Wear of high-density polyethylene on bone and
Continuous strontium administration first induces typical "rickets" in young rats receiving adequate calcium phosphorus and vitamin D but later the widened
A total of 47 non-walking patients (52 hips) with severe cerebral palsy and with a mean age of 14 years, (9 to 27) underwent a Dega-type pelvic osteotomy after closure of the triradiate
1 . Implants of heterogenous
1. Fifty knees affected by rheumatoid arthritis were studied in detail at synovectomy. 2. The destructive lesions found were relatively constant and are described in detail. 3.
We describe the outcome at a mean follow-up of 8.75 years (7.6 to 9.8) of seven patients who had undergone osteochondral autologous transplantation for full-thickness
A case of early closure of the triradiate
Biochemical changes in the articular cartilage of the knees of mature dogs, one with natural and four with surgically induced osteoarthritis, have been investigated. The four dogs were killed three, six, nine and forty-eight weeks after division of the right anterior cruciate ligament, the left knees serving as controls. The
We obtained specimens of growth-plate
We report the finding of sodium- and phosphorus-based crystallisation in abnormal human articular cartilage. We prepared five chondromalacic, five osteoarthritic and four macroscopically normal specimens of patellar
1. Decalcified lyophilised rat bone matrix prepared by Urist's method acts as an inductor of
on in vitro incubation of articular and epiphysial
The role of three genetically distinct collagen types in the formation of endochondral bone and in calcification and resorption of
1. It has been shown that in experimental rickets the well known changes in the epiphysial
Multipotential processed lipoaspirate (PLA) cells extracted from five human infrapatellar fat pads and embedded into fibrin glue nodules, were induced into the chondrogenic phenotype using chondrogenic media. The remaining cells were placed in osteogenic media and were transfected with an adenovirus carrying the cDNA for bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2). We evaluated the tissue-engineered
In 16 mature New Zealand white rabbits mesenchymal stem cells were aspirated from the bone marrow, cultured in monolayer and implanted on to a full-thickness osteochondral defect artificially made on the patellar groove of the same rabbit. A further 13 rabbits served as a control group. The rabbits were killed after 14 weeks. Healing of the defect was investigated histologically using haematoxylin and eosin and Safranin-O staining and with immunohistochemical staining for type-II collagen. We also used a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to detect mRNA of type-I and type-II collagen. The semiquantitative histological scores were significantly higher in the experimental group than in the control group (p <
0.05). In the experimental group immunohistochemical staining on newly formed
Premature fusion of the triradiate
1. The occurrence of congenital discoid medial
Twenty-five patients with 30 chondral lesions of the knee were treated with an autogenous strip of costal perichondrium. The graft was fixed to the subchondral bone with Tissucol (Immuno, Vienna), a human fibrin glue. The leg was then immobilised for two weeks followed by two weeks of continuous passive motion. Weight-bearing was permitted after three months. The mean knee score (Ranawat, Insall and Shine 1976) changed from 73 before operation to 90 one year after; in 14 patients evaluated after two years there was no decrease. In 28 cases the defect was completely filled with tissue resembling articular cartilage. We conclude that in most cases perichondral arthroplasty of