The stress response to
Objectives. “Virtual fracture clinics” have been reported as a safe and effective alternative to the traditional fracture clinic. Robust protocols are used to identify cases that do not require further review, with the remainder triaged to the most appropriate subspecialist at the optimum time for review. The objective of this study was to perform a “top-down” analysis of the cost effectiveness of this virtual fracture clinic pathway. Methods. National Health Service financial returns relating to our institution were examined for the time period 2009 to 2014 which spanned the service redesign. Results. The total staffing costs rose by 4% over the time period (from £1 744 933 to £1 811 301) compared with a national increase of 16%. The total outpatient department rate of attendance fell by 15% compared with a national fall of 5%. Had our local costs increased in line with the national average, an excess expenditure of £212 705 would have been required for staffing costs. Conclusions. The virtual fracture clinic system was associated with less overall use of staff resources in comparison to national cost data. Adoption of this system nationally may have the potential to achieve significant cost savings. Cite this article: P. J. Jenkins. Fracture clinic redesign reduces the cost of outpatient
Post-traumatic arthritis is a frequent consequence of articular fracture. The mechanisms leading to its development after such injuries have not been clearly delineated. A potential contributing factor is decreased viability of the articular chondrocytes. The object of this study was to characterise the regional variation in the viability of chondrocytes following joint
A major pathway of closed soft-tissue injury is failure of microvascular perfusion combined with a persistently enhanced inflammatory response. We therefore tested the hypothesis that hypertonic hydroxyethyl starch (HS/HES) effectively restores microcirculation and reduces leukocyte adherence after closed soft-tissue injury. We induced closed soft-tissue injury in the hindlimbs of 14 male isoflurane-anaesthetised rats. Seven traumatised animals received 7.5% sodium chloride-6% HS/HES and seven isovolaemic 0.9% saline (NS). Six non-injured animals did not receive any additional fluid and acted as a control group. The microcirculation of the extensor digitorum longus muscle (EDL) was quantitatively analysed two hours after
Systemic factors are believed to be pivotal for the development of heterotopic ossification in severely-injured patients. In this study, cell cultures of putative target cells (human fibroblastic cells, osteoblastic cells (MG-63), and bone-marrow stromal cells (hBM)) were incubated with serum from ten consecutive polytraumatised patients taken from post-traumatic day 1 to day 21 and with serum from 12 healthy control subjects.
The serum from the polytraumatised patients significantly stimulated the proliferation of fibroblasts, MG-63 and of hBM cells. The activity of alkaline phosphatase in MG-63 and hBM cells was significantly decreased when exposed to the serum of the severely-injured patient. After three weeks in 3D cell cultures, matrix production and osteogenic gene expression of hBM cells were equal in the patient and control groups. However, the serum from the polytraumatised patients significantly decreased apoptosis of hBM cells compared with the control serum (4.3%
Increased proliferation of osteoblastic cells and reduced apoptosis of osteoprogenitors may be responsible for increased osteogenesis in severely-injured patients.
The Cochrane Collaboration has produced three new reviews relevant to bone and joint surgery since the publication of the last Cochrane Corner. These are relevant to a wide range of musculoskeletal specialists, and include reviews in lateral elbow pain, osteoarthritis of the big toe joint, and cervical spine injury in paediatric
This edition of Cochrane Corner looks at some of the work published by the Cochrane Collaboration, covering pharmacological interventions for the prevention of bleeding in people undergoing definitive fixation or joint replacement for hip, pelvic, and long bone fractures; interventions for reducing red blood cell transfusion in adults undergoing hip fracture surgery: an overview of systematic reviews; and pharmacological treatments for low back pain in adults: an overview of Cochrane Reviews
The Cochrane Collaboration has produced five new reviews relevant to bone and joint surgery since the publication of the last Cochrane Corner These reviews are relevant to a wide range of musculoskeletal specialists, and include reviews in Morton’s neuroma, scoliosis, vertebral fractures, carpal tunnel syndrome, and lower limb arthroplasty.
Objectives. To explore whether orthopaedic surgeons have adopted the Proximal Fracture of the Humerus: Evaluation by Randomisation (PROFHER) trial results routinely into clinical practice. Methods. A questionnaire was piloted with six orthopaedic surgeons using a ‘think aloud’ process. The final questionnaire contained 29 items and was distributed online to surgeon members of the British Orthopaedic Association and British Elbow and Shoulder Society. Descriptive statistics summarised the sample characteristics and fracture treatment of respondents overall, and grouped them by whether they changed practice based on PROFHER trial findings. Free-text responses were analysed qualitatively for emerging themes using Framework Analysis principles. Results. There were complete responses from 265 orthopaedic and trauma surgeons who treat patients with proximal humeral fractures. Around half (137) had changed practice to various extents because of PROFHER, by operating on fewer PROFHER-eligible fractures. A third (43) of the 128 respondents who had not changed practice were already managing patients non-operatively. Those who changed practice were more likely to be younger, work in a
Objectives. Metabolic syndrome and low-grade systemic inflammation are associated with knee osteoarthritis (OA), but the relationships between these factors and OA in other synovial joints are unclear. The aim of this study was to determine if a high-fat/high-sucrose (HFS) diet results in OA-like joint damage in the shoulders, knees, and hips of rats after induction of obesity, and to identify potential joint-specific risks for OA-like changes. Methods. A total of 16 male Sprague-Dawley rats were allocated to either the diet-induced obesity group (DIO, 40% fat, 45% sucrose, n = 9) or a chow control diet (n = 7) for 12 weeks. At sacrifice, histological assessments of the shoulder, hip, and knee joints were performed. Serum inflammatory mediators and body composition were also evaluated. The total Mankin score for each animal was assessed by adding together the individual Modified Mankin scores across all three joints. Linear regression modelling was conducted to evaluate predictive relationships between serum mediators and total joint damage. Results. The HFS diet, in the absence of
Objectives. Intramedullary fixation is considered the most stable treatment for pertrochanteric fractures of the proximal femur and cut-out is one of the most frequent mechanical complications. In order to determine the role of clinical variables and radiological parameters in predicting the risk of this complication, we analysed the data pertaining to a group of patients recruited over the course of six years. Methods. A total of 571 patients were included in this study, which analysed the incidence of cut-out in relation to several clinical variables: age; gender; the AO Foundation and
This review is aimed at clinicians appraising
Objectives. The period of post-operative treatment before surgical wounds
are completely closed remains a key window, during which one can
apply new technologies that can minimise complications. One such
technology is the use of negative pressure wound therapy to manage
and accelerate healing of the closed incisional wound (incisional
NPWT). . Methods. We undertook a literature review of this emerging indication
to identify evidence within orthopaedic surgery and other surgical
disciplines. Literature that supports our current understanding
of the mechanisms of action was also reviewed in detail. . Results. A total of 33 publications were identified, including nine clinical
study reports from orthopaedic surgery; four from cardiothoracic
surgery and 12 from studies in abdominal, plastic and vascular disciplines.
Most papers (26 of 33) had been published within the past three
years. Thus far two randomised controlled trials – one in orthopaedic
and one in cardiothoracic surgery – show evidence of reduced incidence
of wound healing complications after between three and five days
of post-operative NPWT of two- and four-fold, respectively. Investigations
show that reduction in haematoma and seroma, accelerated wound healing
and increased clearance of oedema are significant mechanisms of
action. . Conclusions. There is a rapidly emerging literature on the effect of NPWT
on the closed incision. Initiated and confirmed first with a randomised
controlled trial in
Perilesional changes of chronic focal osteochondral defects were assessed in the knees of 23 sheep. An osteochondral defect was created in the main load-bearing region of the medial condyle of the knees in a controlled, standardised manner. The perilesional cartilage was evaluated macroscopically and biopsies were taken at the time of production of the defect (T0), during a second operation one month later (T1), and after killing animals at three (T3; n = 8), four (T4; n = 8), and seven (T7; n = 8) months. All the samples were histologically assessed by the International Cartilage Repair Society grading system and Mankin histological scores. Biopsies were taken from human patients (n = 10) with chronic articular cartilage lesions and compared with the ovine specimens. The ovine perilesional cartilage presented with macroscopic and histological signs of degeneration. At T1 the International Cartilage Repair Society ‘Subchondral Bone’ score decreased from a mean of 3.0 (. sd. 0) to a mean of 1.9 (. sd. 0.3) and the ‘Matrix’ score from a mean of 3.0 (. sd. 0) to a mean of 2.5 (. sd. 0.5). This progressed further at T3, with the International Cartilage Repair Society ‘Surface’ grading, the ‘Matrix’ grading, ‘Cell Distribution’ and ‘Cell Viability’ grading further decreasing and the Mankin score rising from a mean of 1.3 (. sd. 1.4) to a mean of 5.1 (. sd. 1.6). Human biopsies achieved Mankin grading of a mean of 4.2 (. sd. 1.6) and were comparable with the ovine histology at T1 and T3. The perilesional cartilage in the animal model became chronic at one month and its histological appearance may be considered comparable with that seen in human osteochondral defects after
The aim of this study was to validate the use of three models of fracture fixation in the assessment of technical skills. We recruited 21 subjects (six experts, seven intermediates, and eight novices) to perform three procedures: application of a dynamic compression plate on a cadaver porcine model, insertion of an unreamed tibial intramedullary nail, and application of a forearm external fixator, both on synthetic bone models. The primary outcome measures were the Objective Structural Assessment of technical skills global rating scale on video recordings of the procedures which were scored by two independent expert observers, and the hand movements of the surgeons which were analysed using the Imperial College Surgical Assessment Device. The video scores were significantly different for the three groups in all three procedures (p <
0.05), with excellent inter-rater reliability (α = 0.88). The novice and intermediate groups specifically were significantly different in their performance with dynamic compression plate and intramedullary nails (p <
0.05). Movement analysis distinguished between the three groups in the dynamic compression plate model, but a ceiling effect was demonstrated in the intramedullary nail and external fixator procedures, where intermediates and experts performed to comparable standards (p >
0.6). A total of 85% (18 of 21) of the subjects found the dynamic compression model and 57% (12 of 21) found all the models acceptable tools of assessment. This study has validated a low-cost, high-fidelity porcine dynamic compression plate model using video rating scores for skills assessment and movement analysis. It has also demonstrated that Synbone models for the application of and intramedullary nail and an external fixator are less sensitive and should be improved for further assessment of surgical skills in
We have used in vivo microdialysis to monitor postoperative physiological events in the synovial membrane after arthroscopy. The levels of lactate were significantly higher in the synovial membrane than in the reference tissue (subcutaneous fat) and there was a significant increase in lactate after operation. Blood flow, measured as the ethanol ratio, was stable in both tissues. Our findings show that there was an increase in the local production of lactate since the levels of lactate in blood and the reference tissue were comparable and did not show a significant increase. There was also a consumption of glucose in the synovial membrane which was not observed in the reference tissue. The levels of pyruvate were higher in the synovial membrane. A state of reperfusion occurs in the synovial membrane after moderate
The posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) was imaged by MRI throughout flexion in neutral tibial rotation in six cadaver knees, which were also dissected, and in 20 unloaded and 13 loaded living (squatting) knees. The appearance of the ligament was the same in all three groups. In extension the ligament is curved concave-forwards. It is straight, fully out-to-length and approaching vertical from 60° to 120°, and curves convex-forwards over the roof of the intercondylar notch in full flexion. Throughout flexion the length of the ligament does not change, but the separations of its attachments do. We conclude that the PCL is not loaded in the unloaded cadaver knee and therefore, since its appearance in all three groups is the same, that it is also unloaded in the living knee during flexion. The posterior fibres may be an exception in hyperextension, probably being loaded either because of posterior femoral lift-off or because of the forward curvature of the PCL. These conclusions relate only to everyday life: none may be drawn with regard to more strenuous activities such as sport or in
Corrective osteotomies are often planned and performed on the basis of normal anatomical proportions. We have evaluated the length and torsion of the segments of the lower limb in normal individuals, to analyse the differences between left and right sides, and to provide tolerance figures for both length and torsion. We used CT on 355 adult patients and measured length and torsion by the Ulm method. We excluded all patients with evidence of
In this study, we compared the pain behaviour and osteoarthritis (OA) progression between anterior cruciate ligament transection (ACLT) and osteochondral injury in surgically-induced OA rat models.
OA was induced in the knee joints of male Wistar rats using transection of the ACL or induction of osteochondral injury. Changes in the percentage of high limb weight distribution (%HLWD) on the operated hind limb were used to determine the pain behaviour in these models. The development of OA was assessed and compared using a histological evaluation based on the Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) cartilage OA histopathology score.
Degenerative disc disease (DDD) and osteoarthritis (OA) are relatively frequent causes of disability amongst the elderly; they constitute serious socioeconomic costs and significantly impair quality of life. Previous studies to date have found that aggrecan variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) contributes both to DDD and OA. However, current data are not consistent across studies. The purpose of this study was to evaluate systematically the relationship between aggrecan VNTR, and DDD and/or OA.
This study used a highly sensitive search strategy to identify all published studies related to the relationship between aggrecan VNTR and both DDD and OA in multiple databases from January 1996 to December 2016. All identified studies were systematically evaluated using specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. Cochrane methodology was also applied to the results of this study.
The intra-articular administration of tranexamic acid (TXA) has been shown to be effective in reducing blood loss in unicompartmental knee arthroplasty and anterior cruciate reconstruction. The effects on human articular cartilage, however, remains unknown. Our aim, in this study, was to investigate any detrimental effect of TXA on chondrocytes, and to establish if there was a safe dose for its use in clinical practice. The hypothesis was that TXA would cause a dose-dependent damage to human articular cartilage.
Materials and Methods
The cellular morphology, adhesion, metabolic activity, and viability of human chondrocytes when increasing the concentration (0 mg/ml to 40 mg/ml) and length of exposure to TXA (0 to 12 hours) were analyzed in a 2D model. This was then repeated, excluding cellular adhesion, in a 3D model and confirmed in viable samples of articular cartilage.
Taper junctions between modular hip arthroplasty femoral heads and stems fail by wear or corrosion which can be caused by relative motion at their interface. Increasing the assembly force can reduce relative motion and corrosion but may also damage surrounding tissues. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of increasing the impaction energy and the stiffness of the impactor tool on the stability of the taper junction and on the forces transmitted through the patient’s surrounding tissues.
A commercially available impaction tool was modified to assemble components in the laboratory using impactor tips with varying stiffness at different applied energy levels. Springs were mounted below the modular components to represent the patient. The pull-off force of the head from the stem was measured to assess stability, and the displacement of the springs was measured to assess the force transmitted to the patient’s tissues.
This study reports on a secondary exploratory analysis of the early clinical outcomes of a randomised clinical trial comparing robotic arm-assisted unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) for medial compartment osteoarthritis of the knee with manual UKA performed using traditional surgical jigs. This follows reporting of the primary outcomes of implant accuracy and gait analysis that showed significant advantages in the robotic arm-assisted group.
A total of 139 patients were recruited from a single centre. Patients were randomised to receive either a manual UKA implanted with the aid of traditional surgical jigs, or a UKA implanted with the aid of a tactile guided robotic arm-assisted system. Outcome measures included the American Knee Society Score (AKSS), Oxford Knee Score (OKS), Forgotten Joint Score, Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale, University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) activity scale, Short Form-12, Pain Catastrophising Scale, somatic disease (Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders Score), Pain visual analogue scale, analgesic use, patient satisfaction, complications relating to surgery, 90-day pain diaries and the requirement for revision surgery.
To assess the clinical and cost-effectiveness of a virtual fracture clinic (VFC) model, and supplement the literature regarding this service as recommended by The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and the British Orthopaedic Association (BOA).
This was a retrospective study including all patients (17 116) referred to fracture clinics in a London District General Hospital from May 2013 to April 2016, using hospital-level data. We used interrupted time series analysis with segmented regression, and direct before-and-after comparison, to study the impact of VFCs introduced in December 2014 on six clinical parameters and on local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) spend. Student’s
This study aimed to investigate the functional effects of microRNA (miR)-214-5p on osteoblastic cells, which might provide a potential role of miR-214-5p in bone fracture healing.
Blood samples were obtained from patients with hand fracture or intra-articular calcaneal fracture and from healthy controls (HCs). Expression of miR-214-5p was monitored by qRT-PCR at day 7, 14 and 21 post-surgery. Mouse osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells were transfected with antisense oligonucleotides (ASO)-miR-214-5p, collagen type IV alpha 1 (COL4A1) vector or their controls; thereafter, cell viability, apoptotic rate, and the expression of collagen type I alpha 1 (COL1A1), type II collagen (COL-II), and type X collagen (COL-X) were determined. Luciferase reporter assay, qRT-PCR, and Western blot were performed to ascertain whether COL4A1 was a target of miR-214-5p.
Sustained intra-articular delivery of pharmacological agents is an attractive modality but requires use of a safe carrier that would not induce cartilage damage or fibrosis. Collagen scaffolds are widely available and could be used intra-articularly, but no investigation has looked at the safety of collagen scaffolds within synovial joints. The aim of this study was to determine the safety of collagen scaffold implantation in a validated
Materials and Methods
A total of 96 rabbits were randomly and equally assigned to four different groups: arthrotomy alone; arthrotomy and collagen scaffold placement; contracture surgery; and contracture surgery and collagen scaffold placement. Animals were killed in equal numbers at 72 hours, two weeks, eight weeks, and 24 weeks. Joint contracture was measured, and cartilage and synovial samples underwent histological analysis.
Distraction osteogenesis (DO) mobilises bone regenerative potential and avoids the complications of other treatments such as bone graft. The major disadvantage of DO is the length of time required for bone consolidation. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been used to promote bone formation with some good results.
We hereby review the published literature on the use of MSCs in promoting bone consolidation during DO.
This systematic review aimed to assess the
A systematic search was performed in Pubmed, followed by a two-step selection process. We included
Implant-related infection is one of the most devastating complications in orthopaedic surgery. Many surface and/or material modifications have been developed in order to minimise this problem; however, most of the
We describe a method for the study of bacterial adherence in the presence of preosteoblastic cells. For this purpose we mixed different concentrations of bacterial cells from collection and clinical strains of staphylococci isolated from implant-related infections with preosteoblastic cells, and analysed the minimal concentration of bacteria able to colonise the surface of the material with image analysis.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis, affecting approximately 15% of the human population. Recently, increased concentration of nitric oxide in serum and synovial fluid in patients with OA has been observed. However, the exact role of nitric oxide in the initiation of OA has not been elucidated. The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of nitric oxide in innate immune regulation during OA initiation in rats.
Rat OA was induced by performing meniscectomy surgery while cartilage samples were collected 0, 7, and 14 days after surgery. Cartilage cytokine levels were determined by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, while other proteins were assessed by using Western blot
This study aimed to explore the role of miR-320a in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis (OA).
Human cartilage cells (C28/I2) were transfected with miR-320a or antisense oligonucleotides (ASO)-miR-320a, and treated with IL-1β. Subsequently the expression of collagen type II alpha 1 (Col2α1) and aggrecan (ACAN), and the concentrations of sulfated glycosaminoglycans (sGAG) and matrix metallopeptidase 13 (MMP-13), were assessed. Luciferase reporter assay, qRT-PCR, and Western blot were performed to explore whether pre-B-cell leukemia Homeobox 3 (PBX3) was a target of miR-320a. Furthermore, cells were co-transfected with miR-320a and PBX3 expressing vector, or cells were transfected with miR-320a and treated with a nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) antagonist MG132. The changes in Col2α1 and ACAN expression, and in sGAG and MMP-13 concentrations, were measured again. Statistical comparisons were made between two groups by using the two-tailed paired
To compare the therapeutic potential of tissue-engineered constructs (TECs) combining mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and coral granules from either
Materials and Methods
Bone marrow-derived, autologous MSCs were seeded on
Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a major potential complication following orthopaedic surgery. Subcutaneously administered enoxaparin has been used as the benchmark to reduce the incidence of VTE. However, concerns have been raised regarding the long-term administration of enoxaparin and its possible negative effects on bone healing and bone density with an increase of the risk of osteoporotic fractures. New oral anticoagulants such as rivaroxaban have recently been introduced, however, there is a lack of information regarding how these drugs affect bone metabolism and post-operative bone healing.
We measured the migration and proliferation capacity of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) under enoxaparin or rivaroxaban treatment for three consecutive weeks, and evaluated effects on MSC mRNA expression of markers for stress and osteogenic differentiation.
Cite this article: A. A. Abubakar, M. M. Noordin, T. I. Azmi, U. Kaka, M. Y. Loqman. The use of rats and mice as animal models in
Osteoarthritis (OA) is characterised by articular cartilage degradation. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have been identified in the development of OA. The purpose of our study was to explore the functional role and underlying mechanism of miR-138-5p in interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β)-induced extracellular matrix (ECM) degradation of OA cartilage.
Materials and Methods
Human articular cartilage was obtained from patients with and without OA, and chondrocytes were isolated and stimulated by IL-1β. The expression levels of miR-138-5p in cartilage and chondrocytes were both determined. After transfection with miR-138-5p mimics, allele-specific oligonucleotide (ASO)-miR-138-5p, or their negative controls, the messenger RNA (mRNA) levels of aggrecan (ACAN), collagen type II and alpha 1 (COL2A1), the protein levels of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), and both the mRNA and protein levels of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-13 were evaluated. Luciferase reporter assay, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR), and Western blot were performed to explore whether Forkhead Box C1 (FOCX1) was a target of miR-138-5p. Further, we co-transfected OA chondrocytes with miR-138-5p mimics and pcDNA3.1 (+)-FOXC1 and then stimulated with IL-1β to determine whether miR-138-5p-mediated IL-1β-induced cartilage matrix degradation resulted from targeting FOXC1.
Interleukin 18 (IL-18) is a regulatory cytokine that degrades the disc matrix. Bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) stimulates synthesis of the disc extracellular matrix. However, the combined effects of BMP-2 and IL-18 on human intervertebral disc degeneration have not previously been reported. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the anabolic cytokine BMP-2 and the catabolic cytokine IL-18 on human nucleus pulposus (NP) and annulus fibrosus (AF) cells and, therefore, to identify potential therapeutic and clinical benefits of recombinant human (rh)BMP-2 in intervertebral disc degeneration.
Levels of IL-18 were measured in the blood of patients with intervertebral disc degenerative disease and in control patients. Human NP and AF cells were cultured in a NP cell medium and treated with IL-18 or IL-18 plus BMP-2. mRNA levels of target genes were measured by real-time polymerase chain reaction, and protein levels of aggrecan, type II collagen, SOX6, and matrix metalloproteinase 13 (MMP13) were assessed by western blot analysis.
We have observed clinical cases where bone is formed in the overlaying muscle covering surgically created bone defects treated with a hydroxyapatite/calcium sulphate biomaterial. Our objective was to investigate the osteoinductive potential of the biomaterial and to determine if growth factors secreted from local bone cells induce osteoblastic differentiation of muscle cells.
Materials and Methods
We seeded mouse skeletal muscle cells C2C12 on the hydroxyapatite/calcium sulphate biomaterial and the phenotype of the cells was analysed. To mimic surgical conditions with leakage of extra cellular matrix (ECM) proteins and growth factors, we cultured rat bone cells ROS 17/2.8 in a bioreactor and harvested the secreted proteins. The secretome was added to rat muscle cells L6. The phenotype of the muscle cells after treatment with the media was assessed using immunostaining and light microscopy.
We sought to determine if a durable bilayer implant composed of trabecular metal with autologous periosteum on top would be suitable to reconstitute large osteochondral defects. This design would allow for secure implant fixation, subsequent integration and remodeling.
Materials and Methods
Adult sheep were randomly assigned to one of three groups (n = 8/group): 1. trabecular metal/periosteal graft (TMPG), 2. trabecular metal (TM), 3. empty defect (ED). Cartilage and bone healing were assessed macroscopically, biochemically (type II collagen, sulfated glycosaminoglycan (sGAG) and double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) content) and histologically.
Temperature is known to influence muscle physiology, with the velocity of shortening, relaxation and propagation all increasing with temperature. Scant data are available, however, regarding thermal influences on energy required to induce muscle damage.
Gastrocnemius and soleus muscles were harvested from 36 male rat limbs and exposed to increasing impact energy in a mechanical test rig. Muscle temperature was varied in 5°C increments, from 17°C to 42°C (to encompass the
Animal models have been developed that allow simulation of post-traumatic joint contracture. One such model involves contracture-forming surgery followed by surgical capsular release. This model allows testing of antifibrotic agents, such as rosiglitazone.
A total of 20 rabbits underwent contracture-forming surgery. Eight weeks later, the animals underwent a surgical capsular release. Ten animals received rosiglitazone (intramuscular initially, then orally). The animals were sacrificed following 16 weeks of free cage mobilisation. The joints were tested biomechanically, and the posterior capsule was assessed histologically and via genetic microarray analysis.
The purpose of this study was to compare the results and complications of tibial lengthening over an intramedullary nail with treatment using the traditional Ilizarov method.
In this matched case study, 16 adult patients underwent 19 tibial lengthening over nails (LON) procedures. For the matched case group, 17 patients who underwent 19 Ilizarov tibial lengthenings were retrospectively matched to the LON group.
Healing in cancellous metaphyseal bone might be different from midshaft fracture healing due to different access to mesenchymal stem cells, and because metaphyseal bone often heals without a cartilaginous phase. Inflammation plays an important role in the healing of a shaft fracture, but if metaphyseal injury is different, it is important to clarify if the role of inflammation is also different. The biology of fracture healing is also influenced by the degree of mechanical stability. It is unclear if inflammation interacts with stability-related factors.
We investigated the role of inflammation in three different models: a metaphyseal screw pull-out, a shaft fracture with unstable nailing (IM-nail) and a stable external fixation (ExFix) model. For each, half of the animals received dexamethasone to reduce inflammation, and half received control injections. Mechanical and morphometric evaluation was used.
The major problem with repair of an articular cartilage injury is the extensive difference in the structure and function of regenerated, compared with normal cartilage. Our work investigates the feasibility of repairing articular osteochondral defects in the canine knee joint using a composite lamellar scaffold of nano-ß-tricalcium phosphate (ß-TCP)/collagen (col) I and II with bone marrow stromal stem cells (BMSCs) and assesses its biological compatibility.
The bone–cartilage scaffold was prepared as a laminated composite, using hydroxyapatite nanoparticles (nano-HAP)/collagen I/copolymer of polylactic acid–hydroxyacetic acid as the bony scaffold, and sodium hyaluronate/poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) as the cartilaginous scaffold. Ten-to 12-month-old hybrid canines were randomly divided into an experimental group and a control group. BMSCs were obtained from the iliac crest of each animal, and only those of the third generation were used in experiments. An articular osteochondral defect was created in the right knee of dogs in both groups. Those in the experimental group were treated by implanting the composites consisting of the lamellar scaffold of ß-TCP/col I/col II/BMSCs. Those in the control group were left untreated.
Reported rates of dislocation in hip hemiarthroplasty (HA) for the treatment of intra-capsular fractures of the hip, range between 1% and 10%. HA is frequently performed through a direct lateral surgical approach. The aim of this study is to determine the contribution of the anterior capsule to the stability of a cemented HA through a direct lateral approach.
A total of five whole-body cadavers were thawed at room temperature, providing ten hip joints for investigation. A Thompson HA was cemented in place via a direct lateral approach. The cadavers were then positioned supine, both knee joints were disarticulated and a digital torque wrench was attached to the femur using a circular frame with three half pins. The wrench applied an external rotation force with the hip in extension to allow the hip to dislocate anteriorly. Each hip was dislocated twice; once with a capsular repair and once without repairing the capsule. Stratified sampling ensured the order in which this was performed was alternated for the paired hips on each cadaver.
Comparing peak torque force in hips with the capsule repaired
and peak torque force in hips without repair of the capsule, revealed
a significant difference between the ‘capsule repaired’ (mean 22.96
Nm, standard deviation (
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Acetabular component orientation in total hip arthroplasty (THA) influences results. Intra-operatively, the natural arthritic acetabulum is often used as a reference to position the acetabular component. Detailed information regarding its orientation is therefore essential. The aim of this study was to identify the acetabular inclination and anteversion in arthritic hips.
Acetabular inclination and anteversion in 65 symptomatic arthritic hips requiring THA were measured using a computer navigation system. All patients were Caucasian with primary osteoarthritis (29 men, 36 women). The mean age was 68 years (SD 8). Mean inclination was 50.5° (SD 7.8) in men and 52.1° (SD 6.7) in women. Mean anteversion was 8.3° (SD 8.7) in men and 14.4° (SD 11.6) in women.
The aim of this experimental study on New Zealand’s white rabbits was to investigate the transplantation of autogenous growth plate cells in order to treat the injured growth plate. They were assessed in terms of measurements of radiological tibial varus and histological characteristics.
An experimental model of plate growth medial partial resection of the tibia in 14 New Zealand white rabbits was created. During this surgical procedure the plate growth cells were collected and cultured. While the second surgery was being performed, the autologous cultured growth plate cells were grafted at the right tibia, whereas the left tibia was used as a control group.
Acetabular retractors have been implicated in damage to the femoral and obturator nerves during total hip replacement. The aim of this study was to determine the anatomical relationship between retractor placement and these nerves.
A posterior approach to the hip was carried out in six fresh cadaveric half pelves. Large Hohmann acetabular retractors were placed anteriorly, over the acetabular lip, and inferiorly, and their relationship to the femoral and obturator nerves was examined.
This protocol describes a pragmatic multicentre randomised controlled trial (RCT) to assess the clinical and cost effectiveness of arthroscopic and open surgery in the management of rotator cuff tears. This trial began in 2007 and was modified in 2010, with the removal of a non-operative arm due to high rates of early crossover to surgery.
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The treatment of chronic osteomyelitis often includes surgical debridement and filling the resultant void with antibiotic-loaded polymethylmethacrylate cement, bone grafts or bone substitutes. Recently, the use of bioactive glass to treat bone defects in infections has been reported in a limited series of patients. However, no direct comparison between this biomaterial and antibiotic-loaded bone substitute has been performed.
In this retrospective study, we compared the safety and efficacy of surgical debridement and local application of the bioactive glass S53P4 in a series of 27 patients affected by chronic osteomyelitis of the long bones (Group A) with two other series, treated respectively with an antibiotic-loaded hydroxyapatite and calcium sulphate compound (Group B; n = 27) or a mixture of tricalcium phosphate and an antibiotic-loaded demineralised bone matrix (Group C; n = 22). Systemic antibiotics were also used in all groups.
After comparable periods of follow-up, the control of infection was similar in the three groups. In particular, 25 out of 27 (92.6%) patients of Group A, 24 out of 27 (88.9%) in Group B and 19 out of 22 (86.3%) in Group C showed no infection recurrence at means of 21.8 (12 to 36), 22.1 (12 to 36) and 21.5 (12 to 36) months follow-up, respectively, while Group A showed a reduced wound complication rate.
Our results show that patients treated with a bioactive glass without local antibiotics achieved similar eradication of infection and less drainage than those treated with two different antibiotic-loaded calcium-based bone substitutes.
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The peer review process for the evaluation of manuscripts for publication needs to be better understood by the orthopaedic community. Improving the degree of transparency surrounding the review process and educating orthopaedic surgeons on how to improve their manuscripts for submission will help improve both the review procedure and resultant feedback, with an increase in the quality of the subsequent publications. This article seeks to clarify the peer review process and suggest simple ways in which the quality of submissions can be improved to maximise publication success.
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We aimed to examine the characteristics of deep venous flow in the leg in a cast and the effects of a wearable neuromuscular stimulator (geko; FirstKind Ltd) and also to explore the participants’ tolerance of the stimulator.
This is an open-label physiological study on ten healthy volunteers. Duplex ultrasonography of the superficial femoral vein measured normal flow and cross-sectional area in the standing and supine positions (with the lower limb initially horizontal and then elevated). Flow measurements were repeated during activation of the geko stimulator placed over the peroneal nerve. The process was repeated after the application of a below-knee cast. Participants evaluated discomfort using a questionnaire (verbal rating score) and a scoring index (visual analogue scale).
To review the current best surgical practice and detail a multi-disciplinary approach that could further reduce joint replacement infection.
Review of relevant literature indexed in PubMed.
To review the systemic impact of smoking on bone healing as evidenced within the orthopaedic literature.
A protocol was established and studies were sourced from five electronic databases. Screening, data abstraction and quality assessment was conducted by two review authors. Prospective and retrospective clinical studies were included. The primary outcome measures were based on clinical and/or radiological indicators of bone healing. This review specifically focused on non-spinal orthopaedic studies.
The purposes of this study were to define the range of laxity of the interosseous ligaments in cadaveric wrists and to determine whether this correlated with age, the morphology of the lunate, the scapholunate (SL) gap or the SL angle. We evaluated 83 fresh-frozen cadaveric wrists and recorded the SL gap and SL angle. Standard arthroscopy of the wrist was then performed and the grades of laxity of the scapholunate interosseous ligament (SLIL) and the lunotriquetral interosseous ligament (LTIL) and the morphology of the lunate were recorded. Arthroscopic evaluation of the SLIL revealed four (5%) grade I specimens, 28 (34%) grade II, 40 (48%) grade III and 11 (13%) grade IV. Evaluation of the LTIL showed 17 (20%) grade I specimens, 40 (48%) grade II, 28 (30%) grade III and one (1%) grade IV.
On both bivariate and multivariate analysis, the grade of both the SLIL and LTIL increased with age, but decreased with female gender. The grades of SLIL or LTIL did not correlate with the morphology of the lunate, the SL gap or the SL angle. The physiological range of laxity at the SL and lunotriquetral joints is wider than originally described. The intercarpal ligaments demonstrate an age-related progression of laxity of the SL and lunotriquetral joints. There is no correlation between the grades of laxity of the SLIL or LTIL and the morphology of the lunate, the SL gap or the SL grade. Based on our results, we believe that the Geissler classification has a role in describing intercarpal laxity, but if used alone it cannot adequately diagnose pathological instability.
We suggest a modified classification with a mechanism that may distinguish physiological laxity from pathological instability.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is an important cause of pain, disability and economic loss in humans, and is similarly important in the horse. Recent knowledge on post-traumatic OA has suggested opportunities for early intervention, but it is difficult to identify the appropriate time of these interventions. The horse provides two useful mechanisms to answer these questions: 1) extensive experience with clinical OA in horses; and 2) use of a consistently predictable model of OA that can help study early pathobiological events, define targets for therapeutic intervention and then test these putative therapies. This paper summarises the syndromes of clinical OA in horses including pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment, and details controlled studies of various treatment options using an equine model of clinical OA.
To assess the sensitivity and specificity of self-reported osteoporosis compared with dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) defined osteoporosis, and to describe medication use among participants with the condition.
Data were obtained from a population-based longitudinal study and assessed for the prevalence of osteoporosis, falls, fractures and medication use. DXA scans were also undertaken.
The aim of this study was to determine whether exposure of human articular cartilage to hyperosmotic saline (0.9%, 600 mOsm) reduces
Using confocal laser scanning microscopy, we identified a sixfold (p = 0.04) decrease in chondrocyte death following mechanical injury in the superficial zone of human articular cartilage exposed to hyperosmotic saline compared with normal saline.
These data suggest that increasing the osmolarity of joint irrigation solutions used during open and arthroscopic articular surgery may reduce chondrocyte death from surgical injury and could promote integrative cartilage repair.
The aim of our study was to investigate whether placing of the femoral component of a hip resurfacing in valgus protected against spontaneous fracture of the femoral neck.
We performed a hip resurfacing in 20 pairs of embalmed femora. The femoral component was implanted at the natural neck-shaft angle in the left femur and with a 10° valgus angle on the right. The bone mineral density of each femur was measured and CT was performed. Each femur was evaluated in a materials testing machine using increasing cyclical loads.
In specimens with good bone quality, the 10° valgus placement of the femoral component had a protective effect against fractures of the femoral neck. An adverse effect was detected in osteoporotic specimens.
When resurfacing the hip a valgus position of the femoral component should be achieved in order to prevent fracture of the femoral neck. Patient selection remains absolutely imperative. In borderline cases, measurement of bone mineral density may be indicated.
In an osteological collection of 3100 specimens, 70 were found with unilateral clavicular fractures which were matched with 70 randomly selected normal specimens. This formed the basis of a study of the incidence of arthritis of the acromioclavicular joint and the effect of clavicular fracture on the development of arthritis in the ipsilateral acromioclavicular joint. This was graded visually on a severity scale of 0 to 3. The incidence of moderate to severe arthritis of the acromioclavicular joint in normal specimens was 77% (100 specimens). In those with a clavicular fracture, 66 of 70 (94%) had arthritis of the acromioclavicular joint, compared to 63 of 70 (90%) on the non-injured contralateral side (p = 0.35).
Clavicles with shortening of 15 mm or less had no difference in the incidence of arthritis compared to those with shortening greater than 15 mm (p = 0.25). The location of the fracture had no effect on the development of arthritis.
We have developed an animal model to examine the formation of heterotopic ossification using standardised muscular damage and implantation of a beta-tricalcium phosphate block into a hip capsulotomy wound in Wistar rats. The aim was to investigate how cells originating from drilled femoral canals and damaged muscles influence the formation of heterotopic bone. The femoral canal was either drilled or left untouched and a tricalcium phosphate block, immersed either in saline or a rhBMP-2 solution, was implanted. These implants were removed at three and 21 days after the operation and examined histologically, histomorphometrically and immunohistochemically.
Bone formation was seen in all implants in rhBMP-2-immersed, whereas in those immersed in saline the process was minimal, irrespective of drilling of the femoral canals. Bone mineralisation was somewhat greater in the absence of drilling with a mean mineralised volume to mean total volume of 18.2% (
Our findings suggest that osteoinductive signalling is an early event in the formation of ectopic bone. If applicable to man the results indicate that careful tissue handling is more important than the prevention of the dissemination of bone cells in order to avoid heterotopic ossification.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the cultivation potential of cartilage taken from the debrided edge of a chronic lesion of the articular surface. A total of 14 patients underwent arthroscopy of the knee for a chronic lesion on the femoral condyles or trochlea. In addition to the routine cartilage biopsy, a second biopsy of cartilage was taken from the edge of the lesion. The cells isolated from both sources underwent parallel cultivation as monolayer and three-dimensional (3D) alginate culture. The cell yield, viability, capacity for proliferation, morphology and the expressions of typical cartilage genes (collagen I, COL1; collagen II, COL2; aggrecan, AGR; and versican, VER) were assessed. The cartilage differentiation indices (COL2/COL1, AGR/VER) were calculated. The control biopsies revealed a higher mean cell yield (1346 cells/mg
Our results suggest that the cultivation of chondrocytes solely from the edges of the lesion cannot be recommended for use in autologous chondrocyte implantation.
We have undertaken a prospective study in patients with a fracture of the femoral shaft requiring intramedullary nailing to test the hypothesis that the femoral canal could be a potential source of the second hit phenomenon. We determined the local femoral intramedullary and peripheral release of interleukin-6 (IL-6) after fracture and subsequent intramedullary reaming.
In all patients, the fracture caused a significant increase in the local femoral concentrations of IL-6 compared to a femoral control group. The concentration of IL-6 in the local femoral environment was significantly higher than in the patients own matched blood samples from their peripheral circulation. The magnitude of the local femoral release of IL-6 after femoral fracture was independent of the injury severity score and whether the fracture was closed or open.
In patients who underwent intramedullary reaming of the femoral canal a further significant local release of IL-6 was demonstrated, providing evidence that intramedullary reaming can cause a significant local inflammatory reaction.
In order to determine the potential for an internervous safe zone, 20 hips from human cadavers were dissected to map out the precise pattern of innervation of the hip capsule. The results were illustrated in the form of a clock face. The reference point for measurement was the inferior acetabular notch, representing six o’clock. Capsular branches from between five and seven nerves contributed to each hip joint, and were found to innervate the capsule in a relatively constant pattern. An internervous safe zone was identified anterosuperiorly in an arc of 45° between the positions of one o’clock and half past two.
Our study shows that there is an internervous zone that could be safely used in a capsule-retaining anterior, anterolateral or lateral approach to the hip, or during portal placement in hip arthroscopy.
The patellofemoral joint is an important source of symptoms in osteoarthritis of the knee. We have used a newly designed surgical model of patellar strengthening to induce osteoarthritis in BALB/c mice and to establish markers by investigating the relationship between osteoarthritis and synovial levels of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Osteoarthritis was induced by using this microsurgical technique under direct vision without involving the cavity of the knee. Degeneration of cartilage was assessed by the Mankin score and synovial tissue was used to determine the mRNA expression levels of MMPs. Irrigation fluid from the knee was used to measure the concentrations of MMP-3 and MMP-9. Analysis of cartilage degeneration was correlated with the levels of expression of MMP.
After operation the patellofemoral joint showed evidence of mild osteoarthritis at eight weeks and further degenerative changes by 12 weeks. The level of synovial MMP-9 mRNA correlated with the Mankin score at eight weeks, but not at 12 weeks. The levels of MMP-2, MMP-3 and MMP-14 mRNA correlated with the Mankin score at 12 weeks. An increase in MMP-3 was observed from four weeks up to 16 weeks. MMP-9 was notably increased at eight weeks, but the concentration at 16 weeks had decreased to the level observed at four weeks.
Our observations suggest that MMP-2, MMP-3 and MMP-14 could be used as markers of the progression of osteoarthritic change.
External fixation of distal tibial fractures is often associated with delayed union. We have investigated whether union can be enhanced by using recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-7 (rhBMP-7).
Osteoinduction with rhBMP-7 and bovine collagen was used in 20 patients with distal tibial fractures which had been treated by external fixation (BMP group). Healing of the fracture was compared with that of 20 matched patients in whom treatment was similar except that rhBMP-7 was not used.
Significantly more fractures had healed by 16 (p = 0.039) and 20 weeks (p = 0.022) in the BMP group compared with the matched group. The mean time to union (p = 0.002), the duration of absence from work (p = 0.018) and the time for which external fixation was required (p = 0.037) were significantly shorter in the BMP group than in the matched group. Secondary intervention due to delayed healing was required in two patients in the BMP group and seven in the matched group.
RhBMP-7 can enhance the union of distal tibial fractures treated by external fixation.
We dissected 20 cadaver hips in order to investigate the anatomy and excursion of the trochanteric muscles in relation to the posterior approach for total hip replacement. String models of each muscle were created and their excursion measured while the femur was moved between its anatomical position and the dislocated position. The position of the hip was determined by computer navigation.
In contrast to previous studies which showed a separate insertion of piriformis and obturator internus, our findings indicated that piriformis inserted onto the superior and anterior margins of the greater trochanter through a conjoint tendon with obturator internus, and had connections to gluteus medius posteriorly. Division of these connections allowed lateral mobilisation of gluteus medius with minimal retraction. Analysis of the excursion of these muscles revealed that positioning the thigh for preparation of the femur through this approach elongated piriformis to a maximum of 182%, obturator internus to 185% and obturator externus to 220% of their resting lengths, which are above the thresholds for rupture of these muscles.
Our findings suggested that gluteus medius may be protected from overstretching by release of its connection with the conjoint tendon. In addition, failure to detach piriformis or the obturators during a posterior approach for total hip replacement could potentially produce damage to these muscles because of over-stretching, obturator externus being the most vulnerable.
We split 100 porcine flexor tendons into five groups of 20 tendons for repair. Three groups were repaired using the Pennington modified Kessler technique, the cruciate or the Savage technique, one using one new device per tendon and the other with two new devices per tendon. Half of the tendons received supplemental circumferential Silfverskiöld type B cross-stitch. The repairs were loaded to failure and a record made of their bulk, the force required to produce a 3 mm gap, the maximum force applied before failure and the stiffness. When only one device was used repairs were equivalent to the Pennington modified Kessler for all parameters except the force to produce a 3 mm gap when supplemented with a circumferential repair, which was equivalent to the cruciate.
When two devices were used the repair strength was equivalent to the cruciate repair, and when the two-device repair was supplemented with a circumferential suture the force to produce a 3 mm gap was equivalent to that of the Savage six-strand technique.
The aim of this study was to establish a classification system for the acromioclavicular joint using cadaveric dissection and radiological analyses of both reformatted computed tomographic scans and conventional radiographs centred on the joint. This classification should be useful for planning arthroscopic procedures or introducing a needle and in prospective studies of biomechanical stresses across the joint which may be associated with the development of joint pathology.
We have demonstrated three main three-dimensional morphological groups namely flat, oblique and curved, on both cadaveric examination and radiological assessment. These groups were recognised in both the coronal and axial planes and were independent of age.
Injection or aspiration of the ankle may be performed through either an anteromedial or an anterolateral approach for diagnostic or therapeutic reasons. We evaluated the success of an intra-articular puncture in relation to its site in 76 ankles from 38 cadavers. Two orthopaedic surgical trainees each injected methylene blue dye into 18 of 38 ankles through an anterolateral approach and into 20 of 38 through an anteromedial. An arthrotomy was then performed to confirm the placement of the dye within the joint.
Of the anteromedial injections 31 of 40 (77.5%, 95% confidence interval (CI) 64.6 to 90.4) were successful as were 31 of 36 (86.1%, 95% CI 74.8 to 97.4) anterolateral injections. In total 62 of 76 (81.6%, 95% CI 72.9 to 90.3) of the injections were intra-articular with a trend towards greater accuracy with the anterolateral approach, but this difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.25). In the case of trainee A, 16 of 20 anteromedial injections and 14 of 18 anterolateral punctures were intra-articular. Trainee B made successful intra-articular punctures in 15 of 20 anteromedial and 17 of 18 anterolateral approaches. There was no significant difference between them (p = 0.5 and p = 0.16 for the anteromedial and anterolateral approaches, respectively). These results were similar to those of other reported studies. Unintended peri-articular injection can cause complications and an unsuccessful aspiration can delay diagnosis. Placement of the needle may be aided by the use of ultrasonographic scanning or fluoroscopy which may be required in certain instances.
The nervous system is known to be involved in inflammation and repair. We aimed to determine the effect of physical activity on the healing of a muscle injury and to examine the pattern of innervation. Using a drop-ball technique, a contusion was produced in the gastrocnemius in 20 rats. In ten the limb was immobilised in a plaster cast and the remaining ten had mobilisation on a running wheel. The muscle and the corresponding dorsal-root ganglia were studied by histological and immunohistochemical methods.
In the mobilisation group, there was a significant reduction in lymphocytes (p = 0.016), macrophages (p = 0.008) and myotubules (p = 0.008) between three and 21 days. The formation of myotubules and the density of nerve fibres was significantly higher (both p = 0.016) compared with those in the immobilisation group at three days, while the density of CGRP-positive fibres was significantly lower (p = 0.016) after 21 days.
Mobilisation after contusional injury to the muscle resulted in early and increased formation of myotubules, early nerve regeneration and progressive reduction in inflammation, suggesting that it promoted a better healing response.
Intra-articular punctures and injections are performed routinely on patients with injuries to and chronic diseases of joints, to release an effusion or haemarthrosis, or to inject drugs. The purpose of this study was to investigate the accuracy of placement of the needle during this procedure.
A total of 76 cadaver acromioclavicular joints were injected with a solution containing methyl blue and subsequently dissected to distinguish intra- from peri-articular injection. In order to assess the importance of experience in achieving accurate placement, half of the injections were performed by an inexperienced resident and half by a skilled specialist. The specialist injected a further 20 cadaver acromioclavicular joints with the aid of an image intensifier. The overall frequency of peri-articular injection was much higher than expected at 43% (33 of 76) overall, with 42% (16 of 38) by the specialist and 45% (17 of 38) by the resident. The specialist entered the joint in all 20 cases when using the image intensifier.
Correct positioning of the needle in the joint should be facilitated by fluoroscopy, thereby guaranteeing an intra-articular injection.
A cavovarus foot deformity was simulated in cadaver specimens by inserting metallic wedges of 15° and 30° dorsally into the first tarsometatarsal joint. Sensors in the ankle joint recorded static tibiotalar pressure distribution at physiological load.
The peak pressure increased significantly from neutral alignment to the 30° cavus deformity, and the centre of force migrated medially. The anterior migration of the centre of force was significant for both the 15° (repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA), p = 0.021) and the 30° (repeated measures ANOVA, p = 0.007) cavus deformity. Differences in ligament laxity did not influence the peak pressure.
These findings support the hypothesis that the cavovarus foot deformity causes an increase in anteromedial ankle joint pressure leading to anteromedial arthrosis in the long term, even in the absence of lateral hindfoot instability.
In a rabbit model we investigated the efficacy of a silk fibroin/hydroxyapatite (SF/HA) composite on the repair of a segmental bone defect. Four types of porous SF/HA composites (SF/HA-1, SF/HA-2, SF/HA-3, SF/HA-4) with different material ratios, pore sizes, porosity and additives were implanted subcutaneously into Sprague-Dawley rats to observe biodegradation. SF/HA-3, which had characteristics more suitable for a bone substitite based on strength and resorption was selected as a scaffold and co-cultured with rabbit bone-marrow stromal cells (BMSCs). A segmental bone defect was created in the rabbit radius. The animals were randomised into group 1 (SF/HA-3 combined with BMSCs implanted into the bone defect), group 2 (SF/HA implanted alone) and group 3 (nothing implanted). They were killed at four, eight and 12 weeks for visual, radiological and histological study.
The bone defects had complete union for group 1 and partial union in group 2, 12 weeks after operation. There was no formation of new bone in group 3. We conclude that SF/HA-3 combined with BMSCs supports bone healing and offers potential as a bone-graft substitute.
Although success has been achieved with implantation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (bMSCs) in degenerative discs, its full potential may not be achieved if the harsh environment of the degenerative disc remains. Axial distraction has been shown to increase hydration and nutrition. Combining both therapies may have a synergistic effect in reversing degenerative disc disease. In order to evaluate the effect of bMSC implantation, axial distraction and combination therapy in stimulating regeneration and retarding degeneration in degenerative discs, we first induced disc degeneration by axial loading in a rabbit model.
The rabbits in the intervention groups performed better with respect to disc height, morphological grading, histological scoring and average dead cell count. The groups with distraction performed better than those without on all criteria except the average dead cell count.
Our findings suggest that bMSC implantation and distraction stimulate regenerative changes in degenerative discs in a rabbit model.
The medial periosteal hinge plays a key role in fractures of the head of the humerus, offering mechanical support during and after reduction and maintaining perfusion of the head by the vessels in the posteromedial periosteum. We have investigated the biomechanical properties of the medial periosteum in fractures of the proximal humerus using a standard model in 20 fresh-frozen cadaver specimens comparable in age, gender and bone mineral density. After creating the fracture, we displaced the humeral head medial or lateral to the shaft with controlled force until complete disruption of the posteromedial periosteum was recorded. As the quality of periosteum might be affected by age and bone quality, the results were correlated with the age and the local bone mineral density of the specimens measured with quantitative CT.
Periosteal rupture started at a mean displacement of 2.96 mm (
The mean bone mineral density was 0.111 g/cm3 (
This study showed that the posteromedial hinge is a mechanical structure capable of providing support for percutaneous reduction and stabilisation of a fracture by ligamentotaxis. Periosteal rupture started at a mean of about 3 mm and was completed by a mean displacement of just under 35 mm. The microvascular situation of the rupturing periosteum cannot be investigated with the current model.