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1 . A new surgical approach to the treatment of pes cavus is suggested. The operation consists in a subcutaneous division of the contracted plantar fascia and correction of the varus deformity of the heel by removing a wedge from its lateral aspect. It is submitted that, by approaching the deformity from behind and overcoming the varus of the heel, the foot is rendered plantigrade and that thereafter weight bearing exerts a corrective influence which results in progressive improvement of the deformity. The operation is essentially a prophylactic one and, for the best results, it should be performed before there is gross structural deformity and while active growth is still taking place.

2. Even in patients over the age of fourteen, improvement is obtained by doing nothing more than this simple operation. In the presence of fixed deformity of the forefoot, as encountered in older patients, inversion is corrected by removing a lateral wedge from the calcaneum and the cavus by taking a dorsal wedge from the tarso-metatarsal region. This has the double advantage of producing good correction of deformity, while at the same time preserving movement at the mid-tarsal-subtalar joint. Fixed clawing of the toes will require appropriate corrective treatment, but if the toes are malleable the simple effect of weight bearing on the plantigrade foot produces gradual correction.

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