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1. Fifty-eight major injuries in the region of the talus were reviewed regarding treatment, incidence of complications and long-term results.

2. The prognosis for simple fractures of the head, neck or body was good, as was that for dislocations of the midtarsal and peritalar joints.

3. The prognosis for fracture-dislocations of the neck and body was better than has been frequently reported. It was related to the degree of initial trauma. A good result occurs only if accurate reduction is effected and maintained. Fixation with a Kirschner wire is a useful method of maintaining the reduction after unstable fracture-dislocations.

4. Avascular necrosis occurred only in the more severe injuries and its incidence was related to the degree of initial displacement. The late results were better than have been previously described. The condition is best treated conservatively by protection from weight-bearing until revascularisation is well advanced.

5. A case with an unusual pattern of fracture of the neck of the talus is described following a plantar-flexion inversion injury.

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