The records of these patients show that restitution of joint function is quite possible even after severe disease. These results have been obtained by a combination of three methods, constitutional, antibiotic and operative. The duration of treatment averaged ten months and the patients were discharged to full activities in a short time without splints. There was one immediate failure in a child who received full, early and adequate treatment. There were two late relapses in patients treated early in the series whose operation was inadequate. The results were more variable in adults. If it is conceded that the triple treatment is valuable for patients with bone necrosis or severe synovial disease with pus in the joint, eight patients in this series remain who might have got better without operation. Two of these had had a synovial biopsy before admission. Whether the remaining six would have done as well without operation is a matter for speculation. It is difficult to assess the condition inside the joint solely by radiographic examination. Cauchoix (1955) allows me to say that, at the Institut Calot, Berck Plage, he has used similar methods to those reported in this paper, and that he endorses my belief that good results can be obtained by them. He does not, however, open the joint when operating upon an iliac focus, and for patients with purely synovial disease he prefers repeated intra-articular injections of streptomycin to operation. For my part, I consider that a simple arthrotomy at the beginning of treatment is less disturbing, and that, even if it is only done for diagnosis, it may be of therapeutic benefit. To me it seems unjustifiable to delay intra-articular operation for a patient whose hip disease is not manifestly resolving: operation is especially indicated for patients who have necrotic bone lesions.