Aim. To determine if the location and pattern of knee pain as described by the patients using the knee pain map was comparable with the intra articular pathology found on arthroscopy as well as to facilitate diagnosis based on pain. Methods. There were fifty five consecutive patients with acute and chronic knee pain participating in the study and they subsequently underwent arthroscopy of the knee joint as therapeutic or diagnostic procedure in day surgery. Those patients with extra articular pathologies, referred pain hip, back and foot were excluded from the study. All the participants were consented for the study; subjective data was recorded on the standardised knee pain map that included visual analogue pain scale preoperatively on the day of admission for arthroscopy. The findings of the arthroscopy including EUA were recorded on the on standard arthroscopy forms used in our department by the operating surgeon. Results. Patients on the knee pain map most often recorded sharp/stabbing pain (72%), followed by diffuse dull pain (14.5%), mixed dull and sharp pain (10 %) and burning pain (3.5%). 82% of the localising pain pattern recorded on the knee pain map by the patients corresponded to the intra articular lesion found during knee arthroscopy. 18 % of the pain mapping location and pattern was not very specific to the intrarticular arthroscopic lesions. Conclusions. The results from our study indicate, majority of the patients could map the knee pain location and pattern correlating to the knee
The Latarjet procedure is a well described method to stabilize anterior shoulder instability. There are concerns of high complication rates, one of these being a painful shoulder without instability due to screw irritation. The arthroscopic changes in the shoulder at time of screw removal compared to those pre-Latarjet have not been described in the literature. We conducted a retrospective review of arthroscopic videos between 2015 and 2022 of 17 patients at the time of their Latarjet screw removal and where available (n=13) compared them to
Physical examination is critical to formation of a differential diagnosis in patients with ulnar-sided wrist pain. Although the specificity and sensitivity of some of those tests have been reported in the literature, the prevalence of positive findings of those provocative maneuvers has not been reported. The aim of the study is to find the prevalence of positive findings of the most commonly performed tests for ulnar sided wrist pain in a population presenting to UE surgeon clinics, and to correlate those findings with wrist arthroscopy findings. Patients with ulnar sided wrist pain were identified from a prospective database of patients presented with wrist pain from September 2014. Prevalence of positive findings for the following tests were gathered: ECU synergy test, ECU instability test (Ice cream and Fly Swatter), Lunotriquetral ballottement, Kleinman shear, triquetrum tenderness, triquetrum compression test, triquetral-hamate tenderness, pisotriquetral shuck test, ulnar fovea test, ulnocarpal impaction (UCI) maneuver, UCI maneuver with fovea pressure (ulnar carpal plus test), piano key sign. A subgroup was then created for those who underwent wrist arthroscopy, and analysis of the sensitivities, the specificities and the predictive values of these provocative tests was carried out with correlation to
This is a case series of a senior surgeon's experience; the purpose being to illustrate the problems encountered when using bio-absorbable anchors for various indications in shoulder surgery. Method. A retrospective analysis of 7 patients' notes, radiology and
Introduction. The outcome of periacetabular osteotomy in dysplastic hips is dependent on the absence of pre-operative osteoarthritis [OA]. The purpose of this study was to analyze whether Tonnis grading is a reliable predictor of OA in patients with hip dysplasia. Methods. Thirty patients were identified who had undergone hip arthroscopy surgery to assess their suitability for periacetabular osteotomy. Radiographs were assessed for anterior centre edge angle, lateral centre edge angle, Tonnis angle and Tonnis grade for OA changes. The radiographic grading of OA was compared with
Introduction. The wrist arthroscopy has been performed since 1979. With the advances in technology and surgical expertise, wrist arthroscopy has become third commonest procedure after knee and shoulder joint. Wrist arthroscopy has become a gold standard for diagnosing TFCC pathologies and other intercarpal disorders. Our aim was to compare the clinical, MRI and
Degenerate chondral surfaces can be assessed in many ways, but arthroscopy is often performed without proper categorisation, mapping, zoning or sizing of lesions. Progression of disease in un-resurfaced compartments is well-recognised to occur, but is only one of several failure mechanism in partial knee replacement. A validated ‘Functional Zone’ mapping method was used to document articular surface damage in 250 sequential cases of knee arthroscopy in patients over the age of 40. Size, shape, location and severity of each chondral lesion were noted using the Outerbridge classification. Analysis determined rates of involvement of particular compartments and assessed potential for partial replacement or local treatment and also to consider the risk of future progression. Radiographs including antero-posterior standing, postero-anterior flexion views (Rosenberg), lateral and skyline views were graded (Kellgren and Lawrence) and compared with the
We present to you a match-controlled study assessing co-existing
A retrospective review of 57 military patients undergoing ankle arthroscopy between 1999 and 2011 was performed. A case-note review of medical records was undertaken pertaining to military role, ankle injury sustained, mechanism, presenting symptoms and their duration.
Introduction. Snapping scapula symptoms occur due to disruption of the smooth gliding motion between scapula and thoracic cage. Patients present with pain in the scapulothoracic area aggravated by overhead and repetitive shoulder movements. It is often associated with audible and palpable crepitus, clicking, crunching, grating or snapping sensation. Open or arthroscopic scapulothoracic surgical treatment is an option when non-operative treatment modalities fail. The aim of our study was to assess the outcome of scapulothoracic arthroscopic treatment in patients with painful snapping scapula. Methods. Eight patients underwent scapulothoracic arthroscopic treatment for painful snapping scapula. Pre-operatively, all these patients had a trial of conservative treatment modalities for at least 6 months, consisting of activity modification, analgesia and physiotherapy for restoration of normal scapulothoracic kinematics. All patients had a temporary pain relief following a local anaesthetic and steroid injection. We graded the crepitus from 0 to 3 - 0 being no crepitus, 1 being palpable but not audible crepitus, 2 being soft audible crepitus and 3 being loud crepitus. Operations were performed with the patients in either prone or semi-prone position. The arm was placed in the “chicken wing” position (arm in full internal rotation with the hand placed on the back), so that the scapula lifted up from the chest wall. Two portals along the medial border of scapula were used for arthroscopy and instrumentation. In two cases a superior portal was also used. Outcome was assessed by pre and postoperative visual analogue score (VAS) and Oxford Shoulder Score. Pre and postoperative scores were compared using paired t-test. The significance level was set at P <. 05. Results. Of the eight patients included in our study, two were male and six were female patients. Mean age at the time of surgery was 26 years (range 16–34 years). Based on the preoperative clinical and MRI/CT findings and intra-operative
This study presents the results of 60 consecutive hip arthroscopic procedures for the treatment of Acetabulo-Femoral Impingement. The procedures were performed by a single surgeon over a period of 36 months. The learning curve and the evolution of the current technique along with the clinical outcomes are discussed Additionally two new clinical signs of AFI are described, along with the correlation of radiological and
Aim. The present study aimed to assess the accuracy of preoperative departmental ultrasound scans in identifying rotator cuff tears at our institution. Methods. Preoperative ultrasound scan reports were obtained from 64 consecutive patients who subsequently underwent arthroscopic subacromial decompression and/or rotator cuff repair. Data was collected retrospectively using our 2010 database. The ultrasound reports were compared with the
Background. Cartilage lesions in chronic lateral ligament deficiency are common with the incidence rates mentioned in the previous literature up to 30%. However, other intra-articular pathologies in the unstable ankle have received little attention. Anterolateral impingement associated with synovitis and scarring is a less recognised feature in the treatment of chronic instability. The aim of our study was to ascertain the incidence of chondral and anterolateral impingement lesions in the symptomatic lateral ligament complex deficiency. Methods. We performed a retrospective study of all consecutive patients who underwent modified Brostrom repair for symptomatic recurrent instability of the ankle. All patients underwent a MRI scan prior to surgery. Arthroscopy was performed in all the patients before lateral ligament reconstruction. Seventy seven patients with 78 ankles were included in the study. Patients who had previous ankle surgery or inflammatory arthropathy were excluded. Data was obtained from clinical and radiological records.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the incidence of patients with isolated bundle ACL tear (either isolated posterolateral or anteromedial bundle) during arthroscopy, and its correlation with physical exam. The relevant surgical technique to reconstruct the ligament is discussed. Between September 2006 and March 2009, patients with ACL injuries who received double- bundle ACL reconstruction were reviewed retrospectively. A specialist fellow performed a physical exam before and after anaesthesia. Intraop status of the ACL tear was assessed with correlation of the physical findings. Patients with isolated bundle tear would receive anatomical reconstruction of the torn bundle with preservation of the intact bundle. Double-bundle hamstrings reconstruction would be performed to those with complete tear. Medical notes of 159 patients were reviewed. There were 118 patients (74%) with complete ACL tear, 36 (23%) with isolated AM tear, and 5 (3%) with PL tear. For patients with complete ACL tear, 94% and 100% had positive Lachman, 50% and 87% had positive pivot shift, before and after anaesthesia. For patients with isolated AM tear, 100% had positive Lachman, 36% and 19% had positive pivot shift, before and after anaesthesia. For patients with isolated PL tear, 100% had positive Lachman, 20% and 80% had positive pivot shift, before and after anaesthesia. With better understanding of ACL, patients with isolated-bundle tear can preserve their intact bundle during reconstruction. However, in this study we find that physical exam correlates poorly with the
Introduction. 47 yrs male patient had a prior history. 2005 Fx. proximal tibia (open Fx.). 2007 Metal removal. 2008 Arthroscopic debridement (2 times). He visited out hospital with severe pain and tenderness X-ray (Fig 1) and MRI (Fig 2) findings as follows. Conclusively, He had a chorinic osteomylitis of proximal tibia with soft tissue absess. 1st Surgery. I did arthroscopic debridement
We retrospectively reviewed the hospital records of 68 patients diagnosed with posterolateral corner (PLC) knee injuries by a specialist knee consultant in two hospitals over the period from 2005 to 2009. Injuries were diagnosed based on a combination of findings from clinical testing together with results of imaging and
INTRODUCTION. The menisci play a fundamental biomechanical role in the knee and also help in the maintaining of the articular homeostasis; thus, either a lesion or the complete absence of the menisci can invalidate the physiological function of the knee causing important damages, even at long term. Unfortunately, meniscal tears are often found during the ordinary orthopaedic practice while the regenerative potential of this kind of tissue is very low and limited to its peripheral-vascularized part; this is why the majority of these common