Aim. To determine if the location and pattern of knee pain as described by the patients using the knee pain map was comparable with the intra articular pathology found on arthroscopy as well as to facilitate diagnosis based on pain. Methods. There were fifty five consecutive patients with acute and chronic knee pain participating in the study and they subsequently underwent arthroscopy of the knee joint as therapeutic or diagnostic procedure in day surgery. Those patients with extra articular pathologies, referred pain hip, back and foot were excluded from the study. All the participants were consented for the study; subjective data was recorded on the standardised knee pain map that included visual analogue pain scale preoperatively on the day of admission for arthroscopy. The findings of the arthroscopy including EUA were recorded on the on standard arthroscopy forms used in our department by the operating surgeon. Results. Patients on the knee pain map most often recorded sharp/stabbing pain (72%), followed by diffuse dull pain (14.5%), mixed dull and sharp pain (10 %) and burning pain (3.5%). 82% of the localising pain pattern recorded on the knee pain map by the patients corresponded to the intra articular lesion found during knee arthroscopy. 18 % of the pain mapping location and pattern was not very specific to the intrarticular arthroscopic lesions. Conclusions. The results from our study indicate, majority of the patients could map the knee pain location and pattern correlating to the knee
Aims. Diagnostic wrist arthroscopy is considered the gold standard for evaluating wrist joint complaints. Although this tool is often used to diagnose and stage scapholunate ligament (SLL) lesions, reports about the possible findings and their clinical relevance are scarce. Therefore, this study describes the patient characteristics,
The aetiology and pathophysiology of frozen shoulder is poorly understood. The macroscopic pathological finding is dense fibrosis of the glenohumeral capsule and ligaments. Cellular histological studies reveal active proliferation of fibroblasts and their transformation to myofibroblasts, resulting in a dense matrix of disorganised collagen, causing capsular contracture. To further elucidate these pathological changes we arthroscopically examined 45 consecutive frozen shoulders immediately prior to performing arthroscopic release. The distinctive finding in all cases was new blood vessel formation or angiogenesis in the synovium and capsule. There were five distinct angiogenic patterns: 1.vascular synovial proliferation at the base of the anchor of the long head of biceps tendon (most common); 2.petechial haemorrhagic spots widely spread across the synovium, in the rotator interval and even on the labral surface; 3.capillary loops and spirals, appearing like “lava flow”; 4.dense red vascular synovitis; 5.spectacular capillary whorls, similar in appearance to glomeruli (least common). High quality arthroscopic digital images will illustrate these findings. The vascular changes seen in the shoulder joint in frozen shoulder are pathognomonic and similar to those seen in the formation of hypertrophic and keloid scarring of the skin, diabetic retinopathy, a variety of auto-immune disorders and tumours, rheumatoid arthritis and many other disease processes. The ability to therapeutically inhibit angiogenesis via inhibition of cytokines or adhesion molecules in these diseases suggests a possible role for these developing non-surgical treatments in frozen shoulder.
The Latarjet procedure is a well described method to stabilize anterior shoulder instability. There are concerns of high complication rates, one of these being a painful shoulder without instability due to screw irritation. The arthroscopic changes in the shoulder at time of screw removal compared to those pre-Latarjet have not been described in the literature. We conducted a retrospective review of arthroscopic videos between 2015 and 2022 of 17 patients at the time of their Latarjet screw removal and where available (n=13) compared them to
Glutamate regulates the expression of apoptosis-related genes and triggers the apoptosis of fibroblasts in rotator cuff tendons. Subacromial bursitis is always accompanied by symptomatic rotator cuff tear (RCT). However, no study has been reported on the presence of glutamate in subacromial bursa and on its involvement of shoulder pain in patients who had RCT. The purposes of this study were to determine whether the glutamate expression in subacromial bursa is associated with the presence of RCT and with the severity of shoulder pain accompanying RCT. Subacromial bursal tissues were harvested from patients who underwent arthroscopic rotator cuff tendon repair or glenoid labral repair with intact rotator cuff tendon. Glutamate tissue concentrations were measured, using a glutamate assay kit. Expressions of glutamate and its receptors in subacromial bursae were histologically determined. The sizes of RCT were determined by
Objectives. Congenital cruciate ligament deficiency is a rare condition that may occur in isolation or in association with longitudinal limb deficiencies such as fibular hemimelia or proximal femoral focal deficiency. Often anomalies of the menisci and their attachments can be very abnormal and impact on surgical management by standard techniques. Arthroscopic surgical knee reconstruction is undertaken to improve symptomatic instability and/or to stabilise and protect the knee for future planned limb lengthening surgery. The aim of this study is to evaluate the
In this study, we evaluated the labrum tear using radial sequence 3D Multiple Echo Recombined Gradient Echo (MERGE) MRI without arthrography based on modified Czerny's classification, comparing with actual
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the gold standard for the diagnosis of the pathologies affecting the glenohumeral joint and the rotator cuff diseases. MRI allows to highlight anatomic discontinuities of both muscles and tendons. However, MRI diagnostic accuracy has not proven to be highly sensitive in distinguishing between a partial-thickness tear and a full-thickness rotator cuff tear. The purpose of this study was to determine if MRI under axial traction can be helpful in increasing MRI sensitivity to identify partial-thickness rotator cuff tears. The study included 10 patients (4 males and 6 females) who had clinical examination and MRI suggesting a partial-thickness rotator cuff tear. They were candidates for shoulder arthroscopy because of persistent symptoms after at least three months of conservative treatment. The patients underwent a new MRI (under axial traction: MRI-AT) with a 4-kg weight applied to the affected arm. Then the patients underwent arthroscopy to confirm the diagnosis. Patients with a suspected full-thickness rotator cuff tear were excluded from the study. Patients’ average age was 52.4 years, and the dominant side was affected in 77.7% of the cases. Preoperative Constant-Murley Score was 57. MRI-AT showed that 3 patients were affected by a complete tear of the rotator cuff, 3 patients by a partial-thickness rotator cuff tear and 4 patients had no lesion. The analysis of data showed that: under axial traction the subacromial space increased by 0,2 mm (P value = 0,001075), the superior glenohumeral space decreased by 2.4 mm (P value = 0,07414), the inferior glenohumeral space increased by 0.3 mm (P value = 0,02942), the acromial angle decreased by 1.9° (P value = 0,0002104) and the acromion-glenohumeral angle decreased by 0.3° (P-value = 0,01974). Two experienced evaluators analyzed previous standard MRI and MRI-AT scans in a double-blinded fashion, with inter-rater evaluation of all the images and measures. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) has been utilized to assess the reliability of the measures performed by different operators. ICC always resulted in more than 0.7, showing a high concordance among values in the same group. A comparative evaluation between standard MRI and MRI-AT has been conducted to highlight possible discrepancies and this has been compared to intraoperative findings. Concordance of the values was 89% between standard MRI and MRI-AT and 100% between MRI under axial traction and intraoperative findings. This study showed a high correlation between the diagnosis achieved with MRI-AT and the intraoperative
Background. MRI is the preferred modality for the diagnosis of ankle joint pathology. Musculoskeletal radiologists aim to determine and report both chondral and/or osseous stability/instability of each lesion. The aim of this study was to specifically analyse the reliability of MRI reported findings in predicting the stability of OCL's in symptomatic patients. Methods. A single centre, single surgeon consecutive series of patients who had undergone an ankle arthroscopy procedure preceded by an MRI scan for symptomatic ankle pathology were included in this retrospective clinical study. All MRI scans were reported by a musculoskeletal radiologist. MRI reports and
Physical examination is critical to formation of a differential diagnosis in patients with ulnar-sided wrist pain. Although the specificity and sensitivity of some of those tests have been reported in the literature, the prevalence of positive findings of those provocative maneuvers has not been reported. The aim of the study is to find the prevalence of positive findings of the most commonly performed tests for ulnar sided wrist pain in a population presenting to UE surgeon clinics, and to correlate those findings with wrist arthroscopy findings. Patients with ulnar sided wrist pain were identified from a prospective database of patients presented with wrist pain from September 2014. Prevalence of positive findings for the following tests were gathered: ECU synergy test, ECU instability test (Ice cream and Fly Swatter), Lunotriquetral ballottement, Kleinman shear, triquetrum tenderness, triquetrum compression test, triquetral-hamate tenderness, pisotriquetral shuck test, ulnar fovea test, ulnocarpal impaction (UCI) maneuver, UCI maneuver with fovea pressure (ulnar carpal plus test), piano key sign. A subgroup was then created for those who underwent wrist arthroscopy, and analysis of the sensitivities, the specificities and the predictive values of these provocative tests was carried out with correlation to
This study aimed to analyse the incidence, the operative findings and outcomes of hip arthroscopy after periacetabular osteotomy (PAO). We conducted a retrospective study of prospective collected data to report the operative findings and outcomes of hip arthroscopy for recurrent pain following PAO for acetabular dysplasia. Demographic data, radiographic and
Purpose. Injuries of the meniscal attachments can lead to meniscal extrusion. We hypothesized that the extent of lateral meniscal extrusion (LME) was associated with the severity of the lateral meniscus posterior root tear (LMPRT). This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between preoperative LME and
Introduction. The highest incidence of recurrent shoulder instability is in young patients, surgical repair can reduce recurrent instability and improve shoulder function. This has led to an increasing rate of stabilisation and use of MRI to identify associated injuries in first time dislocations. MRA has the benefit of distending the joint and is becoming increasingly used. The aim of this study is to establish the sensitivity and specificity of MRA in the investigation of patients with traumatic anterior shoulder dislocations. Methods. A retrospective analysis of patients undergoing both magnetic resonance arthrography and arthroscopy after a traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation between January 2011 and 2014. Images were interpreted by eight musculoskeletal radiologists and
The aim of this study was to determine the accuracy of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanning compared to
The purpose of this study was to validate the usefulness of SPECT/CT as an evaluation method for determining treatment and prognosis for patellofemoral cartilage lesions, based on MRI and
Aims: To evaluate whether in children with knee pathology there is any correlation between clinical diagnosis, magnetic resonance imaging and arthros-copy. Methods: Between 1993 and 2001 children age 3-16 years old, who presented in the orthopaedic clinics of our institution with knee pathology were included in this study. All of them underwent MRI investigation. Their history, physical examination and clinical diagnosis were ascertained from their case notes. Some of these children underwent arthroscopic surgery of the knee and findings were also recorded. Clinical data, MRI find-ings and
To evaluate whether in children with knee pathology there is any correlation between clinical diagnosis, magnetic resonance imaging and arthroscopy. Between 1993 and 2001 children age 3–16 years old, who presented in the orthopaedic clinics of our institution with knee pathology were included in this study. All of them underwent MRI investigation. Their history, physical examination and clinical diagnosis were ascertained from their case notes. Some of these children underwent arthroscopic surgery of the knee and findings were also recorded. Clinical data, MRI
Introduction and Aims: The authors have previously reported the comparison between MRI and arthroscopic diagnosis in a blinded prospective study in patients with shoulder impingement syndrome. The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether the radiologist’s MRI report provided to an arthroscopist upon completion of a standard diagnostic shoulder arthroscopy would result in changes to the initial
This is a case series of a senior surgeon's experience; the purpose being to illustrate the problems encountered when using bio-absorbable anchors for various indications in shoulder surgery. Method. A retrospective analysis of 7 patients' notes, radiology and
Introduction. The outcome of periacetabular osteotomy in dysplastic hips is dependent on the absence of pre-operative osteoarthritis [OA]. The purpose of this study was to analyze whether Tonnis grading is a reliable predictor of OA in patients with hip dysplasia. Methods. Thirty patients were identified who had undergone hip arthroscopy surgery to assess their suitability for periacetabular osteotomy. Radiographs were assessed for anterior centre edge angle, lateral centre edge angle, Tonnis angle and Tonnis grade for OA changes. The radiographic grading of OA was compared with