The February 2024 Oncology Roundup. 360. looks at: Does primary tumour resection improve survival for patients with sarcomas of the pelvis with metastasis at diagnosis?; Proximal femur replacements for an oncologic indication offer a durable endoprosthetic reconstruction option: a 40-year experience; The importance of awaiting biopsy results in solitary pathological proximal femoral fractures: do we need to biopsy solitary pathological fractures?; Effect of radiotherapy on local recurrence, distant metastasis, and overall survival in 1,200 extremity soft-tissue sarcoma patients; What to choose in bone tumour resections? Patient-specific instrumentation versus surgical navigation; Optimal timing of re-excision in synovial sarcoma patients: immediate intervention versus waiting for local recurrence; Survival differences of patients with resected extraskeletal osteosarcoma receiving two different (neo) adjuvant chemotherapy regimens; Solitary versus multiple bone metastases in the appendicular
The August 2023 Oncology Roundup360 looks at: Giant cell tumour of bone with secondary aneurysmal bone cyst does not have a higher risk of local recurrence; Is bone marrow aspiration and biopsy helpful in initial staging of extraskeletal Ewing’s sarcoma?; Treatment outcomes of extraskeletal Ewing’s sarcoma; Pathological complete response and clinical outcomes in patients with localized soft-tissue sarcoma treated with neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy or radiotherapy; Long-term follow-up of patients with low-grade chondrosarcoma in the appendicular
The April 2023 Oncology Roundup360 looks at: Complete tumour necrosis after neoadjuvant chemotherapy defines good responders in patients with Ewing’s sarcoma; Monitoring vascularized fibular autograft: are radiographs enough?; Examining patient perspectives on sarcoma surveillance; The management of sacral tumours; Venous thromboembolism and major bleeding in the clinical course of osteosarcoma and Ewing’s sarcoma; Secondary malignancies after Ewing’s sarcoma: what is the disease burden?; Outcomes of distal radial endoprostheses for tumour reconstruction: a single centre experience over 15 years; Is anaerobic coverage during soft-tissue sarcoma resection needed?; Is anaerobic coverage during soft-tissue sarcoma resection needed?
The October 2023 Oncology Roundup360 looks at: Are pathological fractures in patients with osteosarcoma associated with worse survival outcomes?; Spotting the difference: how secondary osteosarcoma manifests in retinoblastoma survivors versus conventional cases; Accuracy of MRI scans in predicting intra-articular joint involvement in high-grade sarcomas around the knee; Endoprosthetic reconstruction for lower extremity soft-tissue sarcomas with bone involvement; Local relapse of soft-tissue sarcoma of the extremities or trunk wall operated on with wide margins without radiation therapy; 3D-printed, custom-made prostheses in patients who had resection of tumours of the hand and foot; Long-term follow-up for low-grade chondrosarcoma; Evaluation of local recurrence and diagnostic discordance in chondrosarcoma patients undergoing preoperative biopsy; Radiological scoring and resection grade for intraosseous chondrosarcoma.
The April 2023 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup360 looks at: CT scan of the ipsilateral femoral neck in paediatric shaft fractures; Meniscal injuries in skeletally immature children with tibial eminence fractures: a systematic literature review; Post-maturity progression in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis curves of 40° to 50°; Prospective, randomized Ponseti treatment for clubfoot: orthopaedic surgeons versus physical therapists; FIFA 11+ Kids: challenges in implementing a prevention programme; The management of developmental dysplasia of the hip in children aged under three months: a consensus study from the British Society for Children's Orthopaedic Surgery; Early investigation and bracing in developmental dysplasia of the hip impacts maternal wellbeing and breastfeeding; Hip arthrodesis in children: a review of 26 cases with a mean of 20 years’ follow-up
The August 2024 Hip & Pelvis Roundup360 looks at: Understanding perceived leg length discrepancy post-total hip arthroplasty: the role of pelvic obliquity; Influence of femoral stem design on revision rates in total hip arthroplasty; Outcomes of arthroscopic labral treatment of femoroacetabular impingement in adolescents; Characteristics and quality of online searches for direct anterior versus posterior approach for total hip arthroplasty; Rapid return to braking after anterior and posterior approach total hip arthroplasty; How much protection does a collar provide?; Timing matters: reducing infection risk in total hip arthroplasty with corticosteroid injection intervals; Identifying pain recovery patterns in total hip arthroplasty using PROMIS data.
The April 2023 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup360 looks at: Can you treat type IIA supracondylar humerus fractures conservatively?; Bone bruising and anterior cruciate ligament injury in paediatrics; Participation and motor abilities after treatment with the Ponseti method; Does fellowship training help with paediatric supracondylar fractures?; Supracondylar elbow fracture management (Supra Man): a national trainee collaborative evaluation of practice; Magnetically controlled growing rods in early-onset scoliosis; Weightbearing restrictions and weight gain in children with Perthes’ disease?; Injuries and child abuse increase during the pandemic over 12,942 emergency admissions.
The December 2024 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup360 looks at: Establishing best practice for managing idiopathic toe walking in children: a UK consensus; Long-term outcomes of below-elbow casting in paediatric diaphyseal forearm fractures; Residual dysplasia risk persists in developmental dysplasia of the hip patients after Pavlik harness treatment; 3D printing in paediatricorthopaedics: enhancing surgical efficiency and patient outcomes; Pavlik harness treatment for hip dysplasia does not delay motor skill development in children; High prevalence of hip dysplasia found in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis on routine spine radiographs; Minifragment plates as effective growth modulation for ulnar deformities of the distal radius in children; Long-term success of Chiari pelvic osteotomy in preserving hip function: 30-year follow-up study.
A comprehensive study of osteology remains a cornerstone of current orthopaedic and traumatological education. Osteology was already established as an important part of surgical education by the 16th century. In order to teach anatomy and osteology, the corpses of executed criminals were dissected by the
The December 2015 Oncology Roundup360 looks at: Amputation may not be the best option; Growing golf balls bad news!; How close is safe? Radiotherapy and surgery; Lymphocyte: monocyte ratio in osteosarcoma; Are borderline cartilage tumours really borderline?; Boosting algorithms improves survival estimates; CT better than Mirels?
The April 2012 Oncology Roundup360 looks at chondrosarcoma of the cervical spine, if excision margins matter, radiation-induced sarcomas, giant cell tumours and bone cement, enchondromatosis and malignant change, axial or appendicular Ewing’s sarcoma, and diagnosing a sarcoma
The October 2015 Trauma Roundup360 looks at: PCA not the best in resuscitation; Impact of trauma centre care; Quality of life after a hip fracture; Recovery and severity of injury: open tibial fractures in the spotlight; Assessment of the triplane fractures; Signs of an unstable paediatric pelvis; Safe insertion of SI screws: are two views required?; Post-operative delirium under the spotlight; Psychological effects of fractures; K-wires cost effective in DRAFFT
The August 2013 Oncology Roundup360 looks at: spinal osteosarcoma: all hope is not lost; intralesional curettage for low-grade chondrosarcoma?; isolated limb perfusion is a salvage option; worryingly high infection rates in patients with endoprostheses; how bad is endoprosthetic infection?; operatively treated metastatic disease; and cementoplasty gives immediate pain relief
The August 2014 Wrist &
Hand Roundup360 looks at: Trapeziectomy superior to arthrodesis;
The June 2014 Oncology Roundup360 looks at: Infection still a problem in endoprosthetic reconstruction; massive allografts not as successful as we perhaps think; curopsy for aneurysmal bone cysts?; lengthening prosthesis: days are numbered; new WHO classification in brief; proximal tumours and fluid levels: bad news; infection is predictable in orthopaedic oncology; psychosocial support key in oncological outcomes.
The February 2014 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup360 looks at: flexible plasters; dual 8-plate or ablation for knee epiphysiodesis; ultrasounds for pulled elbow; leg length without the radiation; Boyd amputation in limb deficiencies; gold standard club foot treatment; quadrupled semitendinosis graft effective in paediatric ACL reconstruction; and predicting complications following cerebral palsy hip reconstruction
The December 2013 Oncology Roundup360 looks at: Peri-articular resection fraught with complications; Navigated margins; Skeletal tumours and thromboembolism; Conditional survival in Ewing’s sarcoma; Reverse shoulders and tumour; For how long should we follow up sarcoma patients?; and already metastasised?
The October 2013 Hip &
Pelvis Roundup360 looks at: Young and impinging; Clothes, weather and femoral heads?; Go long, go cemented; Surgical repair of the abductors?; Aspirin for DVT prophylaxis?; Ceramic-on-polyethylene: a low-wear solution?; ALVAL and ASR™: the story continues….; Salvaging Legg-Calve-Perthes’ disease
The October 2013 Foot &
Ankle Roundup360 looks at: Operative treatment of calcaneal fractures advantageous in the long term?; Varus ankles and arthroplasty; Reducing autograft complications in foot and ankle surgery; The biomechanics of ECP in plantar fasciitis; Minimally invasive first ray surgery; Alcohol: better drunk than injected?; Is it different in the foot?; It’s all about the temperature
The August 2012 Oncology Roundup360 looks at: prolonged symptom duration; peri-operative mortality and above-knee amputation; giant cell tumour of the spine; surgical resection for Ewing’s sarcoma; intercalary allograft reconstruction of the femur for tumour defects; and an induced membrane technique for large bone defects.