A series of ten infants is reported, seven of whom showed evidence of osteomyelitis of the upper end of the femur; the remaining three did not, but presented with an acute subluxation of the hip in a febrile illness. Four sequelae among the seven more severe cases were: 1) destruction of the capital epiphysis with dislocation at the hip; 2) destruction of the capital epiphysis, the femoral neck remaining in the acetabulum; 3) destruction of the epiphysial plate with the femoral head, remaining in the acetabulum, connected to the femoral neck by a fibrous union; 4) recovery with coxa magna but no other deformity.
The streptococcus plays a greater part in this osteomyelitis of infancy than in osteomyelitis of older children, but various other organisms were identified. The organism should be sought by blood culture as well as from the local lesion.
Aspiration of the hip, treatment of the hip in abduction and the use of the appropriate antibiotic are recommended. If there is marked swelling and induration, freer release of the pus is strongly advised.
Controlled abduction osteotomy plays a useful part in stabilising the femoral neck in the acetabulum or in stabilising the femoral neck beneath the capital epiphysis, but may usefully be preceded by an arthrograph because late ossification of a detached head sometimes occurs.