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Get to know the editorial board

Image of Yael Gelfer, the editor being interviewed

How long have you been on the board?

I have been on the board since October 2023.

How did you first get involved with The Bone & Joint Journal?

I have always enjoyed reading the journal, have published a few papers and have been reviewing for the journal for a few years.

What is the best thing about being on the board?

It is both interesting and stimulating. It involves various aspects of both research and publishing, a few were new to me. It is fascinating to discuss conflicting reviews of papers or hear other members' views and expertise.

What one piece of advice would you give to others who might like to get more involved with The Bone & Joint Journal?

I would join the online review course and offer myself as a reviewer. I would also aim to submit my research to the BJJ or BJO.

What song is top of your operating room playlist?

'Always Look on the Bright Side of Life'!