layers.

In conclusion, based on the obtained results, scaffolds with different geometries have been successfully produced. Morphological and structural properties of the scaffolds here presented are suitable for mimicking the bone tissue, in order to produce a 3D in vitro model useful for bone pathologies research.

A. Leardini P. Caravaggi M. Ortolani S. Durante C. Belvedere

Among the advanced technology developed and tested for orthopaedic surgery, the Rizzoli (IOR) has a long experience on custom-made design and implant of devices for joint and bone replacements. This follows the recent advancements in additive manufacturing, which now allows to obtain products also in metal alloy by deposition of material layer-by-layer according to a digital model. The process starts from medical image, goes through anatomical modelling, prosthesis design, prototyping, and final production in 3D printers and in case post-production. These devices have demonstrated already to be accurate enough to address properly the specific needs and conditions of the patient and of his/her physician. These guarantee also minimum removal of the tissues, partial replacements, no size related issues, minimal invasiveness, limited instrumentation. The thorough preparation of the treatment results also in a considerable shortening of the surgical and of recovery time. The necessary additional efforts and costs of custom-made implants seem to be well balanced by these advantages and savings, which shall include the lower failures and revision surgery rates. This also allows thoughtful optimization of the component-to-bone interfaces, by advanced lattice structures, with topologies mimicking the trabecular bone, possibly to promote osteointegration and to prevent infection. IOR's experience comprises all sub-disciplines and anatomical areas, here mentioned in historical order. Originally, several systems of Patient-Specific instrumentation have been exploited in total knee and total ankle replacements. A few massive osteoarticular reconstructions in the shank and foot for severe bone fractures were performed, starting from mirroring the contralateral area. Something very similar was performed also for pelvic surgery in the Oncology department, where massive skeletal reconstructions for bone tumours are necessary. To this aim, in addition to the standard anatomical modelling, prosthesis design, technical/technological refinements, and manufacturing, surgical guides for the correct execution of the osteotomies are also designed and 3D printed. Another original experience is about en-block replacement of vertebral bodies for severe bone loss, in particular for tumours. In this project, technological and biological aspects have also been addressed, to enhance osteointegration and to diminish the risk of infection. In our series there is also a case of successful custom reconstruction of the anterior chest wall. Initial experiences are in progress also for shoulder and elbow surgery, in particular for pre-op planning and surgical guide design in complex re-alignment osteotomies for severe bone deformities. Also in complex flat-foot deformities, in preparation of surgical corrections, 3D digital reconstruction and 3D printing in cheap ABS filaments have been valuable, for indication, planning of surgery and patient communication; with special materials mimicking bone strength, these 3D physical models are precious also for training and preparation of the surgery. In Paediatric surgery severe multi planar & multifocal deformities in children are addressed with personalized pre-op planning and custom cutting-guides for the necessary osteotomies, most of which require custom allografts. A number of complex hip revision surgeries have been performed, where 3D reconstruction for possible final solutions with exact implants on the remaining bone were developed. Elective surgery has been addressed as well, in particular the customization of an original total ankle replacement designed at IOR. Also a novel system with a high-tibial-osteotomy, including a custom cutting jig and the fixation plate was tested. An initial experience for the design and test of custom ankle & foot orthotics is also in progress, starting with 3D surface scanning of the shank and foot including the plantar aspect. Clearly, for achieving these results, multi-disciplinary teams have been formed, including physicians, radiologists, bioengineers and technologists, working together for the same goal.

A. Bazzocchi

Imaging can provide valuable information about the function of tissues and organs. The capacity for detecting and measuring imaging biomarkers of biological activities, allows for a better understanding of the pathophysiology of any process in the human body, including the musculoskeletal system. This is of particular importance in oncologic, metabolic and rheumatologic diseases, but not limited to these.

In the domain of the musculoskeletal system, functional imaging also means to be able to address biomechanical evaluations.

Weight-bearing imaging and dynamic studies have a prominent role. All imaging techniques (X-rays, CT, MR, ultrasound) are in demand, and offer different applications, specific equipment and novel methods for addressing this.

Functional imaging is also essential to drive minimally invasive treatments – i.e. interventional radiology, and new treatment approaches move together with the advances on imaging guidance methods.

On both the diagnostic and the interventional side, the increasing availability of dedicated equipment and the development of specific imaging methods and protocols greatly helps the transition from research to clinical practice.

M. D. M. Lombardo L. Mangiavini G. M. Peretti

Menisci are crucial structures for knee homeostasis: they provide increase of congruence between the articular surfaces of the distal femur and tibial plateau, bear loading, shock absorption, lubrication, and proprioception. After a meniscal lesion, the golden rule, now, is to save as much meniscus as possible: only the meniscus tissue which is identified as unrepairable should be excised and meniscal sutures find more and more indications. Several different methods have been proposed to improve meniscal healing. They include very basic techniques, such as needling, abrasion, trephination and gluing, or more complex methods, such as synovial flaps, meniscal wrapping, or the application of fibrin clots. Basic research of meniscal substitutes has also become very active in the last decades. The features needed for a meniscal scaffold are: promotion of cell migration, it should be biomimetic and biocompatible, it should resist forces applied and transmitted by the knee, it should slowly biodegrade and should be easy to handle and implant. Several materials have been tested, that can be divided into synthetic and biological. The first have the advantage to be manufactured with the desired shapes and sizes and with precise porosity dimension and biomechanical characteristics. To date, the most common polymers are polylactic acid (PGA); poly-(L)-lactic acid (PLLA); poly- (lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA); polyurethane (PU); polyester carbon and polycaprolactone (PCL). The possible complications, more common in synthetic than natural polymers are poor cell adhesion and the possibility of developing a foreign body reaction or aseptic inflammation, leading to alter the joint architecture and consequently to worsen the functional outcomes. The biological materials that have been used over time are the periosteal tissue, the perichondrium, the small intestine submucosa (SIS), acellular porcine meniscal tissue, bacterial cellulose. Although these have a very high biocompatibility, some components are not suitable for tissue engineering as their conformation and mechanical properties cannot be modified. Collagen or proteoglycans are excellent candidates for meniscal engineering, as they maintain a high biocompatibility, they allow for the modification of the porosity texture and size and the adaptation to the patient meniscus shape. On the other hand, they have poor biomechanical characteristics and a more rapid degradation rate, compared to others, which could interfere with the complete replacement by the host tissue. An interesting alternative is represented by hydrogel scaffolds. Their semi-liquid nature allows for the generation of scaffolds with very precise geometries obtained from diagnostic images (i.e. MRI).

Promising results have been reported with alginate and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). Furthermore, hydrogel scaffolds can be enriched with growth factors, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate (BMAC). In recent years, several researchers have developed meniscal scaffolds combining different biomaterials, to optimize the mechanical and biological characteristics of each polymer. For example, biological polymers such as chitosan, collagen and gelatin allow for excellent cellular interactions, on the contrary synthetic polymers guarantee better biomechanical properties and greater reliability in the degradation time. Three-dimensional (3D) printing is a very interesting method for meniscus repair because it allows for a patient-specific customization of the scaffolds. The optimal scaffold should be characterized by many biophysical and biochemical properties as well as bioactivity to ensure an ECM-like microenvironment for cell survival and differentiation and restoration of the anatomical and mechanical properties of the native meniscus. The new technological advances in recent years, such as 3D bioprinting and mesenchymal stem cells management will probably lead to an acceleration in the design, development, and validation of new and effective meniscal substitutes.

G. Roversi F. Nusiner F. De Filippo A. Rizzo A. Colosio M.F. Saccomanno G. Milano

Recent studies on animal models focused on the effect of preserving tendon remnant of rotator cuff on tendon healing. A positive effect by combining tendon remnant preservation and small bone vents on the greater tuberosity in comparison with standard tendon-to-bone repair has been shown. The purpose of the present clinical study was to evaluate the efficacy of biologic augmentation of arthroscopic rotator cuff repair by maintaining tendon remnant on rotator cuff footprint combined with small bone vents of the greater tuberosity.

A retrospective study was conducted. All patients who underwent arthroscopic rotator cuff repair associated with small bone vents (nanofractures) and tendon footprint preservation were considered eligible for the study. Inclusion criteria were: diagnosis of full-thickness rotator cuff tear as diagnosed at preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and confirmed at the time of surgery; minimum 24-month of follow-up and availability of post-operative MRI performed not earlier than 6 months after surgery. Exclusion criteria were: partial thickness tears, irreparable tears, capsulo-labral pathologies, calcific tendonitis, gleno-humeral osteoarthritis and/or previous surgery.

Primary outcome was the ASES score. Secondary outcomes were: Quick-DASH and WORC scores, and structural integrity of repaired tendons by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) performed six months after surgery. A paired t-test was used to compare pre- and postoperative clinical outcomes. Subgroup analysis was performed according to tear size. Significance was set at p < 0.05.

The study included 29 patients (M:F = 15:14). Mean age (+ SD) of patients was 61.7 + 8.9 years. Mean follow-up was 27.4 ± 2.3 months. Comparison between pre- and postoperative functional scores showed significant clinical improvement (p < 0.001). Subgroup analysis for tear size showed significant differences in the QuickDASH score (0.04). Particularly, a significant difference in the QuickDASH score could be detected between medium and large tears (p=0.008) as well as medium and massive lesions (p=0.04). No differences could be detected between large and massive tears (p= 0.35). Postoperative imaging showed healed tendons in 21 out of 29 (72%) cases.

Preservation of tendon remnant combined with small bone vents in the repair of medium-to-massive full-thickness rotator cuff tears provided significant improvement in clinical outcome compared to baseline conditions with complete structural integrity in 72% of the cases.

Full Access
A. Bruschi D. M. Donati P. Choong E. Lucarelli G. Wallace

The inability to replace human muscle in surgical practice is a significant challenge. An artificial muscle controlled by the nervous system is considered a potential solution for this. We defined it as neuromuscular prosthesis. Muscle loss and dysfunction related to musculoskeletal oncological impairments, neuromuscular diseases, trauma or spinal cord injuries can be treated through artificial muscle implantation. At present, the use of dielectric elastomer actuators working as capacitors appears a promising option. Acrylic or silicone elastomers with carbon nanotubes functioning as the electrode achieve mechanical performances similar to human muscle in vitro. However, mechanical, electrical, and biological issues have prevented clinical application to date. In this study, materials and mechatronic solutions are presented which can tackle current clinical problems associated with implanting an artificial muscle controlled by the nervous system. Progress depends on the improvement of the actuation properties of the elastomer, seamless or wireless integration between the nervous system and the artificial muscle, and on reducing the foreign body response. It is believed that by combining the mechanical, electrical, and biological solutions proposed here, an artificial neuromuscular prosthesis may be a reality in surgical practice in the near future.

F. Caravaggio M. Antonelli F. Depalmi

Chronic Achilles tendinopathy is characterised by sub-acute inflammation with pro-inflammatory type 1 macrophages (M1), tissue degeneration and consequent partial or total tendon injury. Control of the inflammatory response and M1-to-M2 macrophage polarisation can favour tendon healing both directly and indirectly, by allowing for the regenerative process driven by local mesenchymal stem cells.

Ten patients (3 females and 7 males aged between 32 and 71 years old) with partial Achilles tendon injury were treated with injections of autologous peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PB-MNCs). The cell concentrate was obtained from 100-120 cc of each patient's blood with a selective point-of-care filtration system. PB-MNCs remained trapped in the filter and were injected immediately after sampling. Around 60% of the PB-MNC concentrate was injected directly into the injured area, while the remaining 40% was injected in smaller amounts into the surrounding parts of the Achilles tendon affected by tendinosis.

All patients were evaluated both clinically with the help of the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS) scale, and radiologically (MRI examination) at baseline and 2 months after the PB-MNC injection. A clinical reassessment with the AOFAS scale was also performed 6 months after the intervention. The rehabilitation protocol implied full weight-bearing walking immediately after the procedure, light physical activity 3-4 days after the injection, and physiotherapist-assisted stretching exercises and eccentric training.

In all patients, functional and radiological signs of tendon healing processes were detected as early as 2 months after a single treatment and the AOFAS scale rose from the initial mean value of 37.5 (baseline) to 85.4 (6 months).

Our preliminary results indicate that regenerative therapies with PB-MNCs can prove useful for partial Achilles tendon injuries as a valid alternative to surgical options, especially when other conservative approaches have failed. Advantages of this therapy include rapid execution, no need for an operating theatre, easy reproducibility, quick recovery and good tolerability regardless of the patient's age (the procedure is not to be performed in subjects who are below 18 years old). Further studies on the topic are recommended to confirm these observations.

E. Olivotto F. Mariotti F. Castagnini M. Favero F. Oliviero A. Evangelista R. Ramonda B. Grigolo E. Tassinari F. Traina

Hip Osteoarthritis (HOA) is the most common joint disorder and a major cause of disability in the adult population, leading to total hip replacement (THR). Recently, evidence has mounted for a prominent etiologic role of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) in the development of early OA in the non-dysplastic hip. FAI is a pathological mechanical process, caused by abnormalities of the acetabulum and/or femur leading to damage the soft tissue structures. FAI can determine chondro-labral damage and groin pain in young adults and can accelerate HOA progression in middle-aged adults.

The aim of the study was to determine if the presence of calcium crystal in synovial fluid (SF) at the time of FAI surgery affects the clinical outcomes to be used as diagnostic and predictive biomarker.

49 patients with FAI undergoing arthroscopy were enrolled after providing informed consent; 37 SFs were collected by arthrocentesis at the time of surgery and 35 analyzed (66% males), median age 35 years with standard deviation (SD) 9.7 and body mass index (BMI) 23.4 kg/m2; e SD 3.

At the time of surgery, chondral pathology using the Outerbridge score, labral pathology and macroscopic synovial pathology based on direct arthroscopic visualization were evaluated. Physical examination and clinical assessment using the Hip disability & Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (HOOS) were performed at the time of surgery and at 6 months of follow up. As positive controls of OA signs, SF samples were also collected from cohort of 15 patients with HOA undergoing THR and 12 were analysed.

45% FAI patients showed CAM deformity; 88% presented labral lesion or instability and 68% radiographic labral calcification. 4 patients out of 35 showed moderate radiographic signs of OA (Kellegren-Lawrence score = 3). Pre-operative HOOS median value was 61.3% (68.10-40.03) with interquartile range (IQR) of 75-25% and post-operative HOOS median value 90% with IQR 93.8-80.60. In both FAI and OA patients the calcium crystal level in SFs negatively correlated with glycosaminoglycan (component of the extracellular matrix) released, which is a marker of cartilage damage (Spearman rho=-0.601, p<0.001).

In FAI patients a worst articular function after surgery, measured with the HOOS questionnaire, was associated with both acetabular and femoral chondropathy and degenerative labral lesion. Moreover, radiographic labral calcification was also significantly associated with pain, worst articular function and labral lesion. Calcium crystal level in SFs was associated with labral lesions and OA signs.

We concluded that the levels of calcium crystals in FAI patients are correlated with joint damage, OA signs and worst post-operative outcome. The presence of calcium crystals in SF of FAI patients might be a potential new biomarker that might help clinicians to make an early diagnosis, evaluate disease progression and monitor treatment response.

L. De Berardinis F. Qordja L. Farinelli A. Faragalli R. Gesuita A. Gigante

Our knowledge of primary bone marrow edema (BME) of the knee is still limited. A major contributing factor is that it shares several radiological findings with a number of vascular, traumatic, and inflammatory conditions having different histopathological features and etiologies.

BME can be primary or secondary. The most commonly associated conditions are osteonecrosis, osteochondritis dissecans, complex regional pain syndrome, mechanical strain such as bone contusion/bruising, micro-fracture, stress fracture, osteoarthritis, and tumor. The etiology and pathogenesis of primary BME are unclear. Conservative treatment includes analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, weight-bearing limitations, physiotherapy, pulsed electromagnetic fields, prostacyclin, and bisphosphonates. Surgical treatment, with simple perforation, fragment stabilization, combined scraping and perforation, and eventually osteochondral or chondrocyte transplant, is reserved for the late stages. This retrospective study of a cohort of patients with primary BME of the knee was undertaken to describe their clinical and demographic characteristics, identify possible risk factors, and assess treatment outcomes.

We reviewed the records of 48 patients with primary BME of the knee diagnosed on MRI by two radiologists and two orthopedists. History, medications, pain type, leisure activities, smoking habits, allergies, and environmental factors were examined. Analysis of patients’ characteristics highlighted that slightly overweight middle-aged female smokers with a sedentary lifestyle are the typical patients with primary BME of the knee. In all patients, the chief symptom was intractable day and night pain (mean value, 8.5/10 on the numerical rating scale) with active as well as passive movement, regardless of BME extent. Half of the patients suffered from thyroid disorders; indeed, the probability of having a thyroid disorder was higher in our patients than in two unselected groups of patients, one referred to our orthopedic center (odds ratio, 18.5) and another suffering from no knee conditions (odds ratio, 9.8). Before pain onset, 56.3% of our cohort had experienced a stressful event (mourning, dismissal from work, concern related to the COVID-19 pandemic). After conservative treatment, despite the clinical improvement and edema resolution on MRI, 93.8% of patients described two new symptoms: a burning sensation in the region of the former edema and a reduced ipsilateral patellar reflex. These data suggest that even though the primary BME did resolve on MRI, the knee did not achieve full healing.

A. Bergomi M. Adriani F. De Filippo F. Manni M. Motta M.F. Saccomanno G. Milano

Rotator cuff repair has excellent clinical outcomes but continues to be a challenge when it comes to large and massive tears as well as revision procedures. Reported symptomatic retear rates are still too high to be acceptable. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a combination of augmentation techniques consisting of microfractures of the greater tuberosity, extracellular matrix (ECM) patch graft and subsequent platelet concentrate (PC) subacromial injections in revision rotator cuff repair.

The study was designed as a retrospective comparative study on prospectively collected data from a consecutive cohort of patients. All patients who underwent arthroscopic revision rotator cuff repair for symptomatic failure of previous posterosuperior rotator cuff repair were considered eligible for the study. Symptomatic failure had been diagnosed according to clinical examination and confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Structural integrity had been assessed on MRI and classified according to Sugaya classification. Only patients affected by stage IV-V were considered eligible. Tear reparability was confirmed during arthroscopy. Only patients with a minimum 2 years follow-up were included. Patients were divided in two groups. In group 1 (control group) a standard arthroscopic revision and microfractures of the greater tuberosity were performed; in group 2 (experimental group), microfractures of the greater tuberosity and a ECM patch graft were used to enhance tendon repair, followed by postoperative PC injections. Minimum follow-up was 12 months. Primary outcome was the Constant-Murley score (CMS) normalized for age and gender. Subjective outcome was assessed with the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) score in its short version (Quick-DASH). Tendon integrity was assessed with MRI at 6 months after surgery. Comparison between groups for all discrete variables at baseline and at follow-up was carried out with the Student's t-test for normally distributed data, otherwise Mann-Whitney U-test was used. Within-group differences (baseline vs follow-up) for discrete variables were analyzed by paired t-test, or by Wilcoxon signed-rank test in case of data with non-normal distribution. Differences for categorical variables were assessed by chi-squared test. Significance was considered for p values < 0.05.

Forty patients were included in the study (20 patients for each group). The mean follow-up was 13 ± 1.6 months. No patients were lost at the follow up. Comparison between groups did not show significant differences for baseline characteristics. At follow-up, mean CMS was 80.7 ± 16.6 points in group 1 and 91.5 ± 11.5 points in group 2 (p= 0.022). Mean DASH score was 28.6 ± 21.6 points in group 1 and 20.1 ± 17.4 points in group 2 (p= 0.178). Post-operative MRI showed 6 healed shoulders in Group 1 and 16 healed shoulders in Group 2 (p<0.004). No postoperative complications were reported in both groups.

The combination of microfractures of the greater tuberosity, ECM patch graft, and subsequent PC subacromial injections is an effective strategy in improving tendon healing rate.

E. Maggini G. Bertoni A. Guizzi G. Vittone F. Manni M.F. Saccomanno G. Milano

Glenoid and humeral head bone defects have long been recognized as major determinants in recurrent shoulder instability as well as main predictors of outcomes after surgical stabilization. However, a universally accepted method to quantify them is not available yet. The purpose of the present study is to describe a new CT method to quantify bipolar bone defects volume on a virtually generated 3D model and to evaluate its reproducibility.

A cross-sectional observational study has been conducted. Forty CT scans of both shoulders were randomly selected from a series of exams previously acquired on patients affected by anterior shoulder instability. Inclusion criterion was unilateral anterior shoulder instability with at least one episode of dislocation. Exclusion criteria were: bilateral shoulder instability; posterior or multidirectional instability, previous fractures and/or surgery to both shoulders; congenital or acquired inflammatory, neurological, or degenerative diseases. For all patients, CT exams of both shoulders were acquired at the same time following a standardized imaging protocol. The CT data sets were analysed on a standard desktop PC using the software 3D Slicer. Computer-based reconstruction of the Hill-Sachs and glenoid bone defect were performed through Boolean subtraction of the affected side from the contralateral one, resulting in a virtually generated bone fragment accurately fitting the defect. The volume of the bone fragments was then calculated. All measurements were conducted by two fellowship-trained orthopaedic shoulder surgeons. Each measurement was performed twice by one observer to assess intra-observer reliability. Inter and intra-observer reliability were calculated. Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC) were calculated using a two-way random effect model and evaluation of absolute agreement. Confidence intervals (CI) were calculated at 95% confidence level for reliability coefficients. Reliability values range from 0 (no agreement) to 1 (maximum agreement).

The study included 34 males and 6 females. Mean age (+ SD) of patients was 36.7 + 10.10 years (range: 25 – 73 years). A bipolar bone defect was observed in all cases. Reliability of humeral head bone fragment measurements showed excellent intra-observer agreement (ICC: 0.92, CI 95%: 0.85 – 0.96) and very good interobserver agreement (ICC: 0.89, CI 95%: 0.80 – 0.94). Similarly, glenoid bone loss measurement resulted in excellent intra-observer reliability (ICC: 0.92, CI 95%: 0.85 – 0.96) and very good inter-observer agreement (ICC: 0.84, CI 95%:0.72 – 0.91).

In conclusion, matching affected and intact contralateral humeral head and glenoid by reconstruction on a computer-based virtual model allows identification of bipolar bone defects and enables quantitative determination of bone loss.

A. Barone E. Cofano A. Zappia M. Natale G. Gasparini M. Mercurio F. Familiari

The risk of falls in patients undergoing orthopedic procedures is particularly significant in terms of health and socioeconomic effects. The literature analyzed closely this risk following procedures performed on the lower limb, but the implications following procedures on the upper limb remain to be investigated. Interestingly, it is not clear whether the increased risk of falling in patients undergoing shoulder surgery is due to preexisting risk factors at surgery or postoperative risk factors, such as anesthesiologic effects, opioid medications used for pain control, or brace use. Only one prospective study examined gait and fall risk in patients using a shoulder abduction brace (SAB) after shoulder surgery, revealing that the brace adversely affected gait kinematics with an increase in the risk of falls. The main purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of SAB on gait parameters in patients undergoing shoulder surgery.

Patients undergoing elective shoulder surgery (arthroscopic rotator cuff repair, reverse total shoulder arthroplasty, and Latarjet procedure), who used a 15° SAB in the postoperative period, were included. Conversely, patients age > 65 years old, with impaired lower extremity function (e.g., fracture sequelae, dysmorphism, severe osteo-articular pathology), central and peripheral nervous system pathologies, and cardiac/respiratory/vascular insufficiency were excluded. Participants underwent kinematic analysis at four different assessment times: preoperative (T0), 24 hours after surgery (T1), 1 week after surgery (T2), and 1 week after SAB removal (T3). The tests used for kinematic assessment were the Timed Up and Go (TUG) and the 10-meter test (10MWT), both of which examine functional mobility. Agility and balance were assessed by a TUG test (transitions from sitting to standing and vice versa, walking phase, turn-around), while gait (test time, cadence, speed, and pelvic symmetry) was evaluated by the 10MWT. Gait and functional mobility parameters during 10MWT and TUG tests were assessed using the BTS G-Walk sensor (G-Sensor 2). One-way ANOVA for repeated measures was conducted to detect the effects of SAB on gait parameters and functional mobility over time. Statistical analysis was performed with IBM®SPSS statistics software version 23.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA), with the significant level set at p<0.05.

83% of the participants had surgery on the right upper limb. A main effect of time for the time of execution (duration) (p=0.01, η2=0.148), speed (p<0.01, η2=0.136), cadence (p<0.01, η2=0.129) and propulsion-right (R) (p<0.05, η2=0.105) and left (L) (p<0.01, η2=0.155) in the 10MWT was found. In the 10MWT, the running time at T1 (9.6±1.6s) was found to be significantly longer than at T2 (9.1±1.3s, p<0.05) and at T3 (9.0±1.3s, p=0.02). Cadence at T1 (109.7±10.9steps/min) was significantly lower than at T2 (114.3 ±9.3steps/min, p<0.01) and T3 (114.3±9.3steps/min, p=0.02). Velocity at T1 (1.1±0.31m/s) was significantly lower than at T2 (1.2± 0.21m/s, p<0.05). No difference was found in the pelvis symmetry index. No significant differences were found during the TUG test except for the final rotation phase with T2 value significantly greater than T3 (1.6±0.4s vs 1.4±0.3s, p<0.05). No statistically significant differences were found between T0 and T2 and between T0 and T3 in any of the parameters analyzed. Propulsion-R was significantly higher at T3 than T1 (p<0.01), whereas propulsion-L was significantly lower at T1 than T0 (p<0.05) and significantly higher at T2 and T3 than T1 (p<0.01). Specifically, the final turning phase was significantly higher at T2 than T3 (p<0.01); no significant differences were found for the duration, sit to stand, mid-turning and stand to sit phases.

The results demonstrated that the use of the abduction brace affects functional mobility 24 hours after shoulder surgery but no effects were reported at longer term observations.

D. Ghezzi N. Baldini G. Graziani M. Cappelletti

Prosthetic joint infections represent complications connected to the implantation of biomedical devices. Bacterial biofilm is one of the main issues causing infections from contaminated orthopaedic prostheses. Biofilm is a structured community of microbial cells that are firmly attached to a surface and have unique metabolic and physiological attributes that induce improved resistance to environmental stresses including toxic compounds like antimicrobial molecules (e.g. antibiotics). Therefore, there is increasing need to develop methods/treatments exerting antibacterial activities not only against planktonic (suspended) cells but also against adherent cells of pathogenic microorganisms forming biofilms. In this context, metal-based coatings with antibacterial activities have been widely investigated and used in the clinical practice. However, traditional coatings exhibit some drawbacks related to the insufficient adhesion to the substrate, scarce uniformity and scarce control over the toxic metal release reducing the biofilm formation prevention efficacy. Additionally, standardized and systematic approaches to test antibacterial activity of newly developed coatings are still missing, while standard microbiological tests (e.g. soft-agar assays) are typically used that are limited in terms of simultaneous conditions that can be tested, potentially leading to scarce reproducibility and reliability of the results.

In this work, we combined the Calgary Biofilm Device (CBD) as a device for high-throughput screening, together with a novel plasma-assisted technique named Ionized Jet Deposition (IJD), to generate and test new generation of nanostructured silver- and zinc-based films as coatings for biomedical devices with antibacterial and antibiofilm properties. During the experiments we tested both planktonic and biofilm growth of four bacterial strains, two gram-positive and two gram-negative bacterial strains, i.e. Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538P, Enterococcus faecalis DP1122 and Escherichia coli ATCC 8739 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1, respectively. The use of CBD that had the only wells covered with the metal coatings while the biofilm supports (pegs) were not sheltered allowed to selectively define the toxic effect of the metal release (from the coating) against biofilm development in addition to the toxic activity exerted by contact killing mechanism (on biofilms formed on the coating). The results indicated that the antibacterial and antibiofilm effects of the metal coatings was at least partly gram staining dependent. Indeed, Gram negative bacterial strains showed high sensitivity toward silver in both planktonic growth and biofilm formation, whereas zinc coatings provided a significant inhibitory activity against Gram positive bacterial strains. Furthermore, the coatings showed the maximal activity against biofilms directly forming on them, although, Zn coating showed a strong effect against biofilms of gram-positive bacteria also formed on uncoated pegs.

We conclude that the metal-based coatings newly developed and screened in this work are efficient against bacterial growth and adherence opening possible future applications for orthopedic protheses manufacturing.

G. Graziani D. Ghezzi M. Sartori M. Fini F. Perut M. Montesissa M. Boi M. Cappelletti E. Sassoni G. Di Pompo E. Giusto S. Avnet D. Monopoli N. Baldini

Infection in orthopedics is a challenge, since it has high incidence (rates can be up to 15-20%, also depending on the surgical procedure and on comorbidities), interferes with osseointegration and brings severe complications to the patients and high societal burden. In particular, infection rates are high in oncologic surgery, when biomedical devices are used to fill bone gaps created to remove tumors. To increase osseointegration, calcium phosphates coatings are used. To prevent infection, metal- and mainly silver-based coatings are the most diffused option. However, traditional techniques present some drawbacks, including scarce adhesion to the substrate, detachments, and/or poor control over metal ions release, all leading to cytotoxicity and/or interfering with osteointegration. Since important cross-relations exist among infection, osseointegration and tumors, solutions capable of addressing all would be a breakthrough innovation in the field and could improve clinical practice.

Here, for the first time, we propose the use antimicrobial silver-based nanostructured thin films to simultaneously discourage infection and bone metastases. Coatings are obtained by Ionized Jet Deposition, a plasma-assisted technique that permits to manufacture films of submicrometric thickness having a nanostructured surface texture. These characteristics, in turn, allow tuning silver release and avoid delamination, thus preventing toxicity. In addition, to mitigate interference with osseointegration, here silver composites with bone apatite are explored. Indeed, capability of bone apatite coatings to promote osseointegration had been previously demonstrated in vitro and in vivo. Here, antibacterial efficacy and biocompatibility of silver-based films are tested in vitro and in vivo. Finally, for the first time, a proof-of-concept of antitumor efficacy of the silver-based films is shown in vitro.

Coatings are obtained by silver and silver-bone apatite composite targets. Both standard and custom-made (porous) vertebral titanium alloy prostheses are used as substrates.

Films composition and morphology depending on the deposition parameters are investigated and optimized. Antibacterial efficacy of silver films is tested in vitro against gram+ and gram- species (E. coli, P. aeruginosa, S. aureus, E. faecalis), to determine the optimal coatings characteristics, by assessing reduction of bacterial viability, adhesion to substrate and biofilm formation. Biocompatibility is tested in vitro on fibroblasts and MSCs and, in vivo on rat models. Efficacy is also tested in an in vivo rabbit model, using a multidrug resistant strain of S. aureus (MRSA, S. aureus USA 300). Absence of nanotoxicity is assessed in vivo by measuring possible presence of Ag in the blood or in target organs (ICP-MS). Then, possible antitumor effect of the films is preliminary assessed in vitro using MDA-MB-231 cells, live/dead assay and scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM). Statistical analysis is performed and data are reported as Mean ± standard Deviation at a significance level of p <0.05. Silver and silver-bone apatite films show high efficacy in vitro against all the tested strains (complete inhibition of planktonic growth, reduction of biofilm formation > 50%), without causing cytotoxicity. Biocompatibility is also confirmed in vivo.

In vivo, Ag and Ag-bone apatite films can inhibit the MRSA strain (>99% and >86% reduction against ctr, respectively). Residual antibacterial activity is retained after explant (at 1 month). These studies indicate that IJD films are highly tunable and can be a promising route to overcome the main challenges in orthopedic prostheses.

E. Ragni C. Perucca Orfei A. Colombini M. Viganò P. De Luca F. Libonati L. de Girolamo

In the context of regenerative medicine for the treatment of musculoskeletal pathologies mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) have shown good results thanks to secretion of therapeutic factors, both free and conveyed within the extracellular vesicles (EV), which in their totality constitute the “secretome”. The portfolio and biological activity of these molecules can be modulated by both in vitro and in vivo conditions, thus making the analysis of these activities very complex. A deep knowledge of the targets regulated by the secretome has become a matter of fundamental importance and a homogeneous and complete molecular characterization is still lacking in the field of applications for the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, the aim of this work was to characterize the secretome obtained from adipose-derived MSCs (ASCs), and its modulation after pre-conditioning of the ASCs. Pre-conditioning was done by culturing cells in the presence of i) high levels of IFNγ, as proposed for the production of clinical grade secretome with enhanced regenerative potential, ii) low levels of inflammatory stimuli, mimicking conditions found in the osteoarthritis (OA) synovial fluid. Furthermore, EVs ability to migrate within cartilage, chondrocyte and synoviocytes obtained from OA patients was evaluated.

The data showed that more than 50 cytokines / chemokines and more than 200 EV-microRNAs are detectable at various intensity levels in ASCs secretomes. The majority of the most abundantly present molecules are involved in the remodelling of the extracellular matrix and in the homeostasis and chemotaxis of inflammatory cells including macrophages, which in OA are often characterized by an M1 inflammatory polarization, promoting their transition to an M2 anti-inflammatory phenotype. Inflammatory priming with IFNγ and synovial fluid-like conditions were able to further increase the ability of the secretome to interact with inflammatory cells and modulate their migration. Finally, the penetration of the EVs in the cartilage explants resulted a rapid process, which begins a few minutes after administration of the EVs that are able to reach a depth of 30-40 μm in 5 hours. The same capacity for interaction was also verified in chondrocytes and synoviocytes isolated from the cartilage and synovial membrane of OA patients.

Thanks to the soluble factors and EV-microRNAs, the ASCs secretome has shown a strong propensity to modulate the inflammatory and degenerative processes that characterize OA. The inflammatory pre-conditioning through high concentrations of inflammatory molecules or in conditions similar to the synovial fluid of OA patients was able to increase this capacity by increasing their chemotactic power. The microscopy data also support the hypothesis of the ability of MSC-EVs to influence the chondrocytes residing in the ECM of the cartilage and the synovial cells of the synovial membrane through active interaction and the release of their therapeutic content.

G. Ciapetti D. Granchi F. Perut P. Spinnato B. Spazzoli L. Cevolani D. M. Donati N. Baldini

Fracture nonunion is a severe clinical problem for the patient, as well as for the clinician. About 5-20% of fractures does not heal properly after more than six months, with a 19% nonunion rate for tibia, 12% for femur and 13% for humerus, leading to patient morbidity, prolonged hospitalization, and high costs.

The standard treatment with iliac crest-derived autologous bone filling the nonunion site may cause pain or hematoma to the patient, as well as major complications such as infection.

The application of mesenchymal autologous cells (MSC) to improve bone formation calls for randomized, open, two-arm clinical studies to verify safety and efficacy.

The ORTHOUNION * project (ORTHOpedic randomized clinical trial with expanded bone marrow MSC and bioceramics versus autograft in long bone nonUNIONs) is a multicentric, open, randomized, comparative phase II clinical trial, approved in the framework of the H2020 funding programme, under the coordination of Enrique Gòmez Barrena of the Hospital La Paz (Madrid, Spain).

Starting from January 2017, patients with nonunion of femur, tibia or humerus have been actively enrolled in Spain, France, Germany, and Italy.

The study protocol encompasses two experimental arms, i.e., autologous bone marrow-derived mesenchymal cells after expansion (‘high dose’ or ‘low dose’ MSC) combined to ceramic granules (MBCP™, Biomatlante), and iliac crest-derived autologous trabecular bone (ICAG) as active comparator arm, with a 2-year follow-up after surgery.

Despite the COVID 19 pandemic with several lockdown periods in the four countries, the trial was continued, leading to 42 patients treated out of 51 included, with 11 receiving the bone graft (G1 arm), 15 the ‘high dose’ MSC (200x106, G2a arm) and 16 the ‘low dose’ MSC (100x106, G2b arm).

The Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute has functioned as coordinator of the Italian clinical centres (Bologna, Milano, Brescia) and the Biomedical Science and Technologies and Nanobiotechnology Lab of the RIT Dept. has enrolled six patients with the collaboration of the Rizzoli’ 3rd Orthopaedic and Traumatological Clinic prevalently Oncologic.

Moreover, the IOR Lab has collected and analysed the blood samples from all the patients treated to monitor the changes of the bone turnover markers following the surgical treatment with G1, G2a or G2b protocols.

The clinical and biochemical results of the study, still under evaluation, are presented.

* ORTHOUNION Horizon 2020 GA 733288

A. Marmotti M. Coco F. Orso L. Mangiavini L. de Girolamo E. Bellato G. Agati G. M. Peretti D. Taverna F. Castoldi


Hamstring tendons (HT) represent a widely used autograft for ACL reconstruction. Harvesting, processing and pretensioning procedures together with the time out of the joint could theoretically hamper tendon cells (TCs) viability. The authors hypothesize that HT cells are not impaired at the end of the surgical procedures and their tenogenic phenotype may be strongly improved by exposure to PEMF.


Remnants of semitendinosus and gracilis tendons were collected at the end of the surgical procedures before skin closure from 15 healthy donors who underwent ACL reconstruction with autologous hamstring tendons. To isolate TCs, the tendon was minced and digested with 0.3 % type I collagenase and the nucleated cells were plated at a density 5x10E3 cells/cm2 and cultured in chamber slides in differentiation medium composed of DMEM + 5ng/ml basic fibroblast growth factor (b-FGF) for 7, 14, 21 days

The following cell cultures were set up:

TCs cultured with differentiation medium + exposure to PEMF 8 h/day (PEMF generator system IGEA, intensity of magnetic field = 1.5 mT, frequency = 75 Hz)

TCs cultured with differentiation medium without exposure to PEMF

At day 0, day 7, day 14 and day 21, immunofluorescence analysis was performed to evaluate the expression of collagen type I, collagen type VI, scleraxis and PCNA (proliferative marker)

Subsequently, tendon explant cultures were set up to verify, at day 21, explant viability and the expression of collagen type I, collagen type VI, beta-catenin and PCNA

C. Belvedere M. Ruggeri L. Berti M. Ortolani S. Durante M. Miceli A. Leardini

Biomedical imaging is essential in the diagnosis of musculoskeletal pathologies and postoperative evaluations. In this context, Cone-Beam technology-based Computed Tomography (CBCT) can make important contributions in orthopaedics. CBCT relies on divergent cone X-rays on the whole field of view and a rotating source-detector element to generate three-dimensional (3D) volumes. For the lower limb, they can allow acquisitions under real loading conditions, taking the name Weight-Bearing CBCT (WB-CBCT). Assessments at the foot, ankle, knee, and at the upper limb, can benefit from it in situations where loading is critical to understanding the interactions between anatomical structures. The present study reports 4 recent applications using WB-CBCT in an orthopaedic centre.

Patient scans by WB-CBCT were collected for examinations of the lower limb in monopodal standing position. An initial volumetric reconstruction is obtained, and the DICOM file is segmented to obtain 3D bone models. A reference frame is then established on each bone model by virtual landmark palpation or principal component analysis. Based on the variance of the model point cloud, this analysis automatically calculates longitudinal, vertical and mid-lateral axes. Using the defined references, absolute or relative orientations of the bones can be calculated in 3D.

In 19 diabetic patients, 3D reconstructed bone models of the foot under load were combined with plantar pressure measurement. Significant correlations were found between bone orientations, heights above the ground, and pressure values, revealing anatomic areas potentially prone to ulceration. In 4 patients enrolled for total ankle arthroplasty, preoperative 3D reconstructions were used for prosthetic design customization, allowing prosthesis-bone mismatch to be minimized. 20 knees with femoral ligament reconstruction were acquired with WB-CBCT and standard CT (in unloading). Bone reconstructions were used to assess congruency angle and patellar tilt and TT-TG. The values obtained show differences between loading and unloading, questioning what has been observed so far. Twenty flat feet were scanned before and after Grice surgery. WB-CBCT allowed characterization of the deformity and bone realignment after surgery, demonstrating the complexity and multi-planarity of the pathology.

These applications show how a more complete and realistic 3D geometric characterization of the of lower limb bones is now possible in loading using WB-CBCT. This allows for more accurate diagnoses, surgical planning, and postoperative evaluations, even by automatisms. Other applications are in progress.

E. Gallazzi L. Famiglini G. A. La Maida P. D. Giorgi B. Misaggi F. Cabitza


Most of the published papers on AI based diagnosis have focused on the algorithm's diagnostic performance in a ‘binary’ setting (i.e. disease vs no disease). However, no study evaluated the actual value for the clinicians of an AI based approach in diagnostic. Detection of Traumatic thoracolumbar (TL) fractures is challenging on planar radiographs, resulting in significant rates of missed diagnoses (30-60%), thus constituting a field in which a performance improvement is needed. Aim of this study is therefore to evaluate the value provided by AI generated saliency maps (SM), i.e. the maps that highlight the AI identified region of interests.


An AI model aimed at identifying TL fractures on plain radiographs was trained and tested on 567 single vertebrae images. Three expert spine surgeons established the Ground Truth (GT) using CT and MRI to confirm the presence of the fracture. From the test set, 12 cases (6 with a GT of fracture and 6 with a GT of no fracture, associated with varying levels of algorithm confidence) were selected and the corresponding SMs were generated and shown to 7 independent evaluators with different grade of experience; the evaluators were requested to: (1) identify the presence or absence of a fracture before and after the saliency map was shown; (2) grade, with a score from 1 (low) to 6 (high) the pertinency (correlation between the map and the human diagnosis), and the utility (the perceived utility in confirming or not the initial diagnosis) of the SM. Furthermore, the usefulness of the SM was evaluated through the rate of correct change in diagnosis after the maps had been shown. Finally, the obtained scores were correlated with the algorithm confidence for the specific case

M. Montesissa S. Farè L. Draghi J.V. Rau C. Gualandi M.L. Focarete M. Boi N. Baldini G. Graziani

Favoring osseointegration and avoiding bacterial contamination are the key challenges in the design of implantable devices for orthopedic applications. To meet these goals, a promising route is to tune the biointerface of the devices, that can regulate interactions with the host cells and bacteria, by using nanostructured antibacterial and bioactive coatings. Indeed, the selection of adequate metal-based coatings permits to discourage infection while avoiding the development of bacterial resistance and nanostructuring permits to tune the release of the antimicrobial compounds, allowing high efficacy and decreasing possible cytotoxic effects. In addition, metal-doped calcium phosphates-based nanostructured coatings permit to tune both composition and morphology of the biointerfaces, allowing to regulate host cells and bacteria response. To tune the biointerfaces of implantable devices, nanostructured coatings can be used, but their use is challenging when the substrate is heat-sensitive and/or porous.

Here, we propose the use of Ionized Jet Deposition (IJD) to deposit metallic and ion-doped calcium phosphates materials onto different polymeric substrates, without heating and damaging the substrate morphology. 3D printed scaffolds in polylactic acid (PLA) and polyurethane (PU), and electrospun matrices in polycaprolactone (PCL) and PLA were used as substrates. Biogenic apatite (HA), ion doped (zinc, copper and iron) tricalcium phosphate (TCP) and silver (Ag) coatings were obtained on porous and custom-made polymeric substrates.

Chemical analyses confirmed that coatings composition matches that of the target materials, both in terms of main phase (HA or TCP) and ion doping (presence of Cu, Zn or Fe ion). Deposition parameters, and especially its duration time, influence the coating features (morphology and thickness) and substrate damage. Indeed, SEM/EDS observations show the presence of nanostructured agglomerates on substrates surface. The dimensions of the aggregates and the thickness of the coating films increase increasing the deposition time, without affecting the substrate morphology (no porosity alteration or fibers damaging). The possible substrate damage is influenced by target and substrate material, but it can be avoided modulating deposition time.

Once the parameters are optimized, the models show suitable in vitro biological efficacy for applications in bone models, regenerative medicine and infection. Indeed, HA-based coatings favor cells adhesion on printed and electrospun fibers. For antibacterial applications, the ion doped TCP coatings can reduce the bacterial growth and adhesion (E.coli and S.aureus) on electrospun matrices.

To conclude, it is possible achieve different properties applying nanostructured coatings with IJD technique on polymeric substrates, modulating deposition conditions to avoid substrate damage.

V. Betti M.L. Ruspi G. Galteri E.F.A. Ognisanto L. Cristofolini

The anatomy of the femur shows a high inter-patient variability, making it challenging to design standard prosthetic devices that perfectly adapt to the geometry of each individual. Over the past decade, Statistical Shape Models (SSMs) have been largely used as a tool to represent an average shape of many three-dimensional objects, as well as their variation in shape. However, no studies of the morphology of the residual femoral canal in patients who have undergone an amputation have been performed. The aim of this study was therefore to evaluate the main modes of variation in the shape of the canal, therefore simulating and analysing different levels of osteotomy.

To assess the variability of the femoral canal, 72 CT-scans of the lower limb were selected. A segmentation was performed to isolate the region of interest (ROI), ranging from the lesser tip of the trochanter to the 75% of the length of the femur. The canals were then sized to scale, aligned, and 16 osteotomy levels were simulated, starting from a section corresponding to 25% of the ROI and up to the distal section. For each level, the main modes of variations of the femoral canal were identified through Principal Component Analysis (PCA), thus generating the mean geometry and the extreme shapes (±2 stdev) of the principal modes of variation.

The shape of the canals obtained from these geometries was reconstructed every 10 mm, best- fitted with an ellipse and the following parameters were evaluated: i) ellipticity, by looking at the difference between axismax and axismin; ii) curvature of the canal, calculating the arc of circumference passing through the shapes’ centroids; iii) conicity, by looking at the maximum/minimum diameter; iv) mean diameter. To understand the association between the main modes and the shape variance, these parameters were compared, for each level of osteotomy, between the two extreme geometries of the main modes of variation.

Results from PCA pointed out that the first three PCs explained more than the 87% of the total variance, for each level of simulated osteotomy. By analysing the extreme geometries for a distal osteotomy (e.g. 80% of the length of the canal), the first PC was associated to a combination of ROC (var%=41%), conicity (var%=28%) and ellipticity (var%=7%). PC2 was still associated with the ROC (var%=16%), while PC3 turned out to be associated with the diameter (var%=38%).

Through the SSM presented in this study, a quantitatively evaluation of the deformation of the intramedullary canal has been made possible. By analysing the extreme geometries obtained from the first three modes of variance, it is clear that the first three PCs accounted for the variations in terms of curvature, conicity, ellipticity and diameter of the femoral canal with a different weight, depending on the level of osteotomy. Through this work, it was also possible to parametrize these variations according to the level of excision. The results given for the segment corresponding to the 80% of the length of the canal showed that, at that specified level, the ROC, conicity and ellipticity were the anatomical parameters with the highest range of variability, followed by the variation in terms of diameter. Therefore, the analysis carried out can provide information about the relevance of these parameters depending on the level of osteotomy suffered by the amputee. In this way, optimal strategies for the design and/or customization of osteo-integrated stems can be offered depending on the patient's residual limb.

G. Borciani G. Montalbano P. Melo N. Baldini G. Ciapetti C. Vitale Brovarone

Osteoporosis is a worldwide disease resulting in the increase of bone fragility and enhanced fracture risk in adults. In the context of osteoporotic fractures, bone tissue engineering (BTE), i.e., the use of bone substitutes combining biomaterials, cells, and bone inducers, is a potential alternative to conventional treatments. Pre-clinical testing of innovative scaffolds relies on in vitro systems where the simultaneous presence of osteoblasts (OBs) and osteoclasts (OCs) is required to mimic their crosstalk and molecular cooperation for bone remodelling. To this aim, two composite materials based on type I collagen were developed, containing either strontium-enriched mesoporous bioactive glasses or rod-like hydroxyapatite nanoparticles. Following chemical crosslinking with genipin, the nanostructured materials were tested for 2–3 weeks with an indirect co-culture of human trabecular bone-derived OBs and buffy coat-derived OC precursors. The favourable structural and biological properties of the materials proved to successfully support the viability, adhesion, and differentiation of bone cells, encouraging a further investigation of the two bioactive systems as biomaterial inks for the 3D printing of more complex scaffolds for BTE.

G. Trisolino L. Frizziero G. M. Santi G. Alessandri A. Liverani G. C. Menozzi A. Depaoli D. Martinelli G. L. Di Gennaro L. Vivarelli D. Dallari

Paediatric musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders often produce severe limb deformities, that may require surgical correction. This may be challenging, especially in case of multiplanar, multifocal and/or multilevel deformities. The increasing implementation of novel technologies, such as virtual surgical planning (VSP), computer aided surgical simulation (CASS) and 3D-printing is rapidly gaining traction for a range of surgical applications in paediatric orthopaedics, allowing for extreme personalization and accuracy of the correction, by also reducing operative times and complications. However, prompt availability and accessible costs of this technology remain a concern. Here, we report our experience using an in-hospital low-cost desk workstation for VSP and rapid prototyping in the field of paediatric orthopaedic surgery.

From April 2018 to September 2022 20 children presenting with congenital or post-traumatic deformities of the limbs requiring corrective osteotomies were included in the study. A conversion procedure was applied to transform the CT scan into a 3D model. The surgery was planned using the 3D generated model. The simulation consisted of a virtual process of correction of the alignment, rotation, lengthening of the bones and choosing the level, shape and direction of the osteotomies. We also simulated and calculated the size and position of hardware and customized massive allografts that were shaped in clean room at the hospital bone bank. Sterilizable 3D models and PSI were printed in high-temperature poly-lactic acid (HTPLA), using a low-cost 3D-printer.

Twenty-three operations in twenty patients were performed by using VSP and CASS. The sites of correction were: leg (9 cases) hip (5 cases) elbow/forearm (5 cases) foot (5 cases) The 3D printed sterilizable models were used in 21 cases while HTPLA-PSI were used in five cases. customized massive bone allografts were implanted in 4 cases. No complications related to the use of 3D printed models or cutting guides within the surgical field were observed. Post-operative good or excellent radiographic correction was achieved in 21 cases.

In conclusion, the application of VSP, CASS and 3D-printing technology can improve the surgical correction of complex limb deformities in children, helping the surgeon to identify the correct landmarks for the osteotomy, to achieve the desired degree of correction, accurately modelling and positioning hardware and bone grafts when required. The implementation of in-hospital low-cost desk workstations for VSP, CASS and 3D-Printing is an effective and cost-advantageous solution for facilitating the use of these technologies in daily clinical and surgical practice.

G. Spina F. Napoleone C. Mancuso G. Gasparini M. Mercurio F. F. Familiari

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the gold standard for the diagnosis of the pathologies affecting the glenohumeral joint and the rotator cuff diseases. MRI allows to highlight anatomic discontinuities of both muscles and tendons. However, MRI diagnostic accuracy has not proven to be highly sensitive in distinguishing between a partial-thickness tear and a full-thickness rotator cuff tear. The purpose of this study was to determine if MRI under axial traction can be helpful in increasing MRI sensitivity to identify partial-thickness rotator cuff tears.

The study included 10 patients (4 males and 6 females) who had clinical examination and MRI suggesting a partial-thickness rotator cuff tear. They were candidates for shoulder arthroscopy because of persistent symptoms after at least three months of conservative treatment. The patients underwent a new MRI (under axial traction: MRI-AT) with a 4-kg weight applied to the affected arm. Then the patients underwent arthroscopy to confirm the diagnosis. Patients with a suspected full-thickness rotator cuff tear were excluded from the study.

Patients’ average age was 52.4 years, and the dominant side was affected in 77.7% of the cases. Preoperative Constant-Murley Score was 57. MRI-AT showed that 3 patients were affected by a complete tear of the rotator cuff, 3 patients by a partial-thickness rotator cuff tear and 4 patients had no lesion. The analysis of data showed that: under axial traction the subacromial space increased by 0,2 mm (P value = 0,001075), the superior glenohumeral space decreased by 2.4 mm (P value = 0,07414), the inferior glenohumeral space increased by 0.3 mm (P value = 0,02942), the acromial angle decreased by 1.9° (P value = 0,0002104) and the acromion-glenohumeral angle decreased by 0.3° (P-value = 0,01974). Two experienced evaluators analyzed previous standard MRI and MRI-AT scans in a double-blinded fashion, with inter-rater evaluation of all the images and measures. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) has been utilized to assess the reliability of the measures performed by different operators. ICC always resulted in more than 0.7, showing a high concordance among values in the same group. A comparative evaluation between standard MRI and MRI-AT has been conducted to highlight possible discrepancies and this has been compared to intraoperative findings. Concordance of the values was 89% between standard MRI and MRI-AT and 100% between MRI under axial traction and intraoperative findings.

This study showed a high correlation between the diagnosis achieved with MRI-AT and the intraoperative arthroscopic findings. The use of MRI-AT in clinical practice may improve the diagnostic sensitivity of this method to detect a partial-thickness rotator cuff tear.

F. Salamanna D. Contartese V. Borsari C. Griffoni G. Barbanti Brodano A. Gasbarrini M. Fini

The Spine Surgery Unit of IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli is dedicated to the diagnosis and the treatment of vertebral pathologies of oncologic, degenerative, and post-traumatic origin. To achieve increasingly challenging goals, research has represented a further strength for Spinal Surgery Unit for several years. Thanks to the close synergy with the Complex Structure Surgical Sciences and Technologies, IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, extensive research was carried out. The addition of the research activities intensifies a complementary focus and provides a unique opportunity of innovation. The overall goal of spine research for the Spine Surgery Unit and for the Complex Structure Surgical Sciences and Technologies is and has been to:

- investigate the factors that influence normal spine function;

- engineer and validate new and advanced strategies for improving segmental spinal instrumentation, fusion augmentation and grafting;

- develop and characterize advanced and alternative preclinical models of vertebral bone metastasis to test drugs and innovative strategies, taking into account patient individual characteristics and specific tumour subtypes so predicting patient specific responses;

- evaluate the clinical characteristics, treatment modalities, and potential contributing and prognostic factors in patients with vertebral bone metastases;

- realize customized prosthesis to replace vertebral bodies affected by tumours or major traumatic events, specifically engineered to reduce infections, and increase patients’ surgical options.

These efforts have made possible to obtain important results that favour the translation of basic research to application at the patient's bedside, and from here to routine clinical practice (without excluding the opposite pathway, in which the evidence generated by clinical practice helps to guide research). Although translational research can provide patients with valuable therapeutic resources, it is not risk-free. Thus, it is therefore necessary an always close collaboration between researchers and clinicians in order to guarantee the ethicality of translational research, by promoting the good of individuals and minimising the risks.

R. Ghermandi

Spinal surgery deals with the treatment of different pathological conditions of the spine such as tumors, deformities, degenerative disease, infections and traumas. Research in the field of vertebral surgery can be divided into two main areas: 1) research lines transversal to the different branches; 2) specific research lines for the different branches.

The transversal lines of research are represented by strategies for the reduction of complications, by the development of minimally invasive surgical techniques, by the development of surgical navigation systems and by the development of increasingly reliable systems for the control of intra-operative monitoring.

Instead, specific lines of research are developed within the different branches. In the field of oncological pathology, the current research concerns the development of in vitro models for the study of metastases and research for the study of targeted treatment methods such as electrochemotherapy and mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of aneurysmal bone cysts. Research in the field of spinal deformities is focused on the development of increasingly minimally invasive methods and systems which, combined with appropriate pharmacological treatments, help reduce trauma, stress and post-operative pain. Scaffolds based on blood clots are also being developed to promote vertebral fusion, a fundamental requirement for improving the outcome of vertebral arthrodesis performed for the treatment of degenerative disc disease. To improve the management and the medical and surgical treatment of vertebral infections, research has focused on the definition of multidisciplinary strategies aimed at identifying the best possible treatment path. Thus, flow-charts have been created which allow to manage the patient suffering from vertebral infection. In addition, dedicated silver-coated surgical instrumentation and bone substitutes have been developed that simultaneously guarantee mechanical stability and reduce the risk of further local infection. In the field of vertebral traumatology, the most recent research studies have focused on the development of methods for the biostimulation of the bone growth in order to obtain, when possible, healing without surgery. Methods have also been developed that allow the minimally invasive percutaneous treatment of fractures by means of vertebral augmentation with PMMA, or more recently with the use of silicone which from a biomechanical point of view has an elastic modulus more similar to that of bone. It is clear that scientific research has changed clinical practice both in terms of medical and surgical management of patients with spinal pathologies. The results obtained stimulate the basic research to achieve even more. For this reason, new lines of research have been undertaken which, in the oncology field, aim at developing increasingly specific therapies against target receptors. Research efforts are also being multiplied to achieve regeneration of the degenerated intervertebral disc and to develop implants with characteristics increasingly similar to those of bone in order to improve mechanical stability and durability over time. Photodynamic therapies are being developed for the treatment of infections in order to reduce the use of antibiotic therapies. Finally, innovative lines of research are being launched to treat and regenerate damaged nerve structures with the goal, still far from today, of making patients with spinal cord injuries to walk.

G. Barbanti Brodano

Adverse events (AEs) are still a major problem in spinal surgery, despite advances in surgical techniques, innovative technologies available and the introduction of checklist and predictive score systems aimed at reducing surgical complications.

We previously analysed the results of the introduction of the WHO Safety Surgical Checklist (SSC) in our Institution, comparing the incidence of complications between two periods: from January to December 2010 (without checklist) and from January 2011 and December 2012 (with checklist), in order to assess the checklist effectiveness.

The sample size was 917 patients with an average of 30 months of follow-up. Complications were observed in 107 patients (11.6%) among 917 spinal surgery procedures performed, with 159 (17.3%) complications in total. The overall incidence of complications for trauma, infectious pathology, oncology, and degenerative disease was 22.2%, 19.2%, 18.4%, and 15.3%, respectively. We observed a reduction of the overall incidence of complications following the introduction of the WHO Surgical Checklist: in 2010 without checklist, the incidence of complications was 24.2%, while in 2011 and 2012, following the checklist introduction, the incidence of complications was 16.7% and 11.7%, respectively (mean 14.2%) (p<0.0005).

Thus, the SSC appeared to be an effective tool to reduce complications in spinal surgery and we proposed to extend the use of checklist system also to the pre-operative and post-operative phases in order to further reduce the incidence of complications.

We also believe that a correct capture and classification of complications is fundamental to generate a clinical decision support system aimed at improving patients’ safety in spinal surgery.

In the period between January 2017 and January 2018 we prospectively recorded the adverse events and complications of patients undergoing spinal surgery in our department, without using any collection system. Then we retrospectively recorded the intraoperative and postoperative adverse events of surgically treated patients during the same one-year period, using the SAVES v2 system introduced by Rampersaud and collaborators (Rampersaud YR et al. J Neurosurg Spine 2016 Aug; 25 (2): 256-63) to classify them.

In the one-year period from January 2017 to January 2018 a total of 336 patients underwent spinal surgery: 223 for degenerative conditions and 113 for spinal tumors. Comorbidities were collected (Charlson Comorbidity Index [CCI]).

Overall, a higher number of adverse events (AEs) was recorded using SAVES compared to the prospective recording without the use of any capture system and the increased number was statistically significant for early postoperative AEs (138/336 vs 44/336, p<0.001).

210 adverse events were retrospectively recorded using the SAVES system (30 intraoperative adverse events, 138 early postoperative and 42 late postoperative adverse events). 99 patients (29.5%) on the cohort had at least one complication.

Furthermore, the correlation between some risk factors and the onset of complications or the prolonged length of stay was statistically analyzed. The risk factors taken into account were: age, presence of comorbidities (CCI), ASA score, previous surgery at the same level, type of intervention, location of the disease, duration of the surgery.

In particular, the duration of the surgery (more than 3 hours) and the presence of previous surgeries resulted to be risk factors for complications in multivariate analyses

F.A. Pedrini L. Salmaso F. Mori P. Sassu M. Innocenti

Open limb fractures are typically due to a high energy trauma. Several recent studied have showed treatment's superiority when a multidisciplinary approach is applied. World Health Organization reports that isolate limb traumas have an incidence rate of 11.5/100.000, causing high costs in terms of hospitalization and patient disability.

A lack of experience in soft tissue management in orthopaedics and traumatology seems to be the determining factor in the clinical worsening of complex cases. The therapeutic possibilities offered by microsurgery currently permit simultaneous reconstruction of multiple tissues including vessels and nerves, reducing the rate of amputations, recovery time and preventing postoperative complications.

Several scoring systems to assess complex limb traumas exist, among them: NISSSA, MESS, AO and Gustilo Anderson. In 2010, a further scoring system was introduced to focus open fractures of all locations: OTA-OFC. Rather than using a single composite score, the OTA-OFC comprises five components grades (skin, arterial, muscle, bone loss and contamination), each rated from mild to severe. The International Consensus Meeting of 2018 on musculoskeletal infections in orthopaedic surgery identified the OTA-OFC score as an efficient catalogue system with interobserver agreement that is comparable or superior to the Gustilo-Anderson classification. OTA-OFC predicts outcomes such as the need for adjuvant treatments or the likelihood of early amputation. An orthoplastic approach reconstruction must pay adequate attention to bone and soft tissue infections management. Concerning bone management: there is little to no difference in terms of infection rates for Gustilo-Anderson types I–II treated by reamed intramedullary nail, circular external fixator, or unreamed intramedullary nail. In Gustilo-Anderson IIIA-B fractures, circular external fixation appears to provide the lowest infection rates when compared to all other fixation methods.

Different technique can be used for the reconstruction of bone and soft tissue defects based on each clinical scenario. Open fracture management with fasciocutaneous or muscle flaps shows comparable outcomes in terms of bone healing, soft tissue coverage, acute infection and chronic osteomyelitis prevention. The type of flap should be tailored based on the type of the defect, bone or soft tissue, location, extension and depth of the defect, size of the osseous gap, fracture type, and orthopaedic implantation. Local flaps should be considered in low energy trauma, when skin and soft tissue is not traumatized. In high energy fractures with bone exposure, muscle flaps may offer a more reliable reconstruction with fewer flap failures and lower reoperation rates. On exposed fractures several studies report precise timing for a proper reconstruction. Hence, timing of soft tissue coverage is a critical for length of in-hospital stay and most of the early postoperative complications and outcomes. Early coverage has been associated with higher union rates and lower complications and infection rates compared to those reconstructed after 5-7 days. Furthermore, early reconstruction improves flap survival and reduces surgical complexity, as microsurgical free flap procedures become more challenging with a delay due to an increased pro-thrombotic environment, tissue edema and the increasingly friable vessels.

Only those patients presenting to facilities with an actual dedicated orthoplastic trauma service are likely to receive definitive treatment of a severe open fracture with tissue loss within the established parameters of good practice. We conclude that the surgeon's experience appears to be the decisive element in the orthoplastic approach, although reconstructive algorithms may assist in decisional and planification of surgery.

V. Tilotta G. Di Giacomo C. Cicione L. Ambrosio F. Russo G. Vadalà R. Papalia V. Denaro

Intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD) affects more than 80% of the population all over the world. Current strategies for the treatment of IDD are based on conservative or surgical procedures with the aim of relieving pain. Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) transplantation has emerged as a promising therapy in recent decades, but studies showed that the particularly hostile microenvironment in the intervertebral disc (IVD) can compromise cells survival rate. The use of exosomes, extracellular vesicles released by various cell types, possess considerable economic advantages including low immunogenicity and toxicity. Exosomes allow intercellular communication by conveying functional proteins, RNA, miRNA and lipids between cells. The purpose of this study is to assess the therapeutic effects of exosomes derived from Wharton Jelly mesenchymal stromal cells (WJ-MSC) on human nucleuspulposus cells (hNPC) in an in vitro 3D culture model.

Exosomes (exos) were isolated by tangential flow filtration of WJ-MSC conditioned media and characterized by: quantification with BCA test; morphological observation with TEM, surface marker expression by WB and size evaluation by NTA. Confocal microscopy has been used to identify exosomes marked with PKH26 and monitor fusion and/or incorporation in hNPC. hNPC were isolated from waste surgical material from patients undergoing discectomy (n = 5), expanded, encapsulated in alginate beads and treated with: culture medium (control group); WJ-MSC exos (WJ-exos) at different concentrations (10 μg/ml, 50 μg/ml and 100 μg/ml).

They were then analysed for: cell proliferation (Trypan Blu); viability (Live/Dead Assay); quantification of nitrites (Griess) and glycosaminoglycans, GAG (DMBB). The hNPC in alginate beads treated for 7 days were included in paraffin and histologically analysed to determine the presence of extracellular matrix (ECM) components. Finally, the expression levels of catabolic and anabolic genes were evaluated through real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR).

All concentrations of WJ-exos under exam were capable to induce a significant increase in cell proliferation after 10 and 14 days of treatment (p < 0.01 and p < 0.001, respectively). Live/Dead assay showed a decrease in cell death at 50 μg/ml of WJ-exos (p < 0.05). While cellular oxidative stress indicator, nitrite production, was reduced in a dose-dependent way and statistically significant only with 100 μg/ml of WJ-exos (p < 0.05). WJ-exos at 10 and 100 μg/ml induced a significant increase in GAG content (p < 0.05; p < 0.01, respectively) confirmed by Alcian Blu staining. Exos derived from WJ-MSC modulated gene expression levels by increasing expression of ACAN and SOX-9 genes and reducing significantly of IL-6, MMP-1, MMP-13 and ADAMTS-5 levels (p < 0.05; p < 0.01) compared to the control group.

Our results supported the potential use of exosomes from WJ-MSC for the treatment of IDD. Exosomes improved hNPC growth, attenuated ECM degradation and reduced oxidative stress and inflammation. This study offers a new scenario in IVD regeneration, promoting the potential use of extracellular vesicles as an alternative strategy to cell therapy.

L. Ambrosio G. Vadalà F. Russo L. Donnici C. Di Tecco S. Iavicoli R. Papalia V. Denaro

With the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, remote working has been ubiquitously implemented to reduce disease transmission via minimization of in-person interactions. Low back pain (LBP) is the first cause of disability worldwide and is frequently reported by workers with sedentary occupations. This cross-sectional study aimed to assess the role of remote working in a population of adults affected by LBP through an online questionnaire.

We enrolled 136 teleworkers affected by LBP. A total of 101 responses were received and 93 suitable questionnaires were included in the final analysis. Demographic data, remote working features and tasks, and LBP burden were analysed. The psychological burden of remote working was evaluated with the World Health Organization Five Well-Being Index (WHO-5) and the Patient Health Questionnaire-2 (PHQ-2). LBP severity was evaluated using a visual analog scale (VAS). LBP-related disability was assessed using the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI). The effect of LBP on working capacity was examined with the Occupational Role Questionnaire (ORQ). Independent risk factors related to LBP worsening were identified using a multivariate logistic regression model.

LBP severity was significantly higher compared to previous in-person working (p<0.0001) as well as average weekly work hours (p<0.001). Furthermore, the risk of LBP deterioration was associated with being divorced (OR: 4.28, 95% CI: 1.27-14.47; p=0.019) or living with others (OR: 0.24, 95% CI: 0.07-0.81; p=0.021), higher ill-being (OR: 0.91, 95% CI: 0.83-0.99; p=0.035) and depression scores (OR: 1.38, 95% CI: 1.00-1.91; p=0.048), as well as having reported unchanged (OR: 0.22, 95% CI: 0.08-0.65; p=0.006) or decreased job satisfaction (OR: 0.16, 95% CI: 0.05-0.54; p=0.003) and increased stress levels (OR: 3.00, 95% CI: 1.04-8.65; p=0.042).

These findings highlight key factors to consider for improving remote workers’ physical and mental wellbeing and decrease their LBP burden.

A. Ricci L. Boriani S. Giannone V. Aiello G. Marvasi L. Toccaceli P. Rame G. Moscato A. D'Andrea S. De Benedetto J. Frugiuele F. Vommaro A. Gasbarrini

Scoliosis correction surgery is one of the longest and most complex procedures of all orthopedic surgery. The complication rate is therefore not negligible and is particularly high when the surgery is performed in patients with neuromuscular or connective tissue disease or complex genetic syndromes. In fact, these patients have various comorbidities and organ deficits (respiratory capacity, swallowing / nutrition, heart function, etc.), which can compromise the outcome of the surgery. In these cases, an accurate assessment and preparation for surgery is essential, also making use of external consultants. To make this phase simpler, more effective and homogeneous, a multidisciplinary path of peri-operative optimization is being developed in our Institute, which also includes the possibility of post-operative hospitalization for rehabilitation and recovery. The goal is to improve the basic functional status as much as possible, in order to ensure faster functional recovery and minimize the incidence of peri-operative complications, to be assessed by clinical audit. The path model and the preliminary results on the first patients managed according to the new modality are presented here.

The multidisciplinary path involves the execution of the following assessments / interventions: • Pediatric visit with particular attention to the state of the upper airways and the evaluation of chronic or frequent inflammatory states • Cardiological Consultation with Echocardiogram. • Respiratory Function Tests, Blood Gas Analysis and Pneumological Consultation to evaluate indications for preoperative respiratory physiotherapy cycles, Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV) cycles, Cough Machine. Possible Polysomnography. • Nutrition consultancy to assess the need for nutritional preparation in order to improve muscle trophism. • Consultation of the speech therapist in cases of dysphagia for liquids and / or solids. • Electroencephalogram and Neurological Consultation in epileptic patients. • Physiological consultation in patients already being treated with a cough machine and / or NIV. • Availability of postoperative hospitalization in the rehabilitation center (with skills in respiratory and neurological rehabilitation) for the most complex cases. When all the appropriate assessments have been completed, the anesthetist in charge at our Institute examines the clinical documentation and establishes whether the path can be considered complete and whether the patient is ready for surgery. At the end of the surgery, the patient is admitted to the Post-operative Intensive Care Unit of the Institute. If necessary, a new program of postoperative rehabilitation (respiratory, neuromotor, etc.) is programmed in a specialist reference center.

To date, two patients have been referred to the preoperative optimization path: one with Ullrich Congenital Muscular Dystrophy, and one with 6q25 Microdeletion Syndrome. In the first case, the surgery was performed successfully, and the patient was discharged at home. In the second case, after completing the optimization process, the surgery was postponed due to the finding of urethral malformation with the impossibility of bladder catheterization, which made it necessary to proceed with urological surgery first.

The preliminary case series presented here is still very limited and does not allow evaluations on the impact of the program on the clinical practice and the complication rate. However, these first experiences made it possible to demonstrate the feasibility of this complex multidisciplinary path in which a network of specialists takes part.

G. Vadalà C. Cicione V. Tilotta G. Di Giacomo L. Ambrosio F. Russo R. Papalia V. Denaro

Low back pain (LBP) is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Recently, treatment of the intervertebral disc (IVD) with stem cells has been used for the treatment of degenerate discs (IDD) which cause at least the 40% of LBP cases. Despite pain reduction, follow-up in clinical studies have not shown an improvement in the structural integrity of IVD. A valid alternative could be the use of progenitor disc cells (notocordal cells, NC) or of their precursors. Mesendoderm progenitor cells (MEPC) have the ability to replicate and differentiate toward NC. In this preliminary study we evaluated in a preclinical large animal IDD model the viability and NC differentiation of MEPC derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC).

MEPC, derived from iPSC and developed during the iPSpine project (# 825925), were thawed and plated on laminin for 24h and labeled with PKH26.

Two adult sheep were subjected to nucleotomy of five lumbar discs for the induction of IDD. After 5 weeks, 3 of the 5 degenerate discs were treated with MEPC at 3 different doses (low, medium and high). One sheep was sacrificed after 7 days and the other after 30 days from the treatment injection procedure. Clinical parameters were collected to evaluate the safety of treatment. Discs were paraffin embedded and analysed using histological techniques. Survival (PKH26), proliferation (PCNA), notocordal cell differentiation (Brachyury, Cytokeratin 8/18/19, Sox9, Foxa2) and endodermal differentiation (Sox17) were evaluated.

After the injection of the cells, both sheep lost about 20% of body weight. The analysis showed that only in discs treated with the highest dose the PKH26 stained cells resulted alive after 30 days from the procedure. These cells turn out to be:

in proliferation (PCNA)

positive for Brachyury, cytokeratin 8/18/19 and Foxa2

a small percentage positive for SOX17.

This preliminary study shows that MEPC, derived from iPSC and injected into ovine discs degenerated by nucleotomy, are able to survive 30 days from treatment and differentiate within the disc predominantly towards the notocordal phenotype.

G. Cavazzoni L. Cristofolini G. Barbanti-Bròdano E. Dall'Ara M. Palanca

Bone metastases radiographically appear as regions with high (i.e. blastic metastases) or low (i.e. lytic metastases) bone mineral density. The clinical assessment of metastatic features is based on computed tomography (CT) but it is still unclear if the actual size of the metastases can be accurately detected from the CT images and if the microstructure in regions surrounding the metastases is altered (Nägele et al., 2004, Calc Tiss Int). This study aims to evaluate (i) the capability of the CT in evaluating the metastases size and (ii) if metastases affect the bone microstructure around them.

Ten spine segments consisted of a vertebra with lytic or mixed metastases and an adjacent control (radiologically healthy) were obtained through an ethically approved donation program. The specimens were scanned with a clinical CT (AquilionOne, Toshiba: slice thickness:1mm, in-plane resolution:0.45mm) to assess clinical metastatic features and a micro-CT (VivaCT80, Scanco, isotropic voxel size:0.039mm) to evaluate the detailed microstructure. The volume of the metastases was measured from both CT and micro-CT images (Palanca et al., 2021, Bone) and compared with a linear regression. The microstructural alteration around the metastases was evaluated in the volume of interest (VOI) defined in the micro-CT images as the volume of the vertebral body excluding the metastases. Three 3D microstructural parameters were calculated in the VOI (CTAn, Bruker SkyScan): Bone Volume Fraction (BV/TV), Trabecular Thickness (Tb.Th.), Trabecular Spacing (Tb.Sp.). Medians of each parameter were compared (Kruskal-Wallis, p=0.05).

One specimen was excluded as it was not possible to define the size of the metastases in the CT scans. A strong correlation between the volume obtained from the CT and micro-CT images was found (R2=0.91, Slope=0.97, Intercept=2.55, RMSE=5.7%, MaxError=13.12%). The differences in BV/TV, Tb.Th. and Tb.Sp. among vertebrae with lytic and mixed metastases and control vertebrae were not statistically significant (p-value>0.6). Similar median values of BV/TV were found in vertebrae with lytic (13.2±2.4%) and mixed (12.8±9.8%) metastases, and in controls (13.0±10.1%). The median Tb.Th. was 176±18 ∓m, 179±43 ∓m and 167±91 ∓m in vertebrae with lytic and mixed metastases and control vertebrae, respectively. The median Tb. Sp. was 846±26 ∓m, 849±286 ∓m and 880±116 ∓m in vertebrae with lytic and mixed metastases and control vertebrae, respectively.

In conclusion, the size of vertebral metastases can be accurately assess using CT images. The 3D microstructural parameters measured were comparable with those reported in the literature for healthy vertebrae (Nägele et al., 2004, Calc Tiss Int, Sone et al., 2004, Bone) and showed how the microstructure of the bone tissue surrounding the lesion is not altered by the metastases.

S. Montanari C. Griffoni L. Cristofolini G. Barbanti Brodano

Mechanical failure of spine posterior fixation in the lumbar region Is suspected to occur more frequently when the sagittal balance is not properly restored. While failures at the proximal extremity have been studied in the literature, the lumbar distal junctional pathology has received less attention. The aim of this work was to investigate if the spinopelvic parameters, which characterize the sagittal balance, could predict the mechanical failure of the posterior fixation in the distal lumbar region.

All the spine surgeries performed in 2017-2019 at Rizzoli Institute were retrospectively analysed to extract all cases of lumbar distal junctional pathology. All the revision surgeries performed due to the pedicle screws pull-out, or the breakage of rods or screws, or the vertebral fracture, or the degenerative disc disease, in the distal extremity, were included in the junctional (JUNCT) group. A total of 83 cases were identified as JUNCT group. All the 241 fixation surgeries which to date have not failed were included in the control (CONTROL) group. Clinical data were extracted from both groups, and the main spinopelvic parameters were assessed from sagittal standing preoperative (pre-op) and postoperative (post-op) radiographs with the software Surgimap (Nemaris). In particular, pelvic incidence (PI), sagittal vertical axis (SVA), pelvic tilt (PT), T1 pelvic angle (TPA), sacral slope (SS) and lumbar lordosis (LL) have been measured.

In JUNCT, the main failure cause was the screws pull-out (45%). Spine fixation with 7 or more levels were the most common in JUNCT (52%) in contrast to CONTROL (14%). In CONTROL, PT, TPA, SS and PI-LL were inside the recommended ranges of good sagittal balance. For these parameters, statistically significant differences were observed between pre-op and post-op (p<0.0001, p=0.01, p<0.0001, p=0.004, respectively, Wilcoxon test). In JUNCT, the spinopelvic parameters were out of the ranges of the good sagittal balance and the worsening of the balance was confirmed by the increase in PT, TPA, SVA, PI-LL and by the decrease of LL (p=0.002, p=0.003, p<0.0001, p=0.001, p=0.001, respectively, paired t-test) before the revision surgery. TPA (p=0.003, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) and SS (p=0.03, unpaired t-test) differed significantly in pre-op between JUNCT and CONTROL. In post-op, PI-LL was significantly different between JUNCT and CONTROL (p=0.04, unpaired t-test). The regression model of PT vs PI was significantly different between JUNCT and CONTROL in pre-op (p=0.01, Z-test).

These results showed that failure is most common in long fused segments, likely due to long lever arms leading to implant failure. If the sagittal balance is not properly restored, after the surgery the balance is expected to worsen, eventually leading to failure: this effect was confirmed by the worsening of all the spinopelvic parameters before the revision surgery in JUNCT. Conversely, a good sagittal balance seems to avoid a revision surgery, as it is visible is CONTROL. The mismatch PI-LL after the fixation seems to confirm a good sagittal balance and predict a good correction. The linear regression of PT vs PI suggests that the spine deformity and pelvic conformation could be a predictor for the failure after a fixation.

L. Falzetti M. Fermi R. Ghermandi M. Girolami V. Pipola L. Presutti A. Gasbarrini

Chordoma of the cervical spine is a rare but life-threatening disease with a relentless tendency towards local recurrence. Wide en bloc resection is recommended, but it is frequently not feasible in the cervical spine. Radiation therapy including high-energy particle therapy is commonly used as adjuvant therapy. The goal of this study was to examine treatment and outcome of patients with chordoma of the cervical spine.

Patients affected by cervical spine chordoma who underwent surgery at the Rizzoli Institute and University Hospital of Modena, between 2007 and 2021 were identified. The clinical, pathologic, and radiographic data were reviewed in all cases. Patient outcomes including local recurrence and disease-specific survival (DSS) were analyzed using chi-square test and Kaplan-Meier survival analysis.

Characteristics of the 29 patients (10 females; 19 males) included: median age at surgery 52.0 years (IQR 35.5 - 62.5 years), 10 (35%) involved upper cervical spine, 16 (55%) with tumors in the mid cervical spine, and 4 in the lower cervical spine (10%). Median tumor volume was 16 cm3 (IQR 8.7 - 20.8). Thirteen patients (45%) were previously treated surgically while 9 patients (31%) had previous radiation therapy. All patients underwent surgery: en bloc resection was passible in 4 patients (14 %), seventeen patients (59%) were treated with gross total resection while 8 patients (27%) underwent subtotal resection. Tumor volume was associated with a significantly higher risk of intraoperative complications (p < 0.01). Nineteen patients (65%) received adjuvant high-energy particle therapy. The median follow-up was 26 months (IQR 11 - 44). Twelve patients (41%) had local recurrence of disease. Patients treated with adjuvant high-energy particle therapy had a significant higher local control than patients who received photons or no adjuvant treatment (p = 0.01). Recurrence was the only factor significantly associated with worse DSS (p = 0.03 – OR 1.7), being the survival of the group of patients with recurrent disease 58.3% while the survival of the group of patients with no recurrent disease was 100%.

Post-operative high-energy particle therapy improved local control in patients with cervical chordoma after surgical resection. Increased tumor volume was associated with increased risk of intraoperative complications. Recurrence of the disease was the only factor significantly associated with disease mortality.

D. Contartese F. Salamanna V. Borsari S. Pagani M. Sartori L. Martini G. Barbanti Brodano A. Gasbarrini M. Fini

Breast cancer is the most frequent malignancy in women with an estimation of 2.1 million new diagnoses in 2018. Even though primary tumours are usually efficiently removed by surgery, 20–40% of patients will develop metastases in distant organs. Bone is one of the most frequent site of metastases from advanced breast cancer, accounting from 55 to 58% of all metastases. Currently, none of the therapeutic strategies used to manage breast cancer bone metastasis are really curative. Tailoring a suitable model to study and evaluate the disease pathophysiology and novel advanced therapies is one of the major challenges that will predict more effectively and efficiently the clinical response. Preclinical traditional models have been largely used as they can provide standardization and simplicity, moreover, further advancements have been made with 3D cultures, by spheroids and artificial matrices, patient derived xenografts and microfluidics. Despite these models recapitulate numerous aspects of tumour complexity, they do not completely mimic the clinical native microenvironment. Thus, to fulfil this need, in our study we developed a new, advanced and alternative model of human breast cancer bone metastasis as potential biologic assay for cancer research. The study involved breast cancer bone metastasis samples obtained from three female patients undergoing wide spinal decompression and stabilization through a posterior approach. Samples were cultured in a TubeSpin Bioreactor on a rolling apparatus under hypoxic conditions at time 0 and for up to 40 days and evaluated for viability by the Alamar Blue test, gene expression profile, histology and immunohistochemistry. Results showed the maintenance and preservation, at time 0 and after 40 days of culture, of the tissue viability, biological activity, as well as molecular markers, i.e. several key genes involved in the complex interactions between the tumour cells and bone able to drive cancer progression, cancer aggressiveness and metastasis to bone. A good tis sue morphological and microarchitectural preservation with the presence of lacunar osteolysis, fragmented trabeculae locally surrounded by osteoclast cells and malignant cells and an intense infiltration by tumour cells in bone marrow compartment in all examined samples. Histomorphometrical data on the levels of bone resorption and bone apposition parameters remained constant between T0 and T40 for all analysed patients. Additionally, immunohistochemistry showed homogeneous expression and location of CDH1, CDH2, KRT8, KRT18, Ki67, CASP3, ESR1, CD8 and CD68 between T0 and T40, thus further confirming the invasive behaviour of breast cancer cells and indicating the maintaining of the metastatic microenvironment. The novel tissue culture, set-up in this study, has significant advantages in comparison to the pre-existent 3D models: the tumour environment is the same of the clinical scenario, including all cell types as well as the native extracellular matrix; it can be quickly set-up employing only small samples of breast cancer bone metastasis tissue in a simple, ethically correct and cost-effective manner; it bypasses and/or decreases the necessity to use more complex preclinical model, thus reducing the ethical burden following the guiding principles aimed at replacing/reducing/refining (3R) animal use and their suffering for scientific purposes; it can allow the study of the interactions within the breast cancer bone metastasis tissue over a relatively long period of up to 40 days, preserving the tumour morphology and architecture and allowing also the evaluation of different biological factors, parameters and activities. Therefore, the study provides for the first time the feasibility and rationale for the use of a human-derived advanced alternative model for cancer research and testing of drugs and innovative strategies, taking into account patient individual characteristics and specific tumour subtypes so predicting patient specific responses.

G. Tedesco G. Evangelisti E. Fusco R. Ghermandi M. Girolami V. Pipola E. Tedesco S. Romoli M.M. Fontanella G. Barbanti Brodano A. Gasbarrini

Neurological complications in oncological and degenerative spine surgery represent one of the most feared risks of these procedures. Multimodal intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring (IONM) mainly uses methods to detect changes in the patient's neurological status in a timely manner, thus allowing actions that can reverse neurological deficits before they become irreversible. The utopian goal of spinal surgery is the absence of neurological complications while the realistic goal is to optimize the responses to changes in neuromonitoring such that permanent deficits occur less frequently as possible. In 2014, an algorithm was proposed in response to changes in neuromonitoring for deformity corrections in spinal surgery. There are several studies that confirm the positive impact that a checklist has on care. The proposed checklist has been specifically designed for interventions on stable columns which is significantly different from oncological and degenerative surgery. The goal of this project is to provide a checklist for oncological and degenerative spine surgery to improve the quality of care and minimize the risk of neurological deficit through the optimization of clinical decision-making during periods of intraoperative stress or uncertainty.

After a literature review on risk factors and recommendations for responding to IONM changes, 3 surveys were administered to 8 surgeons with experience in oncological and degenerative spine surgery from 5 hospitals in Italy. In addition, anesthesiologists, intraoperative neuro-monitoring teams, operating room nurses participated. The members participated in the optimization and final drafting of the checklist. The authors reassessed and modified the checklist during 3 meetings over 9 months, including a clinical validation period using a modified Delphi process.

A checklist containing 28 items to be considered in responding to the changes of the IONM was created. The checklist was submitted for inclusion in the new recommendations of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology (SINC) for intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring. The final checklist represents the consensus of a group of experienced spine surgeons. The checklist includes the most important and high-performance items to consider when responding to IONM changes in patients with an unstable spine. The implementation of this checklist has the potential to improve surgical outcomes and patient safety in the field of spinal surgery.

G. Vadalà G. Di Giacomo L. Ambrosio C. Cicione V. Tilotta F. Russo R. Papalia V. Denaro


Exercise has showed to reduce pain and improve function in patients with discogenic low back pain (LBP). Although there is currently no biologic evidence that the intervertebral disc (IVD) can respond to physical exercise in humans, a recent study has shown that chronic running exercise is associated with increased IVD hydration and hypertrophy1. Irisin, a myokine released upon muscle contraction, has demonstrated to yield anabolic effects on different cell types, including chondrocytes2. This study aimed to investigate the effect of irisin on human nucleus pulposus cells (hNPCs). Our hypothesis is that irisin may improve hNPCs metabolism and proliferation.


The hNPCs, isolated from discectomy surgical waste material (n = 5), were expanded and encapsulated in alginate beads. The hNPCs were treated with: i) only growth medium (control); ii) medium with recombinant irisin (r-IR) at different concentrations (5, 10 and 25 ng / mL); iii) medium with Interleukin-1β (IL1β); iv) medium with IL1β for 24 h and then with IL1β and r-IR; v) medium with r-IR for 24 h and then with r-IR and IL1 β.

We evaluated proliferation (trypan blue and PicoGreen), metabolic activity (MTT), nitrite concentration (Griess), and expression levels of catabolic and anabolic genes via real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Each analysis was performed in triplicate for each donor and each experiment was performed three times. Data were expressed as mean ± S.D. One-way ANOVA was used for the groups under exam.

M.V. Lipreri R. Vecchione B. Corrado S. Avnet F. Perut N. Baldini G. Graziani

Vertebral metastases are the most common type of malignant lesions of the spine. Although this tumour is still considered incurable and standard treatments are mainly palliative, the standard approach consists in surgical resection, which results in the formation of bone gaps. Hence, scaffolds, cements and/or implants are needed to fill the bone lacunae.

Here, we propose a novel approach to address spinal metastases recurrence, based on the use of anti-tumour metallic-based nanostructured coatings. Moreover, for the first time, a gradient microfluidic approach is proposed for the screening of nanostructured coatings having anti-tumoral effect, to determine the optimal concentration of the metallic compound that permits selective toxicity towards tumoral cells.

Coatings are based on Zinc as anti-tumour agent, which had been never explored before for treatment of bone metastases.

The customized gradient generating microfluidic chip was designed by Autodesk Inventor and fabricated from a microstructured mould by using replica moulding technique. Microstructured mould were obtained by micro-milling technique. The chip is composed of a system of microfluidic channels generating a gradient of 6 concentrations of drug and a compartment with multiple arrays of cell culture chambers, one for each drug concentration. The device is suitable for dynamic cultures and in-chip biological assays. The formation of a gradient was validated using a methylene blue solution and the cell loading was successful.

Preliminary biological data on 3D dynamic cultures of stromal cells (bone-marrow mesenchymal stem cells) and breast carcinoma cells (MDA-MB-231) were performed in a commercial microfluidic device.

Results showed that Zn eluates had a selective cytotoxic effect for tumoral cells. Indeed, cell migration and cell replication of treated tumoral cells was inhibited. Moreover, the three-dimensionality of the model strongly affected the efficacy of Zn eluates, as 2D preliminary experiments showed a high cytotoxic effect of Zn also for stromal cells, thus confirming that traditional screening tests on 2D cultured cells usually lead to an overestimation of drug efficacy and toxicity.

Based on preliminary data, the customized platform could be considered a major advancement in cancer drug screenings as it also allows the rapid and efficient screening of biomaterials having antitumor effect.

M. Konstantinos L. Leggi G. Ciani A. Scarale L. Boriani F. Vommaro G. Barbanti Brodano A. Gasbarrini

Recently, there is ongoing evidence regarding rapid recovery after orthopaedic surgery, with advantages for the patient relative to post operative pain, complications and functional recovery. The aim of this study is to present our experience in rapid recovery for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis in the last 2 years.

Retrospective study of 36 patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, (age range 11 to 18 years) treated with spinal thoraco-lumbar posterior fusion with rapid post-operative recovery, compared with a similar group, treated with traditional protocol.

We found a statistically significant difference in terms of length-of-stay, patient-controlled-analgesia and use of oppioid and post operative blood transfusions. There was no difference in post operative infection rate.

Our experience shows better functional recovery, satisfactory controlled analgesia and reduction in costs of hospitalization with the use of ERAS protocols.