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Get to know the editorial board

Image of Duncan Tennent, the editor being interviewed

How long have you been on the board?

Five years (I think!).

How did you first get involved with The Bone & Joint Journal?

I've known Fares for years. I have reviewed for a number of journals for many years and have published a large number of papers. The editorial board was being expanded to include specialty editors and it was suggested that I might be interested in taking on this role.

What is the best thing about being on the board?

My understanding of the whole publishing process has expanded remarkably. I thoroughly enjoy the amazing intellect of all of my colleagues on the board and always learn a huge amount not only about the scientific process what about other areas of orthopaedics every time we discuss anything.

What one piece of advice would you give to others who might like to get more involved with The Bone & Joint Journal?

Do it. Definitely become a reviewer as this improves your own scientific abilities immeasurably. If you really want to do more then approach a board member and discuss it with them but I can recommend it wholeheartedly.